This article is authorized by the author himself. "Qin'an Strategy" is exclusively original and published on the Toutiao platform. It is reprinted from the public account "Mingren Mingcha". There are many exciting contents, welcome to pay attention.

2024/06/1013:19:33 international 1814

[Editor's note] This article is authorized by the author himself. "Qin'an Strategy" is exclusively published on the Toutiao platform. It is reproduced from the public account "Mingren Mingcha". There are many exciting contents, welcome to pay attention.

Thanks to this country, I can continue to believe in "the law of heaven and reincarnation".

Something big happened in the UK this time. In the British Johnson government, 16 ministers have resigned.

This is not all about the seriousness of the problem. According to the latest and incomplete statistics, 45 British Conservative ministers and MPs holding senior government positions have resigned from their posts, and one minister has been dismissed by British Prime Minister Johnson, totaling 46 people. These include 3 cabinet ministers, 2 senior ministers, 16 ministers, 21 parliamentary private secretaries, and 4 trade envoys.

The current British government is falling apart. Playing this way, how many meters away are we from a "coup"?

Johnson, at the center of the storm, is under a lot of pressure. According to BBC related reports, cabinet members have gone to Downing Street one after another to persuade Johnson to resign, including even the new finance minister Zahavi who was just appointed by Johnson.

According to a temporary poll launched by the British opinion polling agency, 69% of British people believe Johnson should resign.

What happened in the UK?

It is said that the direct trigger of this collective resignation storm was Johnson's stubbornness and insistence on appointing Christopher Pincher, a close confidant who was accused of molesting men, as the deputy whip of the Conservative party with supervisory responsibilities. Johnson himself wanted to To take the pressure off of his appointment and explain his ignorance, only to be faced with mounting evidence that he was lying.

This triggered the dissatisfaction of cabinet officials into a political crisis.

I have no doubts about Johnson’s ability to put things right. After all, he has the aura of the British version of Trump . With the halo around you, getting things done is routine, and not doing things properly is abnormal. This time, a new historical record of British politics was created.

The British Health Secretary who was the first to resign said: "Enough is enough, I believe this is what it is now." They are all comrades in the party, and they spoke so categorically, leaving no room for error, and did not even consider meeting each other in the future. judges from this that it is unlikely that just one inappropriate appointment by Johnson could trigger such a big political crisis.

The world is watching with curiosity and an expression of not taking it too seriously to see whether Johnson, who has just passed the confidence vote within the party, can survive the crisis this time.

Johnson is still fighting, "A prime minister who has been given a huge mission, in difficult circumstances, his job is to keep moving forward, and that is what I will do." "I will never resign. The last thing this country needs is an election. . ”

Regardless of whether Johnson can continue to move forward, Britain is really dragging its age and it is getting harder and harder.

This article is authorized by the author himself.

In this sense, this crisis is neither entirely Johnson’s alone nor entirely the Conservative Party’s.

The entire UK is facing an unprecedented crisis.

Britain's biggest crisis is the country's growing tendency to divide. According to Reuters report, Scotland’s Chief Minister of Local Government Sturgeon announced last week that it plans to hold a second independence referendum in 2023. The seriousness of the

problem is that it is not just Scotland that has independent tendencies. On May 7, local time, the results of the local elections in Northern Ireland were announced. Sinn Féin, a party that advocates "Brexit" in Northern Ireland, won a resounding victory, becoming the first nationalist party to control the Northern Ireland Assembly in 101 years. Sinn Féin advocates Northern Ireland's separation from the United Kingdom and supports the formation of a "united Ireland".

Because the British government unilaterally modified the "Northern Ireland Agreement", the relationship between the British government and Northern Ireland has become tense.On July 5, local time, when the British police were responding to the security alert in Northern Ireland, local Northern Irish people threw bricks, stones and fireworks at the vehicle driven by the British police and the armored vehicle .

has always been quiet Wales , but it has not been quiet recently. Because the British government pressured Scotland to donate 65 million pounds to Ukraine , and Wales donated 30 million pounds to Ukraine, Wales was very dissatisfied and might join forces with Scotland.

Therefore, if you are watching the excitement of the ruling Conservative Party, the British Labor Party and the Liberal Democratic Party, , don't be too relaxed. No matter who comes to power, it will not be easy for anyone to face such a host of problems.

This is the reality in the UK. Britain was once the largest colonialist country in history, with colonies spanning several continents. It is no exaggeration to say that "the sun never sets on ". After fought and fought again, this empire on which the sun never sets has officially declined.

I originally thought that the British Empire retreated into Great Britain, which was the end of Britain's decline. Looking at it now, the probability of Great Britain becoming "Little Britain" is not small.

Britain, which once plunged many countries into division and internal strife, is what it is today.

This article is authorized by the author himself.

This island country has been so beautiful in history, but you will experience how lonely it is in the future. This country once took the lead in realizing the Industrial Revolution and made a great contribution to the advancement of human history to industrial society and modern civilization. However, it also brought serious disasters to many countries because of its bloody colonial and imperialist wars . The history of this country also needs to be viewed in two parts.

Although the landmark event in China's transition into modern history the Opium War was initiated by the British. The first unbalanced treaty requiring China to cede territory and pay compensation was also signed with the British. China's Old Summer Palace was also burned and robbed by the British and the French. Many precious Chinese cultural relics that were taken away are still displayed in British museums and have not been returned. But after all, that is what happened in history. Everyone has certain historical limitations. If you know your mistakes, you can correct them. There is no way to do good. The Chinese people originally did not particularly hold grudges against this country.

But what the Chinese people cannot forgive is that you have not only hurt me in history, but you are still determined to cause trouble against us. Then new and old grudges will come to mind, and new and old accounts will be settled together.

is like this for Japan, and it is also like this for the UK. Therefore, don’t blame Chinese netizens for watching the political civil strife in the UK with a particularly relaxed mood.

When Hong Kong returns to , if the British adopt a cooperative attitude, just like Portugal returned Macau, the Chinese will have a calm mind and turn the page of history and look forward, even if the McMahon Line drawn by the British is The source of the Sino-Indian border dispute, but after all, it was still something done before. But the British have the mentality that if they can't get it, they shouldn't let others get it. If they don't get it, they will destroy it. They have repeatedly added obstacles to China. This is not what people should do. Hong Kong has experienced so many twists and turns after its return, mainly because the British laid countless minefields before its return.

is the most famous "shit stirrer" in the world. He is not good at doing good deeds for others and doing bad things for others. However, his ancestral British talent has been passed down from generation to generation. He is best at planting mines and detonating detonations within or between countries. There are many contradictions and conflicts within and between countries.

Britain quickly changed its role from the world hegemon to the younger brother of the new hegemon, closely following the new leader and settling for second best. Although it cannot eat a lot of meat, it is still okay to live a good life. If we can stop scheming against others, we can live a good life for a few more years.

But as the world's number one "shit stirrer", if you don't stir things up, it's like a person who has a unique skill and doesn't use it, and will feel uncomfortable all over.

The last thing the UK should do is jump on the front line against China and Russia, but it does it and never tires of it. Apart from Brexit, this is probably the foreign affairs that Johnson is most concerned about during his term.Just to support Ukraine, the Johnson administration made the UK pay a heavy price.

Although we Chinese are very kind-hearted and don’t envy others who hope for things but others don’t, we will not die if we don’t struggle. Since the UK has chosen to be hostile to China, it would be happy to see it die quickly.

Because this country is doing things that are not good for us. We dare not continue to accuse China of reasonable behavior in exercising sovereignty over Hong Kong on the Hong Kong issue. In May 2022, we signed the Reciprocal Access Agreement with Japan, which agreed to deepen the two countries’ cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region. military cooperation. The British Defense Secretary also publicly threatened China to use the economies and markets of the seven Western countries as leverage to put pressure on China.

This article is authorized by the author himself.

There are constant domestic troubles and problems in the UK. Instead of facing and solving problems in a targeted manner, Johnson is trying every means to divert attention and pressure externally, using the containment of China and Russia as a pressure relief valve for domestic politics. Not a single domestic problem has been solved. Instead, there are more and more problems and they are becoming more and more acute.

Before the collective resignation of cabinet members and government executives, Johnson was facing the pressure of weak economic growth and soaring domestic prices.

British Prime Minister Johnson said in an interview with the BBC that although sanctions on Russia have caused British prices to skyrocket, in order to defend freedom, this is a price worth paying! In the face of the recent soaring food prices in the UK, British Prime Minister Johnson also gave an incredible suggestion: "The best way to lose weight is to eat less!"

Earlier, Johnson implemented the plan of lying down relatively early in Western countries. Policy, according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development , the UK is the only country in the Group of Seven where the proportion of the working-age population in the labor force fell between 2020 and 2021, with labor shortages causing lasting damage to the economy. On July 5, local time, the Bank of England warned that the British economic outlook had "seriously deteriorated."

The economy is in a slump, the family has no food surplus, and it has to assist Ukraine beyond its capacity. It would be strange if the various conflicts in the UK do not intensify.

Today’s life in Britain has become a comedy, becoming more and more like a joke.

Great Britain likes to create conflicts and plunge other countries into division and disputes. It is not impossible for this country united by four political entities to be divided into four.

The British Prime Minister Johnson, whose hair will never be "quiet", was elected by the United Kingdom, making British politics more and more " romantic color".

is indeed the British version of Trump. He likes to be independent and unconventional, and in just a few steps he has turned British politics into a whirlwind.

Just like Trump on the stage, in just four years, American politics has been greatly torn. Trump has replaced many senior staff officials during his term. Although the United Kingdom is a bit smaller, Johnson's ability to destroy does not seem to be much inferior to Trump's.

But it can easily become an illusion to think that replacing Johnson will fundamentally alleviate the UK's internal crisis. Because Johnson is just one of many "effects", not the "cause".

This article is authorized by the author himself.

Had it not been for the serious internal crisis in the UK, it would not have created such a huge absurd drama in front of the whole world.

Similar political absurd dramas are not only staged in the UK. The politics of the entire Western camp are increasingly becoming beyond common sense analysis. Including but not limited to:

The United States simultaneously targets China and Russia, which has single-handedly contributed to the escalation of Sino-Russian relations. The evolution of the situation is even more unfavorable to the United States than the worst outcome predicted by Brzezinski's "grand chess game".

Russia-Europe cooperation is obviously more beneficial to Europe than Russia-Europe confrontation. The United States will benefit from the fierce confrontation between Russia and Europe. However, Europe is now on the front line of anti-Russia and bears the greatest cost of anti-Russia. Even the manufacturing powerhouses In Germany, the country's manufacturing giants are now under great pressure because of soaring energy costs.In May, Germany had a trade deficit for the first time in more than 30 years. The chairman of the Confederation of German Industry warned: "The supply bottleneck of natural gas has caused many industries to face permanent collapse."

Although Japan and South Korea are not completely independent politically, they still have room to maintain a certain balance between China and the United States, but they now insist on siding with the United States.

Not to mention small countries such as the Czech Republic and Lithuania are determined to have trouble with China and do things that harm others but not themselves.

Politicians throughout the West in recent years are indeed as nine-pound old lady said, each generation is worse than the last.

The declining ability of politicians is a signal that the Western camp is collectively declining. It is a precursor that Western civilization, which has been leading for more than two to three hundred years, is losing its advanced nature and its ability to continue to lead the progress of human civilization.

The Soviet Union's Khrushchev came to power, and cracks were blown out of the foundation of the unbreakable alliance.

Trump, the American version of Khrushchev, came to power. The political halo of the United States was blown away, and the foundation of soft power suffered irreparable damage.

Johnson, the British version of Trump, is also the British version of Khrushchev. He is blowing up the cornerstone of the United Kingdom as a United Kingdom.

The capitalist camp believes that by solving the socialist camp headed by the Soviet Union, we can usher in the "end of history." However, the internal contradictions of capitalism, when there is external pressure from the Soviet Union, can still make more concessions to workers on distribution issues out of survival crisis, so as to alleviate domestic conflicts. Without the Soviet Union, the Western capitalist camp began to have fewer scruples. Neoliberalism became a prominent doctrine and the policy guiding theory of various countries. Capital made more profits, but it also hollowed out the foundation for the prosperity of Western countries.

Today's West is getting older and older, and its manufacturing strength has become increasingly difficult to support the West's existing international status and the existing Western-dominated international order.

France’s trade deficit in March was 11.5 billion euros, a record high. Britain's trade deficit in April was 8.5 billion pounds. Italy's trade deficit in April was 3.6 billion euros. Spain's trade deficit in April was 6.4 billion euros. Now even Germany, the strongest country in Europe, had a deficit of US$1.04 billion in May.

Japan has had a trade deficit for 10 consecutive months, with a deficit of US$17.8 billion in May.

The initial value of the U.S. trade deficit in May was US$104.3 billion.

This article is authorized by the author himself.

The export data of these seven Western countries are in deficit. Although not all are caused by manufacturing problems, the competitiveness of the manufacturing industries in these countries is declining without exception. Germany was originally the country with the best manufacturing competitiveness, but now it is encountering big problems. Don't talk about anything else, just look at the electricity price. The average wholesale electricity price in Germany in 2020 was 30.47 euros/MWh. After the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the electricity price in Germany skyrocketed to more than 250 euros. The latest benchmark one-year forward electricity contract price in Germany is 328 euros/MWh, which is more than 10 times the electricity price in 2020. How can manufacturing companies that consume large amounts of electricity survive such cost increases in the long term?

Among the top ten industrial countries in the world, only two countries have a surplus, one is Brazil and the other is us. China China's trade surplus in May was US$78.76 billion, a year-on-year expansion of 82%.

Manufacturing competitiveness is the most important cornerstone of a country's hard power. Changes in deficits and surpluses between countries reflect a trend. China's manufacturing scale advantage is still expanding and its competitiveness is still improving. China's industrial upgrading is making great strides. The last manufacturing position of developed countries is undergoing Facing the test brought by the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

The West did not bring good news to the economy because it was flat, but our economy became more competitive because we did not learn from the West.

Think about those people who are lying down in China, what will be the result if we listen to them. It will cost millions of lives and the economy will encounter severe difficulties. If you give up insisting on yourself, you will get nothing.

Combined with the recent revelations of textbooks and other issues, it has long been clear where the biggest obstacle to China's rise is and where its most dangerous opponent is. As long as our internal opponents do not confuse our original intentions and choices, the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is not only inevitable, but will likely be achieved at a faster speed.

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