In the past few days, Xingang Street has carried out various activities with the theme of celebrating "July 1", which has further strengthened the role of grassroots party organizations as a fighting fortress, strengthened the sense of mission of all party members in the area, an

2024/06/0621:17:33 international 1277

In the past few days, Xingang Street has carried out various activities with the theme of celebrating

In the past few days, Xingang Street has carried out various activities to celebrate the "July 1" theme, which has further enhanced the role of grassroots party organizations as a fighting fortress, strengthened the sense of mission of all party members in the jurisdiction, and guided party members to comprehensively build a beautiful " Bincheng ", accelerate the establishment of a new era of high-quality development of demonstration areas, and welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with outstanding results.

Party history knowledge contest inspires love for the party and country

Recently, the Xingang Street Federation of Trade Unions held a party history knowledge contest with the theme of “Welcoming grand gatherings, building loyalty, strong responsibility, and creating performance” to inspire the cadres and workers’ enthusiasm for the party and patriotism and “ Second Entrepreneurship" passion for struggle. 403 cadres and workers from 19 grassroots trade unions participated.

The competition is rich in content, involving the party’s development history, the party’s theoretical knowledge, the party’s principles and policies, etc., and includes 100 party history knowledge questions. After fierce competition, 9 people including Zhai Mengyan from Xingang Street Public Service Office and Shi Linwei from Xingang Street Comprehensive Law Enforcement Brigade won the first prize, 9 people including Xu Hao from Xingang Street Public Management Office won the second prize, and 10 people including Cheng Ming from Xingang Street Haiphongli Community won the first prize. won the third prize.

Theme Party Day Activities Enhance Party Members’ Sense of Mission

Recently, the Xinshangli Community of Xingang Street joined hands with the Party Committee of the Haihe Maritime Safety Bureau to carry out the theme Party Day activities of “Working hard in the new era and working hard towards the future” on the maritime patrol ship. More than 20 party members, community party members and probationary party members of Haihe Maritime Safety Bureau participated.

The Xinshangli Community Party Committee and the Haihe Maritime Safety Bureau Party Committee respectively represented their respective party organizations to learn the contents of the " Party Constitution " to strengthen party members' understanding of the great party-building spirit and enhance party members' sense of mission. Later, party member representatives from both parties shared stories or cases of political growth to enhance the party members’ sense of accomplishment. Finally, everyone took a sea patrol boat to visit the scenery on both sides of the Haihe River. During this period, a special session of celebrating political birthdays for party members was also interspersed, where participating party members reviewed the oath of joining the party, bringing this event to a climax. After the meeting, representatives of party members and volunteers went to Xinshangli Community to award commemorative medals of "50 Years of Glory in the Party" to veteran party members, sent condolences to party members in need, and expressed holiday blessings to veteran party members and party members in need.

The fragrance of books moistens people's hearts and promotes positive energy

Recently, members of the Xingang Street Calligraphy and Painting Association used ink to moisturize their hearts and empower them with the fragrance of books, and held an exhibition of calligraphy and painting works "Always Follow the Party and Forge a New Journey". The exhibition collects nearly 60 calligraphy and painting works and will be on display from June to July this year. The exhibited works have distinctive themes and exquisite art. They review the glorious history of the Party, eulogize the Party's great achievements, and promote the positive energy of socialism.

Source: Bincheng Times

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