Reporter Zhao Shifeng According to the British "Guardian" report on the 7th, British Prime Minister Johnson has agreed to resign as leader of the Conservative Party, but will temporarily remain as prime minister until this fall, waiting for the Conservative Party to choose a succ

2024/06/0715:17:33 international 1066

Reporter Zhao Shifeng

According to the British " Guardian " report on the 7th, British Prime Minister Johnson has agreed to resign as leader of the Conservative Party , but will temporarily remain as prime minister until this fall, waiting for the Conservative Party to choose a successor.

Reporter Zhao Shifeng According to the British

British Health Secretary Javid and Finance Minister Sunak resigned one after another on the 5th due to losing confidence in Johnson's leadership. The two resignations triggered a "wave of resignations". In just two days, dozens of government officials resigned.

Interestingly, at the beginning of this year, some people in the UK predicted that Johnson would resign this year and step down as early as May.

Reporter Zhao Shifeng According to the British

Sally Morgan

Sally Morgan, who is very popular in the UK, makes New Year predictions every year. Morgan said in a prophecy book published earlier this year that "the (British) government is about to undergo huge changes" and Prime Minister Johnson may resign in May.

"I think Johnson wants to leave and he will have a very good reason to say 'it's time for someone else to take over'. I think it will happen before the summer, maybe in May. It will look like he is being pushed out, but actually It's him who wants to leave," Morgan predicted at the time.

Reporter Zhao Shifeng According to the British

Left: Sally Morgan, Right: Harry and his wife

Morgan was a friend of Princess Diana during her lifetime. She was known as "Britain's most popular psychic " and once accurately predicted that a friend would become a millionaire. Morgan has many fans, and her "special performances" are often full of houses. Celebrities including the famous American movie star Uma Thurman and the British pop singer George Michael are her "clients".

Morgan's "career" began as a free teller, but now allegedly charges £5,000 per session. Regarding her "ability", it is said that she once predicted the tragedy of Princess Diana, also predicted Prince Harry's wife's hair color, and also predicted that Harry and his wife would still be together after going through a "turbulent period" .

But unlike Morgan's prediction, Johnson left reluctantly. As recently as the 6th of this month, he insisted that he would continue to fulfill his mission and ignored calls for his resignation.

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