Teddy is a popular dog breed nowadays. After raising a Teddy, many people truly understand why Teddy ranks second in IQ. This is not a dog at all, but a human being. What will a "human spirit" who is too smart do?

2024/06/3018:49:32 housepet 1466

Teddy is a popular dog breed nowadays.

Many people only know why Teddy has the second highest IQ after raising a Teddy.

This is not a dog at all. This is a dog. Human spirit.

What will a "human spirit" who is too smart do?

Teddy is a popular dog breed nowadays. After raising a Teddy, many people truly understand why Teddy ranks second in IQ. This is not a dog at all, but a human being. What will a

Secretly hiding food

Teddy will secretly hide his favorite food,

Wait until the owner is away, and then take it out to eat,

But this is not good, Teddy will easily eat spoiled food,

Therefore, if the owner often I found that the food at home disappeared for no reason,

must be careful to guard against this "little thief"!

Teddy is a popular dog breed nowadays. After raising a Teddy, many people truly understand why Teddy ranks second in IQ. This is not a dog at all, but a human being. What will a

Make mistakes and cover up the scene.

Teddy has a very high IQ and is very understanding of human nature.

It can feel that if it makes a mistake, it will be discovered by its owner.

It will definitely not escape the owner's punishment.

Then it will use its ability to "rearrange the scene" Ability,

to cover up the crime scene,

will even frame the crime to other dogs,

and then use superb innocent acting skills to deceive the owner,

is completely a "dog spirit".

Teddy is a popular dog breed nowadays. After raising a Teddy, many people truly understand why Teddy ranks second in IQ. This is not a dog at all, but a human being. What will a

Act cute when correcting mistakes.

Once the owner discovers that Teddy has made a mistake,

feels angry and wants to question it.

It will always lie and pretend to be crazy.

If it cannot escape,

will immediately act coquettish and cute to admit its mistake.

cleverly manipulates the owner. The soft-hearted mentality of

prevents it from being punished.

Teddy is a popular dog breed nowadays. After raising a Teddy, many people truly understand why Teddy ranks second in IQ. This is not a dog at all, but a human being. What will a

It will "jailbreak"

Some owners will let Teddy go into the cage before going out.

Even if the owner wants to lock it in the cage,

it can still find a way to escape on its own,

and it will also escape before the owner comes back. Back in the cage,

pretends that he has never been out,

causing the owner to look at the chaotic items in the house and become suspicious.

Teddy is a popular dog breed nowadays. After raising a Teddy, many people truly understand why Teddy ranks second in IQ. This is not a dog at all, but a human being. What will a

Teddy can’t understand the password without snacks

Sometimes Teddy will be very careful,

It will deliberately not understand the password of the owner,

No matter what the owner tells it to do,

It will just put on a puzzled face,

But as long as When the owner takes out snacks, it will become very attentive and can complete the owner's password immediately.

In order to make Teddy have better obedience,

the owner can do more training for it,

can also prepare some dog snacks,

so that Teddy will be more motivated.

Teddy is a popular dog breed nowadays. After raising a Teddy, many people truly understand why Teddy ranks second in IQ. This is not a dog at all, but a human being. What will a

Eat your favorite food first

Teddy also has the same characteristics as people.

Some people always eat what they like first when eating.

Teddy is the same. When the owner feeds it,

it will choose itself first. Eat whatever you like,

simply learned the essence of human beings very thoroughly.

Teddy is a popular dog breed nowadays. After raising a Teddy, many people truly understand why Teddy ranks second in IQ. This is not a dog at all, but a human being. What will a

If Teddy only eats the food he likes and

does not eat other foods,

the owner cannot spoil him and needs to intervene,

otherwise Teddy will be nutritionally unbalanced and prone to hair deterioration,

owner You can choose

a delicious, nutritionally balanced dog food for Teddy,

so that Teddy can eat well and provide sufficient nutrition to the body.

Teddy is a popular dog breed nowadays. After raising a Teddy, many people truly understand why Teddy ranks second in IQ. This is not a dog at all, but a human being. What will a

Conclusion: What other “human spirit” behaviors does your Teddy have?

Teddy is a popular dog breed nowadays. After raising a Teddy, many people truly understand why Teddy ranks second in IQ. This is not a dog at all, but a human being. What will a

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