"It's Mufu this year. Look, it's raining. It must not be hot!" said the owner of the black dog. The owner of the white dog who bared his teeth all day long (his teeth were as big as the ground) said: "The female dog you mentioned is good, but the female dog is not as good as the

2024/07/0214:33:32 housepet 1853

"It's a wet season this year. Look, it's raining. It must not be hot!" said the owner of the black dog.

The owner of the white dog who bared his teeth all day long (the teeth were ground to the sky ) said: "The female dog you mentioned is good, but the female dog is not as good as the male dog, and it will be hot and stuffy."

, I was confused when I heard it. Is Futian still divided into male and female? interesting.

Fruits are divided into male and female, and trees are also divided into male and female.

Not to mention animals, are there male and female seasons?

I went home and checked my phone to see if it was a boy or a girl in this hot day this year.

I opened it and read the first article. It turns out that the so-called male and female are based on whether the lunar day is an odd or an even day on the day when the volt comes. The single day is yang volt, which is male volt; the double day is yin volt, which is female volt.

Today is June 18th, so it is a yinfu and a maternal volt.

Haha, the owner of the black dog is right, it is the female dog. The article also said that "the male cat dog is bad, and the female child is cool." From this, it can be inferred that this year's dog days are not hot...

However, the recent heat has made people dizzy. , God will modify it later, and it will not be hot anymore? As legend has it, exceptions sometimes occur.

I then looked back: It would be okay if I didn’t look at it, but I would be even more confused after looking at it. In the second article, I wrote more and asked whether it would rain. This morning, it rained a few drops.

This article has the same point of view as the previous article: that is the certification of male and female. It is determined that this year is: Mufu. It seems that this year's Futian must be a Futian wearing a skirt, that's for sure. Looking further down: "The male is happy, the mother is evil" comes into view: The male is happy? Mother is in trouble? Is

bad or good? I flipped through it, and I made sure it said: "The public subdues the evil", oh~!

Who do I believe?

The owner of the little white dog is also right.

Haha, they must have read two articles describing the same thing.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s hot or not this year. If it’s hot and you sweat a lot, drink more water. If it's not hot, sweat less and drink less water.

Judging from the current situation, this year will definitely not be a cool summer.

The big solar energy burns everyone to a crisp.

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