To tell you the truth, when a dog is truly "raised" by you, it will often have these very obvious signals. Signal 1: A dog that is well-raised will be responsive to everything. It will pay great attention to the state of its owner. When you call it, it will It will immediately pu

2024/06/3008:54:32 housepet 1150

Let me tell you the truth

Dogs are really "familiar" by you

They often have these signals

Very obvious

To tell you the truth, when a dog is truly

Signal 1: Respond to everything

A dog that has been raised well will be very concerned about the status of its owner

When you When you call it, it will immediately put down what it is doing and run to you. No matter how many times you call it, it will always be there.

To tell you the truth, when a dog is truly

Signal 2: It is very sensitive to your footsteps. Dogs are very familiar with the footsteps of their owners.

They will know it is you as soon as they hear it, and they can’t wait to greet you at the door.

So every time you open the door, the dog will greet you at the door.

To tell you the truth, when a dog is truly

Signal 3: Showing to you Belly

The belly is the most vulnerable part of a dog

Dogs will pay great attention to it and will not let people expose it easily

If your dog exposes its belly, it still wants you to pet it

Explain the dog It has been trained by you.

To tell you the truth, when a dog is truly

Signal four: wag its tail when it sees you

A dog’s tail can show its mood

When a dog is excited and excited, it will wag its tail vigorously

When you look at When the dog takes the initiative to wag its tail at you

it means that the dog is very happy to see you. This is a sign that it will only show after being raised by you.

To tell you the truth, when a dog is truly

Signal 5: Likes to lick you

Although the dog cannot speak

, some of its behaviors It will tell you that it likes you very much, such as licking you.

When a dog is matured by you, it will often lick you.

In this way, it expresses its love for you.

In addition, it also wants to be on you. Leave a scent

to show that you belong to it

To tell you the truth, when a dog is truly

Signal 6: Unscrupulous sleeping posture

Dogs that have just arrived home are generally more wary

In unfamiliar environments, their sleeping postures hide their belly

If your dog sleeps unscrupulously

it means you have raised it well

It trusts the entire environment, which is why this happens

To tell you the truth, when a dog is truly

Signal 7: Actively begging for food

After the dog is mature, it will The dog owner will trust

and know you very well

He will know how to act coquettishly and you can give him food

If the dog is not well-raised by you,

he will not beg for food from you and will only wait for you to feed it. They

To tell you the truth, when a dog is truly

Poop scrapers usually interact more with dogs

In this way, dogs will trust you more

Feed more food and use delicious food to enhance the relationship between you

To tell you the truth, when a dog is truly

The editor has something to say

Since dogs are loyal to you

Owners who have great trust should also take good care of their dogs. For the health of their dogs, they must pay attention to their diet.

The long life of dogs has a lot to do with their diet.

It is recommended that owners choose some nutritious for them. Dog food as staple food

The following are all high-quality dog ​​foods. If pet owners don’t know how to choose, you can take a look at

To tell you the truth, when a dog is truly

Conclusion: Will your dog have the above phenomena?

Welcome to share your dog’s story with everyone in the comment area~

To tell you the truth, when a dog is truly

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