Samoyed is known as the smiling angel. He is alert and lively, likes to laugh, well-behaved and cute. He is a dog that many people like. But those who have raised it just want to say, don’t persuade me to raise a "Samoyed" again, the shortcomings are really obvious! Samoyeds are

2024/06/2820:31:33 housepet 1921

Samoyed is known as the smiling angel. He is alert and lively, likes to laugh, well-behaved and cute. He is a dog that many people like. But those who have raised it just want to say, don’t persuade me to raise a "Samoyed" again, the shortcomings are really obvious!

Samoyed is known as the smiling angel. He is alert and lively, likes to laugh, well-behaved and cute. He is a dog that many people like. But those who have raised it just want to say, don’t persuade me to raise a

Samoyeds are very greedy

Some dogs are really addicted to eating. For such a bite, they will try their best to please people and gain benefits.

When I encounter barbecue restaurants, bakeries and other shops that are easy to smell, the Samoyed will not leave. He will just stay in the same place and will not give up until you buy something for him to eat. He is such a glutton. Dogs can be really annoying sometimes.

Samoyed is known as the smiling angel. He is alert and lively, likes to laugh, well-behaved and cute. He is a dog that many people like. But those who have raised it just want to say, don’t persuade me to raise a

Samoyed is very stubborn

Although Samoyed is cute, it is actually as stubborn as a cow. It does not listen to what its owner says, but acts according to its own ideas. For example, if you choose the walking direction for a walk, if the Samoyed is not willing to go to the place designated by the owner, it will run in another direction. Training them is not easy either. Basically, you have to repeat it many times before you can remember it.

Samoyed is known as the smiling angel. He is alert and lively, likes to laugh, well-behaved and cute. He is a dog that many people like. But those who have raised it just want to say, don’t persuade me to raise a

Samoyed does not recognize his master

In the eyes of Samoyed, everyone is a good person and anyone can play with them. They are not afraid of strangers at all and are familiar dogs.

Dogs like Samoyeds that do not recognize their owners are very easy to be abducted, so owners should train them to follow them early, so that they will recognize one person as their owner and not dare to run around.

Samoyed is known as the smiling angel. He is alert and lively, likes to laugh, well-behaved and cute. He is a dog that many people like. But those who have raised it just want to say, don’t persuade me to raise a

Samoyeds exercise a lot

Samoyeds are also sled dogs. Naturally, they live up to this name. They exercise a lot. They go out for a walk every morning and evening, and occasionally play catch Frisbee and hide and seek with them. Wait for the game to consume its energy.

went out for a walk, and as soon as he loosened his leash, it was the time for him to let himself go. He would roll a few times when he saw the mudflat, and he wanted to swim twice when he saw the creek. Anyway, he was really energetic.

Samoyed is known as the smiling angel. He is alert and lively, likes to laugh, well-behaved and cute. He is a dog that many people like. But those who have raised it just want to say, don’t persuade me to raise a

Samoyed will tear down houses

Samoyed’s smile is very confusing. You will think it is a cute and docile little cute, but in fact it is the king of house destroyers. If you are interested in something you have never seen before, you will put it in your mouth and bite it a few times. If you really can't eat it, you will spit it out again. If

is kept at home for too long, it will tear down the house everywhere. Shoes, clothes, and kennels may all be bitten by it. Sometimes Samoyed will vomit because of eating randomly, and he has to go to the doctor. He is really a stupid dog.

Samoyed is known as the smiling angel. He is alert and lively, likes to laugh, well-behaved and cute. He is a dog that many people like. But those who have raised it just want to say, don’t persuade me to raise a

Samoyeds are dogs with weak stomachs, so they must be trained to resist food. Also try to choose dog food that is easier to digest.

There are many things to pay attention to when choosing dog food, so I will not expand on this topic here. will share a detailed article on dog food selection below. Interested pet owners can click to learn more.

Dry dog ​​food article: Samoyed is known as the smiling angel. He is alert and lively, likes to laugh, well-behaved and cute. He is a dog that many people like. But those who have raised it just want to say, don’t persuade me to raise a

Samoyed is shedding seriously

Samoyed is still a "hair-shedding monster". If you scratch it twice, the hair will fall off. Therefore, in order to keep the home clean, the owner needs to mop and sweep the floor every day, and comb its hair. Combing it outdoors can reduce hair falling at home.

In view of the serious hair loss problem of Samoyeds, owners should do a good job in hygiene and cleaning, and it is best to feed low-salt foods.

Samoyed is known as the smiling angel. He is alert and lively, likes to laugh, well-behaved and cute. He is a dog that many people like. But those who have raised it just want to say, don’t persuade me to raise a

Conclusion: Do you like Samoyed ?

Samoyed is known as the smiling angel. He is alert and lively, likes to laugh, well-behaved and cute. He is a dog that many people like. But those who have raised it just want to say, don’t persuade me to raise a

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