Follow [Ganbugui Grain-Free Cat Food], an original article on health science and pet care, please do not plagiarize. I believe many people are familiar with American Shorthair cats. In fact, people who know how to raise cats know that raising an American Shorthair cat at home has

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follows [Greedy and Grain-Free Cat Food], original article about healthy and scientific pet care

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I believe many people are familiar with American Shorthair cats. In fact, people who know how to raise cats know that there are many benefits to raising an American Shorthair cat at home. It is better than other cats!

Follow [Ganbugui Grain-Free Cat Food], an original article on health science and pet care, please do not plagiarize. I believe many people are familiar with American Shorthair cats. In fact, people who know how to raise cats know that raising an American Shorthair cat at home has - DayDayNews

① American Shorthair cats are better to raise

Anyone who knows American Shorthair cats will know that in fact, it is a very easy cat to raise, and its physique is better than other cats. It is rare to get sick, and it is also Not picky eaters.

American Shorthair cats also shed less hair and have very light body odor, so they won’t stink up the home!

Follow [Ganbugui Grain-Free Cat Food], an original article on health science and pet care, please do not plagiarize. I believe many people are familiar with American Shorthair cats. In fact, people who know how to raise cats know that raising an American Shorthair cat at home has - DayDayNews

② American Shorthair cats are good to people

American Shorthair cats are particularly friendly to people and can get along well with other pets, so this is why many people like to raise American Shorthair cats. It does not like to fight with other pets.

is usually very well-behaved and sleeps at home most of the time. It is very quiet!

Follow [Ganbugui Grain-Free Cat Food], an original article on health science and pet care, please do not plagiarize. I believe many people are familiar with American Shorthair cats. In fact, people who know how to raise cats know that raising an American Shorthair cat at home has - DayDayNews

③ The American Shorthair is very loyal

If you like a more loyal cat, then the American Shorthair is also particularly suitable for you, because it only recognizes one owner, and as long as you are good to it, it will follow you in this life.

Shorthair cats like to interact with their owners and will always follow them!

Follow [Ganbugui Grain-Free Cat Food], an original article on health science and pet care, please do not plagiarize. I believe many people are familiar with American Shorthair cats. In fact, people who know how to raise cats know that raising an American Shorthair cat at home has - DayDayNews

④ The American Shorthair is very smart

The American Shorthair is still a very smart cat. Its IQ is very high. It can understand a simple command given to it. In fact, the owner can use this to train it.

Follow [Ganbugui Grain-Free Cat Food], an original article on health science and pet care, please do not plagiarize. I believe many people are familiar with American Shorthair cats. In fact, people who know how to raise cats know that raising an American Shorthair cat at home has - DayDayNews

⑤ American Shorthair cats eat less

American Shorthair cats eat very little, and it does not cost much to raise them for a month, unlike raising British Shorthair cats and Maine Coon cats which are prone to obesity. It is a relatively edible cat.

However, even if the American Shorthair cat eats less, the owner should not choose too poor cat food to feed it. The American Shorthair cat has a high demand for protein. If the cat food has insufficient protein, it will easily suffer from normal development and other problems!

Follow [Ganbugui Grain-Free Cat Food], an original article on health science and pet care, please do not plagiarize. I believe many people are familiar with American Shorthair cats. In fact, people who know how to raise cats know that raising an American Shorthair cat at home has - DayDayNews

Conclusion: In addition to American Shorthair cats, what other cats are good?

Follow [Ganbugui Grain-Free Cat Food], an original article on health science and pet care, please do not plagiarize. I believe many people are familiar with American Shorthair cats. In fact, people who know how to raise cats know that raising an American Shorthair cat at home has - DayDayNews

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