As one of the three major guard dogs, the Doberman Pinscher is not only good-looking, but also very intelligent. Both boys and girls are easily attracted to it. If you want to raise a Doberman, you still have to think carefully because you have to bear the "pain"! Easily excited

2024/06/2716:55:33 housepet 1283

As one of the three major guard dogs , Doberman is not only good-looking, but also very smart. Both boys and girls are easily attracted to it. If you want to raise Doberman , you still have to think carefully, because you have to bear the "pain"!

As one of the three major guard dogs, the Doberman Pinscher is not only good-looking, but also very intelligent. Both boys and girls are easily attracted to it. If you want to raise a Doberman, you still have to think carefully because you have to bear the

Easy to get excited and difficult to control

Although Doberman looks calm and quiet, you may think it has a relatively stable personality.

But it is easily excited and will run wildly when it gets excited.

Even if you are very strong, it is difficult to control it.

As one of the three major guard dogs, the Doberman Pinscher is not only good-looking, but also very intelligent. Both boys and girls are easily attracted to it. If you want to raise a Doberman, you still have to think carefully because you have to bear the

Need Erect ears

The Doberman Pinschers we usually see have erect ears.

Doberman's ears will be erect when he is two months old, if the Doberman's ears have not been erect by this time.

It is necessary to give it calcium supplement or undergo ear pricking surgery.

Compared with other dogs, Doberman’s erect ears are more troublesome.

As one of the three major guard dogs, the Doberman Pinscher is not only good-looking, but also very intelligent. Both boys and girls are easily attracted to it. If you want to raise a Doberman, you still have to think carefully because you have to bear the

There are many genetic diseases

The Doberman Pinscher is a dog breed produced by crossing multiple dogs.

Although the advantages of other dog breeds are inherited, there are always some bad genes left behind.

For example, Dobermans are prone to heart disease, qi diseases, etc.

The cost of medical treatment is very high, and it is troublesome to take care of it.

As one of the three major guard dogs, the Doberman Pinscher is not only good-looking, but also very intelligent. Both boys and girls are easily attracted to it. If you want to raise a Doberman, you still have to think carefully because you have to bear the

He is very aggressive and can easily hurt people.

Although Doberman looks handsome and noble, he actually has a rather ferocious personality.

is friendly to its owner, but wary of strangers.

If a stranger threatens it, it will attack in order to protect its owner.

In this process, it is easy to hurt passers-by.

As one of the three major guard dogs, the Doberman Pinscher is not only good-looking, but also very intelligent. Both boys and girls are easily attracted to it. If you want to raise a Doberman, you still have to think carefully because you have to bear the

has a bad temper and is not easy to get along with.

The Doberman Pinscher is a type of fierce dog and does not have a good temper.

cannot get along well with the same kind and is prone to fights.

And not just anyone can raise a Doberman. Only someone with breeding experience can tame it.

If you have a Doberman, you must wear a leash and muzzle when taking it out.

should strengthen social training and reduce its aggressiveness.

can be combined with small snacks as rewards during training, which will make you more motivated during training.

As one of the three major guard dogs, the Doberman Pinscher is not only good-looking, but also very intelligent. Both boys and girls are easily attracted to it. If you want to raise a Doberman, you still have to think carefully because you have to bear the

Greedy and eats a lot

We all know that Alaska is very eatable, and Doberman’s appetite is comparable to its appetite.

is also very greedy. When it sees its owner eating, it stands next to it and drools.

It is so smart that it will sometimes find food to eat by itself when its owner is not around.

As one of the three major guard dogs, the Doberman Pinscher is not only good-looking, but also very intelligent. Both boys and girls are easily attracted to it. If you want to raise a Doberman, you still have to think carefully because you have to bear the

So it costs a lot to buy dog food every month, but it can’t be done to save money.

Go buy those low-quality dog ​​foods that have a lot of additives and preservatives, which are not nutritious for dogs and are also harmful to their health.

In order to solve this problem, it is recommended to choose a cost-effective dog food as the staple food.

is not only nutritious, but also does not cost that much. You can refer to these for specific details!

As one of the three major guard dogs, the Doberman Pinscher is not only good-looking, but also very intelligent. Both boys and girls are easily attracted to it. If you want to raise a Doberman, you still have to think carefully because you have to bear the

Conclusion: Do you like to raise Doberman Pinschers?

As one of the three major guard dogs, the Doberman Pinscher is not only good-looking, but also very intelligent. Both boys and girls are easily attracted to it. If you want to raise a Doberman, you still have to think carefully because you have to bear the

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