There is such a dog. It will take the initiative to ask its owner for money to buy groceries. It will walk to the street with a vegetable basket and buy groceries without any hesitation. Picking vegetables and paying for them is no problem at all. The most important thing is that

2024/07/0204:39:32 housepet 1861

There is such a dog. It will take the initiative to ask its owner for money to buy groceries. It will walk to the street with a vegetable basket and buy groceries without any hesitation. Picking vegetables and paying for them is no problem at all. The most important thing is that - DayDayNews

There is such a dog. It will take the initiative to ask its owner for money to buy vegetables, and then walk to the street with the vegetable basket. It is not ambiguous at all when buying vegetables. It’s easy to choose food and pay . The most important thing is that it can also bargain . It is a lot. Is it really that powerful? What other abilities does it have?

has achieved self-fulfillment from insignificance and bloomed with color in life. In this issue of Ziya Tong's Fun and Colorful Life Record, we will take you to learn about the puppy Duoduo.

Duoduo is a Chinese Garden Dog. Duoduo is no big difference from ordinary Chinese Garden Dogs at first. He only eats and sleeps every day. Occasionally he likes to stir up trouble and fight with other dogs.

Later, his owner realized this and began to give it special training. Over time, it became very good at basic operations such as standing and saluting. The most powerful skill is that it can go out to buy groceries by itself.

There is such a dog. It will take the initiative to ask its owner for money to buy groceries. It will walk to the street with a vegetable basket and buy groceries without any hesitation. Picking vegetables and paying for them is no problem at all. The most important thing is that - DayDayNews

When Duoduo first went to the street to buy groceries, his owner was following behind him. Even so, he did not have any fear. Instead, he acted more recklessly and let himself go.

Without the control of the rope, Duoduo started to run forward happily. He picked up the food in his mouth and ran forward. He didn't even bring his head back. He didn't know how to give money. The owner followed behind and gave it to others. Apology pays. When he was on the street, he had so much fun. After returning home, Duoduo would be criticized, his ears would droop, and he would not dare to say a word.

Later, Duoduo realized his mistake and slowly corrected his shortcomings. When shopping for groceries, he walked with his master instead of going alone and learned from his master's shopping process.

was born again and again, and Duoduo was smart and sensible. It didn't take long for him to go out to buy groceries on his own. However, the owner was still worried and followed him far behind. If he got too close, he would be discovered.

There is such a dog. It will take the initiative to ask its owner for money to buy groceries. It will walk to the street with a vegetable basket and buy groceries without any hesitation. Picking vegetables and paying for them is no problem at all. The most important thing is that - DayDayNews

The owner saw Duoduo's smooth and smooth operation. When buying vegetables, he would gently flip them with his paws to know how to choose the vegetables he was satisfied with. When buying fruits, he also knew how to choose big ones; Duoduo also knew how to eat properly and avoid meat. When buying meat, you use your nose to ask if the meat is fresh. You are simply more attentive than its owner.

In addition to these, Duoduo can also bargain. If the food is too expensive, it will run to the stall owner to rub people , act coquettishly . At first, the stall owner didn't understand what it meant, but later he realized that the dog thought the food was too expensive and wanted to make it cheaper. The stall owner felt that the dog was very good at doing things, so he would give it more food every time.

Sometimes the money is not enough, and it will not default on the bill. It will leave the vegetable basket with the stall owner and run back to get the money.

There is such a dog. It will take the initiative to ask its owner for money to buy groceries. It will walk to the street with a vegetable basket and buy groceries without any hesitation. Picking vegetables and paying for them is no problem at all. The most important thing is that - DayDayNews

Once Duoduo saw a piece of money falling on the ground. He first looked around to see if anyone was staring at him, then he put his paws on the money, took it as his own, quickly picked it up in his mouth and ran away. Duoduo was smart and clever. , which often makes the stall owners on this street unable to stop laughing.

Duoduo often helps his owner buy groceries and has a lot of good friends on the street. When he has nothing to do, he will go to them to play and ask for some snacks for himself.

Every time he sees Duoduo coming, the meat seller will give Duoduo some meat. In return, Duoduo will help the shopkeeper look after the shop and collect money from the shopkeeper with a QR code in his mouth.

There is such a dog. It will take the initiative to ask its owner for money to buy groceries. It will walk to the street with a vegetable basket and buy groceries without any hesitation. Picking vegetables and paying for them is no problem at all. The most important thing is that - DayDayNews

Passersby saw a dog collecting money and thought it was very funny. They all came to Duoduo to buy meat, which brought a lot of business to the shop owner. When Duoduo left, the boss would pack more meat for Duoduo, and Duoduo would take it back with him. The owner shared.

Duoduo has a strong sense of professionalism . When a friend greets him when he goes shopping for groceries, he will directly ignore it and ignore him. He knows that he is going out with a mission and cannot joke with other puppies. Noisy.

Duoduo is now an Internet celebrity dog. He is smart, cute, helpful, and gets along well with people on the street, and is deeply loved by everyone. Will you like Duoduo? Do you want a dog that can help you buy groceries?

There is such a dog. It will take the initiative to ask its owner for money to buy groceries. It will walk to the street with a vegetable basket and buy groceries without any hesitation. Picking vegetables and paying for them is no problem at all. The most important thing is that - DayDayNews

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