Daliang Mountain in Sichuan is high in mountains and densely forested. There are many rare species on the mountains, including ferocious black bears and jackals. According to local stories, the Mountain Wolf is ferocious and fearless, able to chase black bears and fight jackals,

2024/06/3000:36:32 housepet 1875

Sichuan Daliang MountainThe mountains are high and densely forested. There are many rare species on the mountains, including ferocious black bears and jackals. But to say that the most famous animal in Liangshan is definitely the famous "Hushan Wolf". In local stories, the Mountain Wolf is ferocious and fearless, able to chase black bears and fight jackals, thus protecting the peace of Daliang Mountain. An expedition team from Guangdong once entered the depths of the Daliang Mountains and encountered a bear in the valley. The bear went crazy and became extremely ferocious, blocking their way with its mouth wide open. Just when everyone was in despair, the guide who took them into the mountain did not panic at all. He patted the mountain wolf next to him, and the mountain wolf rushed out with a whoosh, and tricked the bear with his deft movement. After going around and around, he finally drove the bear away by himself.

Daliang Mountain in Sichuan is high in mountains and densely forested. There are many rare species on the mountains, including ferocious black bears and jackals. According to local stories, the Mountain Wolf is ferocious and fearless, able to chase black bears and fight jackals,  - DayDayNews

Liangshan Little Overlord Hushan Wolf

If people want to go deep into the mountains in the Daliang Mountains, people will definitely bring the Mountain Wolf with them. As long as it is there, they can enter the mountains safely. The mountain wolf is so powerful, what kind of animal is it?

The Hushan Wolf is a unique breed in Liangshan, Sichuan, and is the most commonly raised hunting dog by the Yi people. The Hushan Wolf is also called the Huishan Dog or the Liangshan Hound . This dog breed is relatively small in size. The shoulder height is generally not more than 50 centimeters and weighs about 20 kilograms. They have a slender waist and a lean body with no fat. , most suitable for operations on mountainous terrain with complex terrain.

Daliang Mountain in Sichuan is high in mountains and densely forested. There are many rare species on the mountains, including ferocious black bears and jackals. According to local stories, the Mountain Wolf is ferocious and fearless, able to chase black bears and fight jackals,  - DayDayNews

The mountain wolf is very recognizable in appearance. Its ears droop on both sides of its head, forming an inverted triangle shape. The nose is standard black, oily and moist. Their nasal cavity is larger and their sense of smell is stronger. They can detect danger more quickly in mountains with dense woods and poor visibility, thus protecting the safety of their owners. The mountain wolf wears a "flower vest" with a "flaming head" and a "saber tail" at the end. It is calm and powerful, and is extremely ferocious. The mountain wolf is a short-haired dog with hard, shiny hair. The coat color is usually black, blue or black and yellow. There are no purebred mountain wolves with solid colors. They all have coats on their bodies. Those with red coats are called red and green dogs. The one wearing gray clothes is called Tie Qing, and the clothes on his body are the colorful vests used to chase away mountain wolves.

Most of the faces of mountain wolves are black, as if they have been burned by fire. The burned head looks very intimidating, and their wild ears and eyes can scare away most intruders. The tail of the Hushan wolf is called "saber tail" or "broom tail". Generally speaking, a dog's tail has only one or two colors from head to heel, but the tail of the Huishan wolf has three colors, and the root of the tail is gray. , the middle is either red or yellow, the tip of the tail is black, and the entire tail is tilted upward like a saber.

Daliang Mountain in Sichuan is high in mountains and densely forested. There are many rare species on the mountains, including ferocious black bears and jackals. According to local stories, the Mountain Wolf is ferocious and fearless, able to chase black bears and fight jackals,  - DayDayNews

Mountain wolves are not afraid of strong enemies and are naturally wild.

Humans have a very long history of domesticating dogs. As early as tens of thousands of years ago, humans began to come into contact with wolves. After many years of domestication, wolves gradually accepted to coexist with humans. They slowly Became a dog. Humans' lives are relatively stable, and they can provide dogs with shelter from wind and rain, as well as food. Dogs are excellent hunters. They guard homes and yards for humans, and they can also help humans hunt, which is a great help to humans.

Daliang Mountain in Sichuan is high in mountains and densely forested. There are many rare species on the mountains, including ferocious black bears and jackals. According to local stories, the Mountain Wolf is ferocious and fearless, able to chase black bears and fight jackals,  - DayDayNews

Today, although dogs still retain some wildness, most of them are kept at home and make a living by "acting cute", so they have gradually lost their ability to survive in the wild. But Huishanlang is different. The natural environment in Liangshan is primitive, which is very different from modern cities, and people's lives are also relatively difficult. Under such conditions, human feeding cannot meet the daily needs of the mountain wolves, and they must rely on hunting to fill their stomachs. Survival in the wild is cruel. The pressure of food forces the mountain wolves to constantly hone their hunting skills, so they have always been in a "semi-wild" state.

Daliang Mountain in Sichuan is high in mountains and densely forested. There are many rare species on the mountains, including ferocious black bears and jackals. According to local stories, the Mountain Wolf is ferocious and fearless, able to chase black bears and fight jackals,  - DayDayNews

One of the four famous hunting dogs in China

In recent years, many dog ​​lovers have praised the Hushan Wolf, calling it "one of the four famous hunting dogs in China". The same names are Quan Biao, Sichuan East Dog and Qingchuan Dog. . When you face a mountain wolf, you will feel a completely different temperament from a domestic dog. They can endure hardship, are diligent and brave, are alert, good at ambush and tracking, and have very good endurance.Mountain wolves can track their prey for 8 hours in temperatures above 30 degrees Celsius. They also use skills to consume their prey's physical strength when hunting. Wild boars have rough skin and thick flesh, and ordinary attacks are completely ineffective against them. However, the Mountain Wolf can chase wild boars continuously and directly tire them down. Rabbits, muntjacs , deer , are all relatively difficult prey to catch, but this is not a problem for mountain wolves. There are very few animals in the mountain forest that can outrun them. Once targeted, it is very difficult to catch them. Hard to escape. Mountain wolves are so persistent in their pursuit of prey that they can even track down prey they found three days ago.

Daliang Mountain in Sichuan is high in mountains and densely forested. There are many rare species on the mountains, including ferocious black bears and jackals. According to local stories, the Mountain Wolf is ferocious and fearless, able to chase black bears and fight jackals,  - DayDayNews

Although the mountain wolf is ferocious, it is loyal to its master. Different dogs have different personalities. Some pet dogs will be playful when meeting people, while most ferocious hounds will only recognize one owner. This is the case with the Mountain Wolf. In most cases, mountain wolves rarely recognize a second owner, which is very similar to Caucasian Shepherd . Mountain wolves must obey their master's words and obey orders absolutely, but they will maintain necessary vigilance towards other people, are highly aggressive, and can easily hurt strangers.

Daliang Mountain in Sichuan is high in mountains and densely forested. There are many rare species on the mountains, including ferocious black bears and jackals. According to local stories, the Mountain Wolf is ferocious and fearless, able to chase black bears and fight jackals,  - DayDayNews

In recent years, a large number of exotic dog breeds have been introduced into our country, resulting in a sharp decline in the number of native dog breeds. Excellent dog breeds like the Hushan Wolf have also become objects that need protection. In order to avoid the disappearance of these excellent dog breeds, dog lovers who like hunting dogs should pay more attention to them.

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