On July 15, 2022, the question in Alipay's Ant Manor Classroom was about pandas. The question was "Chicken Baby will test you. Which of the following was the name of the giant panda in ancient times?" This question is very easy. Let's do it below. Let me share with you the latest

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July 15, 2022, Alipay 's Ant Manor Small Classroom question is about pandas. The question is "Chicken Baby will test you, which of the following was the name of the giant panda in ancient times?" This question is very easy, as follows Let me share with you the latest answers to Ant Manor.

On July 15, 2022, the question in Alipay's Ant Manor Classroom was about pandas. The question was

Ant Manor Small Classroom Daily Answers Mini Program (You can check tomorrow’s answers in advance, updated every day)

Baby Chicken Test Which of the following was the name of the giant panda in ancient times? 7.15 Ant Manor’s latest answer

Today’s question: Baby Chicken Test Test for you: Which of the following was the name of the giant panda in ancient times?

A, Iron-eating beast

B, Big insect

Correct answer: Iron-eating beast

Iron-eating beast (mammal) generally refers to the giant panda ( Ursidae Giant Panda genus mammal).

The giant panda is the only mammal belonging to the order Carnivora, the family Ursidae, the subfamily Giant Panda, and the genus Giant Panda. There are only two subspecies. Male individuals are slightly larger than females. The body is plump and bear-like, with a round head and short tail. The head and body are 1.2-1.8 meters long, and the tail is 10-12 centimeters long. Weighing 80-120 kilograms, the heaviest can reach 180 kilograms. The body color is black and white, with round cheeks and large dark circles under the eyes. It has the iconic walking style of with eight characters in it and with scalpel-like sharp claws. Giant pandas have thick skin, up to 10 mm at its thickest point. The black and white appearance helps it hide in the trees of dense forests and on the snowy ground and is not easily discovered by natural enemies.

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