Some cats are very smart and can do everything. If a cat has these 5 characteristics, it proves that it has a high IQ. Don’t underestimate it! Send your children to school quickly. 1. Ability to observe words and expressions; although cats cannot speak, they can feel their owner'

2024/07/0207:25:32 housepet 1964

Some cats are very smart and can do everything. If a cat has these 5 characteristics, it proves that it has a high IQ. Don’t underestimate it! Send your children to school quickly.

Some cats are very smart and can do everything. If a cat has these 5 characteristics, it proves that it has a high IQ. Don’t underestimate it! Send your children to school quickly. 1. Ability to observe words and expressions; although cats cannot speak, they can feel their owner' - DayDayNews

1. Can observe words and expressions; Although cats cannot speak, they can feel their owner's emotions by observing their owner's expression and body language.

If your cat knows that you are happy, it will come to please you; if it knows that you are sad, it will come to comfort you, which means that its IQ and EQ are very high, and you should cherish your cat as a pet.

Some cats are very smart and can do everything. If a cat has these 5 characteristics, it proves that it has a high IQ. Don’t underestimate it! Send your children to school quickly. 1. Ability to observe words and expressions; although cats cannot speak, they can feel their owner' - DayDayNews

2. Strong imitation ability; Cats are curious about everything, so they often secretly observe their owners and want to learn everything they see.

If the cat often imitates your actions and imitates them very closely, it means that it has a high IQ. Don’t underestimate it!

Some cats are very smart and can do everything. If a cat has these 5 characteristics, it proves that it has a high IQ. Don’t underestimate it! Send your children to school quickly. 1. Ability to observe words and expressions; although cats cannot speak, they can feel their owner' - DayDayNews

3. Know how to cover up when you make a mistake; If your cat will cover up the crime scene after making a mistake and pretend that he did not do it, it shows that it is very smart. In order to escape scolding, it knows how to use small tricks. It has to be said that it is really " Scheming meow”.

There are also cats that try to blame the blame or use the "bitter meat trick", thinking of being cute and coquettish in front of their pet owners and escaping punishment. Pet owners must not underestimate them.

Some cats are very smart and can do everything. If a cat has these 5 characteristics, it proves that it has a high IQ. Don’t underestimate it! Send your children to school quickly. 1. Ability to observe words and expressions; although cats cannot speak, they can feel their owner' - DayDayNews

4. Understand what the owner says; Cats cannot speak human language, but it does not mean that the cat cannot understand. If the cat understands your words and will obey you, it means that it has a high IQ.

Some cats are very smart and can do everything. If a cat has these 5 characteristics, it proves that it has a high IQ. Don’t underestimate it! Send your children to school quickly. 1. Ability to observe words and expressions; although cats cannot speak, they can feel their owner' - DayDayNews

There are very few cats that can understand their owners’ words and can communicate with their owners. Most cats understand but don’t want to execute. If the pet owner wants to improve the cat's obedience, it is recommended to do more training for the cat. Use some snacks as assistance during training, and the cat will cooperate with you more.

Some cats are very smart and can do everything. If a cat has these 5 characteristics, it proves that it has a high IQ. Don’t underestimate it! Send your children to school quickly. 1. Ability to observe words and expressions; although cats cannot speak, they can feel their owner' - DayDayNews

5. Express needs to the owner; A smart cat will seek help from its owner every time it encounters difficulties, proving that it knows who is the person who has the ability to solve the problem. Isn’t a cat that behaves like this not smart enough?

Some cats are very smart and can do everything. If a cat has these 5 characteristics, it proves that it has a high IQ. Don’t underestimate it! Send your children to school quickly. 1. Ability to observe words and expressions; although cats cannot speak, they can feel their owner' - DayDayNews

For example, when a cat is hungry, it will stand by the bowl and growl, signaling the cat to feed it. It is best for pet owners to feed their cats regularly and quantitatively to help maintain their gastrointestinal health. The staple cat food can be easy to digest and good for the cat’s gastrointestinal health. The following are recommended.

Some cats are very smart and can do everything. If a cat has these 5 characteristics, it proves that it has a high IQ. Don’t underestimate it! Send your children to school quickly. 1. Ability to observe words and expressions; although cats cannot speak, they can feel their owner' - DayDayNews

Conclusion: Does your cat have a high IQ?

Some cats are very smart and can do everything. If a cat has these 5 characteristics, it proves that it has a high IQ. Don’t underestimate it! Send your children to school quickly. 1. Ability to observe words and expressions; although cats cannot speak, they can feel their owner' - DayDayNews

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