Hiding its essence in the shadows, it merges in the crown and becomes the ghost of the forest. No one sees it, but it looks at everyone. Remember, walking through the jungles of Madagascar: evil geckos are watching you.

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Its blood-red eyes penetrated the darkness of the jungle. Hiding its essence in the shadows, it merges in the crown and becomes the ghost of the forest. No one sees it, but it looks at everyone. Remember, walking through the jungle of Madagascar : the evil gecko is watching you.

A very unusual gecko lives in the forests of Madagascar. They are difficult to detect because their appearance resembles dry leaves. Some geckos have big red eyes, so they're called "magical" or "satanic"

Hiding its essence in the shadows, it merges in the crown and becomes the ghost of the forest. No one sees it, but it looks at everyone. Remember, walking through the jungles of Madagascar: evil geckos are watching you. - DayDayNews

Well, actually, not that scary. Satanic Geckos do not practice violence or worship the occult. It's just that this animal has a very special appearance. Only two red eyes can be seen against the background of vegetation? . The Satanic Gecko is endemic to Madagascar and lives in the northern and central parts of the island. Geckos come in a variety of colors, including purple, orange, tan and yellow, but are usually a mottled brown with small black spots on the base that help distinguish them from similar species.

Hiding its essence in the shadows, it merges in the crown and becomes the ghost of the forest. No one sees it, but it looks at everyone. Remember, walking through the jungles of Madagascar: evil geckos are watching you. - DayDayNews

Entering the second stage, the devil's wings spread

Our devil is one of the smallest geckos in the world: The length of the lizard reaches about 10 cm, half of which is taken up by the tail. In addition, it is extremely rare even for the reptile endemic to Madagascar - its habitat is extremely special and its length does not exceed 500 kilometers . The amazing leaf-tailed gecko is the smallest of its kind. Adults reach a length of 9 cm.

Hiding its essence in the shadows, it merges in the crown and becomes the ghost of the forest. No one sees it, but it looks at everyone. Remember, walking through the jungles of Madagascar: evil geckos are watching you. - DayDayNews

My relatives also stare at me intently when they come to visit us.

The image of the devil goes well with the nocturnal lifestyle. While hunting in impenetrable darkness, the gecko is assisted by Sauron's two large eyes. Its night vision clarity is 350 times that of humans during the day. The flat-tailed gecko is active at night. Thanks to their large eyes, they can see everything perfectly in the dark and can even distinguish colors. Individuals can disguise themselves very well. Animals can imitate fallen leaves and even rotting leaves, bark, sand, and moss.

Hiding its essence in the shadows, it merges in the crown and becomes the ghost of the forest. No one sees it, but it looks at everyone. Remember, walking through the jungles of Madagascar: evil geckos are watching you. - DayDayNews

Nothing unusual, just a leaf smiling.

But the most interesting thing about our demon is its ability to replicate the leaves of which it actually lives. through their incredible imitation, but also through many behaviors. They can flatten their bodies to reduce their shadow, open their jaws to reveal terrifying bright red mouths, and voluntarily shed their tails to deceive predators. Geckos even have grooves on their tails to further imitate rotten leaves . This is also considered a form of sexual dimorphism, as the trait appears to be more common in males of the species

Hiding its essence in the shadows, it merges in the crown and becomes the ghost of the forest. No one sees it, but it looks at everyone. Remember, walking through the jungles of Madagascar: evil geckos are watching you. - DayDayNews

Where did I lose my lizard?

But it's not enough to look like a leaf, you have to move like a leaf. So, to complete the camouflage, the Satanic Gecko slowly moves its tail back and forth, depicting a leaf swaying in the wind. If they do notice it, it will open its blood-red mouth and start shouting - and when the predator tries to tell what is happening, the gecko disappears

Hiding its essence in the shadows, it merges in the crown and becomes the ghost of the forest. No one sees it, but it looks at everyone. Remember, walking through the jungles of Madagascar: evil geckos are watching you. - DayDayNews

So, should it be scary or funny? ?

Like many reptiles, leaf-tailed geckos are oviparous or lay eggs. Reproduction begins at the beginning of the rainy season when it lays two spherical eggs on the ground under fallen leaves or on dead leaves of plants. The female lays 2 spherical eggs on the ground under fallen leaves or on dead leaves of plants. Eggs are small, no larger than a pea. A few months later, the young geckos were born. They are small.

Hiding its essence in the shadows, it merges in the crown and becomes the ghost of the forest. No one sees it, but it looks at everyone. Remember, walking through the jungles of Madagascar: evil geckos are watching you. - DayDayNews

is so small, but already hates capitalism.

So here comes our focus today, can I keep a Satan Gecko as a pet? Fans who are familiar with the animals I write about

know that everything I write about can be made as a pet, but for Satan geckos, it is better not to do so. Although they look cool,

but the large collection pet trade threatens this species. The presence. Since it is a popular pet, it is a common problem. The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) has included it on its "Top Ten Most Wanted Species List" threatened by the illegal wildlife trade because it is "captured and sold to the international pet trade at alarming rates." This is a protected animal. However, illegal harvesting of leaf-tailed geckos is known to occur even within protected areas,[4] and efforts to control this threatening activity are needed if this remarkable and unique reptile is to survive.

Hiding its essence in the shadows, it merges in the crown and becomes the ghost of the forest. No one sees it, but it looks at everyone. Remember, walking through the jungles of Madagascar: evil geckos are watching you. - DayDayNews

I need nature

My rating for the Devil Gecko: 9 points, The relationship between the Satan Gecko and people is not simple. Homo sapiens, like its endlessly tinkering neighbor, works hard to destroy reptilian life. They destroy tropical forests and harvest the reptiles' leaves for sale -- Neither the awesome name, nor the gecko's millions of years of sucking camouflage work on humans.

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