China's history is a thick book, and no matter how hard you read it, you won't be able to fully understand it. When Li Ailian mentioned this past event, her eyes were full of anger, and suddenly a hint of joy appeared in her eyes: "You don't know how happy I was on the day the li

Oral history of "comfort women": Tears kept flowing down, and I was in pain!

China’s history is a thick book, and no matter how hard you read it, you won’t be able to fully understand it. There are many little-known stories in our history hidden deep in this land, waiting for us to discover. Today we talk about some of the stories of surviving “comfort women”.

China is one of the main victims of World War II, and all these pains were brought to us by the Japanese invaders. The Japanese ravaged the vast land of our country and committed heinous crimes. Today we walk into history and listen to the story of Li Ailian, the "comfort woman" who survived World War II.

Li Ailian was born in Hainan Province, China, in 1928. When he was 17 years old, he was forcibly captured and taken to a Japanese military camp. After experiencing two months of inhumane life, he escaped from the clutches of the clutches. The following is Li Xiumei's narration record, telling this tragic story in the first person:

I clearly remember all the stories that happened that year, especially the day I fell into the devil's cave. I remember that I had just returned home from my grandma’s house. As I was walking alone, I suddenly felt an ominous premonition. Then a group of Japanese soldiers came out of nowhere. When I saw the Japanese soldiers, I turned around and ran away. But they still caught up with him. They blocked my mouth with a piece of ragged linen cloth, and then immediately resisted me. I struggled hard but to no avail. I couldn't make a sound, and I was so anxious that I burst into tears.

Because it was almost noon, there was no one on the street, or maybe someone saw it but hid it secretly at home and did not dare to come out. I watched helplessly as they took me into the barracks.

After resisting me all the way, the Japanese were exhausted, so they locked me in a particularly shabby little dark room. This particularly dirty house exuded a foul and unpleasant smell. I didn’t know what it smelled like, but it was just I felt nauseous and wanted to vomit one after another. I tried to run away to no avail, looking at the wet hay on the ground I fell into despair.

Just when I fell into despair, several Japanese soldiers suddenly came in. After they knocked me down, I struggled hard, tears kept flowing down, and I was in pain. When I woke up, the little devil was gone, and I lay on the damp and cold ground all night.

At dawn, another Japanese soldier came in and took me to the construction site to do hard work. It was basically like this every day after that. I had to satisfy their animal desires at night and had to do hard work all day during the day. I didn't dare to resist. Resistance would only bring about a severe beating! I pretended to be honest and obedient. Gradually, the Japanese relaxed their guard over me, and they quietly escaped at three or four o'clock in the morning one day. I ran away for an unknown amount of time, and it took more than a year to recover my body after I got home.

When Li Ailian mentioned this past event, her eyes were full of anger, and suddenly a hint of joy appeared in her eyes: "On the day the little devil surrendered, you don't know how happy I was!"