On the morning of Thursday, June 15, the French college entrance examination officially began. According to the French education system, hundreds of thousands of candidates have to pass this week-long exam to achieve

2024/07/0315:24:33 hotcomm 1672

On the morning of Thursday, June 15, the French college entrance examination officially began. Like Chinese candidates, French candidates are also under great pressure. According to the French education system, hundreds of thousands of candidates have to pass this week-long exam to achieve their goal of continuing to receive higher education.

A total of 718,890 candidates took the college entrance examination this year. Students must maintain a grade point average of at least 10 out of 20. If candidates are unable to take the exam due to force majeure, they will be allowed to make up the exam once in September.

The French College Entrance Examination was founded in 1808, during the Napoleon period, and it marked the end of secondary school learning. There is no special entrance examination for French universities. Students can apply for universities based on their scores in the general examination, so the French high school graduation examination is the "college entrance examination". Unlike China's "College Entrance Examination", the French "College Entrance Examination" does not have a "Chinese" subject. Students take a French language test at the end of their second year of high school, which is included in the overall "College Entrance Examination" score. The French "College Entrance Examination" general examination is divided into three subjects, science (S), social economics (ES) and literature (L).

On the morning of Thursday, June 15, the French college entrance examination officially began. According to the French education system, hundreds of thousands of candidates have to pass this week-long exam to achieve - DayDayNews

Philosophy is a required course for French high school students and is also the first level of the college entrance examination. The ultimate goal of French philosophy education is to cultivate the humanistic qualities of citizens so that they can have sufficient critical thinking skills when participating in public affairs. The French philosophy examination questions attract much attention every year, and the questions about the meaning of life and the state of life can often trigger heated discussions among the French people and in-depth thinking about the current national development.

15 At 9:15 am, the questions for the philosophy subject examination were announced. Whether it is science, business or liberal arts, you need to choose one of the three questions to answer. The exam starts at 8 a.m. and students have 4 hours to complete it.

(S) Science:

Topic 1: Is defending rights equivalent to defending one's own interests?

Topic 2: Can we break free from our own culture?

Topic 3: (Essay) Excerpts from "Speech and Writing" by French philosopher Michel Foucault will be discussed.

(ES) Social Economics:

Topic 1: Can rationality make everything rational?

Topic 2: Does a piece of art have to be beautiful?

Topic 3: (Essay) Excerpts from " Leviathan" by British philosopher Thomas Hobbes will be discussed.

(L) Liberal Arts:

Topic 1: Is observation enough to understand?

Topic 2: Is everything I have the right to do right?

Topic 3: (Essay) Excerpts from "On the Origin and Foundation of Human Inequality" by French philosopher Rousseau will be discussed.

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