Most countries are unwilling to take sides on the Ukraine issue. Russian congressmen have revealed the truth. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine is actually a conflict between Russia and the United States. The New York government department in the United States has openly pr

2024/07/0200:35:34 hotcomm 1078

Most countries are unwilling to take sides on the issue of Ukraine . Russian congressmen have revealed the truth. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine is actually a conflict between Russia and the United States. The New York government department in the United States has openly publicized nuclear war hedging methods to citizens.

Most countries are unwilling to take sides on the Ukraine issue. Russian congressmen have revealed the truth. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine is actually a conflict between Russia and the United States. The New York government department in the United States has openly pr - DayDayNews

According to RIA Novosti , Russian upper house member Pushkov recently responded to EU officials’ remarks about the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. In Pushkov’s view, the reason why most countries in the world are unwilling to There are three main reasons for choosing sides on the Ukraine issue. First, because NATO had not previously accepted the security initiative proposed by Russia, it failed to successfully shift the responsibility for the situation in Ukraine to Russia. Second, the sanctions imposed by the West on Russia have directly hit the Russian economy. However, non-Western countries believe that it is the initiator of sanctions, not Russia, the target of sanctions, that causes damage to the world economy. Third, it is difficult for non-Western countries to understand the Western Alliance's political obsession with Ukraine, which has led to inflation, an energy crisis, and a sharp rise in social discontent in the Western world itself. Simply put, the fundamental reason why most countries in the world do not choose between Russia and Ukraine is that all countries basically proceed from the actual interests of their own countries and essentially seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Most countries choose to sit on the sidelines precisely because they see that there is no profit in following the West. In the same way, choosing to support Russia and offend the West under such circumstances will not gain much. Therefore, for most countries in the world For one thing, not taking sides is the wisest thing to do.

Most countries are unwilling to take sides on the Ukraine issue. Russian congressmen have revealed the truth. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine is actually a conflict between Russia and the United States. The New York government department in the United States has openly pr - DayDayNews

At the same time, from the expressions of Russian congressmen, we can also clearly detect its tendency. Pushkov was actually answering the question of why most countries did not follow the West in condemning and sanctioning Russia, changing the originally more neutral question Changing the issue of choosing sides to one that is more beneficial to Russia is actually an attempt to gain an advantage for the country in terms of public opinion, and indirectly illustrates a point of view - "What the West does to Russia is unpopular."

While Russia is actively speaking out for itself, Western countries led by the United States have not stopped. On July 11, the New York City Emergency Department released a video on its website to inform citizens how to act if the city suffered a nuclear attack. In the video, the official advice of the U.S. government is that when a nuclear war breaks out, citizens should first find a safe place away from windows. The basement is a good choice, and then they should clean up themselves to avoid nuclear leaks. The U.S. government's intention to publicly release this kind of disaster-prevention drill-like video is not simple.

Most countries are unwilling to take sides on the Ukraine issue. Russian congressmen have revealed the truth. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine is actually a conflict between Russia and the United States. The New York government department in the United States has openly pr - DayDayNews

First of all, the United States is trying to plant a seed in the hearts of the people that " a nuclear war will break out at any time." released the nuclear war prevention video to remind American citizens that nuclear war is not far away from everyone and they should always remain vigilant. Secondly, US officials take the lead in exaggerating nuclear war and have a clear tendency to be hostile to foreign countries. As we all know, there are a total of 9 nuclear-armed countries in the world, and 3 of them: Russia, China and North Korea are regarded as serious threats by the United States. It is almost certain that this move by the United States is in response to these "threats" that the United States considers. Finally, exaggerating nuclear war and causing uneasiness among allies serves the strategic layout of the United States. On the surface, this is an internal policy act of the United States, but the video was chosen to be released by the New York City Government department. Its purpose is nothing more than to warn allies: Now there may be a nuclear war crisis in the capital of the United States, and the nuclear-armed countries around you It is more likely to carry out nuclear deterrence against you. If you want to gain a stronger sense of security, you may wish to consider asking the United States for help. In this way, the United States will be able to more openly deploy its military power, including nuclear weapons , into any corner it deems necessary. In fact, the United States has already done this. The deployment of nuclear warheads in some non-nuclear NATO countries is a "masterpiece" of the United States based on NATO's collective security principles.

Most countries are unwilling to take sides on the Ukraine issue. Russian congressmen have revealed the truth. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine is actually a conflict between Russia and the United States. The New York government department in the United States has openly pr - DayDayNews

The world situation is complicated, and the conflict between Russia and Ukraine continues. The United States is adding fuel to the flames while also trying to exaggerate a greater crisis around the world. Its intentions are not without cruelty. Perhaps, there is only one factor that threatens peace in this world, and that is the United States. After all, in order to maintain the already crumbling hegemonic system, the United States will not hesitate to drag the entire world into trouble and turn the world upside down. At that time, the United States will take advantage of the chaos to make profits, attack its opponents, and maintain its hegemonic position. It’s a pity that the United States made one mistake in calculation, that is, all countries in the world that love peace and long for stable development will not sit back and watch the United States’ conspiracy succeed. Going back to the original question, most countries do not choose sides between Russia and Ukraine. The best evidence.

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