Xi Jinping pointed out that at present, the changes of the world in a century and the epidemic of the century are intertwined. The international community urgently needs to join hands to adapt to the development trend of informatization, digitalization, networking and intelligenc

2024/07/0123:35:32 hotcomm 1659

Every reporter: Zhang Yun Every editor: Wei Guanhong

html On September 26, President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter to the Wuzhen Summit of the 2021 World Internet Conference. Xi Jinping pointed out that at present, the changes of the world in a century and the epidemic of the century are intertwined. The international community urgently needs to join hands to adapt to the development trend of informatization, digitalization, networking and intelligence, seize opportunities and respond to challenges.

This year, the conference launched for the first time the "Excellent Cases of Working Together to Build a Community with a Shared Future in Cyberspace" and released the "World Internet Development Report 2021" and "China Internet Development Report 2021" blue books. Xia Xueping, president of the China Cyberspace Academy, said that over the past year, the international order in cyberspace has been reshaped at an accelerated pace, with key areas accelerating the layout. The formulation of international digital rules has become the focus of competitive games, and "digital anti-epidemic" has become an important issue for governments around the world to implement digital management and services. The most important thing.

Xi Jinping pointed out that at present, the changes of the world in a century and the epidemic of the century are intertwined. The international community urgently needs to join hands to adapt to the development trend of informatization, digitalization, networking and intelligenc - DayDayNews

2021 World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit Picture source: Photo by reporter Zhang Yun

Digital intelligence productivity promotes the process of digital civilization

At present, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation are accelerating. New technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, and the Internet of Things, New applications and new business formats are in the ascendant, and the Internet has ushered in stronger development momentum and broader development space. On the first day of the

conference, Yang Jie, chairman of China Mobile Communications Group Co., Ltd., said at the conference that we are at an important juncture from industrial civilization to digital civilization. The birth of 5G has accelerated the ubiquitous deployment of new information infrastructure and promoted the In-depth application of information technology and data elements.

Ke Ruiwen, Chairman of China Telecom Group Co., Ltd., further clarified the core connotation of digital civilization: "The new era emphasizes AICT (intelligent information and communication technology) drive. Digital civilization is a kind of technology based on big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, The new generation of intelligent information and communication technologies such as blockchain are a civilization form mainly characterized by high technology. The core is the innovation and application of big data, including data mining, data mutual recognition, data governance, etc., forming a digital, networked, intelligent

From this, "digital intelligence productivity" emerged. In Yang Jie's view, digital intelligence productivity enriches the connotation of new infrastructure represented by 5G and releases the value of new elements including information technology and data. , stimulating the potential of three new economic forms: real economy, virtual economy, and information services.

On the industrial side, Intel CEO Pat Kissinger believes that ubiquitous computing, universal connectivity, and infrastructure from cloud to edge. The four "superpowers" of artificial intelligence are the core of the digital transformation that is reshaping the industry. If combined, their potential will make the world's inverse relationship between semiconductor size and power increase exponentially.

Yang Jie hopes that all parties in the industry will work together. , accelerate the "cloud use of data to empower intelligence", cultivate and expand new business formats such as the industrial Internet, explore and promote new financial technology models such as digital credit reporting and digital currency, and continue to improve the basic industrial capabilities and the modernization level of the industrial chain

Xi Jinping pointed out that at present, the changes of the world in a century and the epidemic of the century are intertwined. The international community urgently needs to join hands to adapt to the development trend of informatization, digitalization, networking and intelligenc - DayDayNews

2021 World Internet Conference Wuzhen. Summit picture source: Photo by reporter Zhang Yun

Digital anti-epidemic has become the top priority of each country's management

At this conference, bringing together countries to fight the epidemic is a hot topic. Compared with last year, countries have made more progress in digital anti-epidemic. With a lot of practical experience, all parties involved in the conference believe that to win this major challenge that affects the future and destiny of mankind, we need to eliminate barriers, unite and cooperate, and share a common destiny.

"In view of the current severe situation of the spread of the global epidemic, I am deeply aware that How interconnected we are as a global community. "Pat Kissinger said.

In the view of Omanr bin Sultan Al Olamai, UAE Minister of State for Digital Economy, Artificial Intelligence and Telecommuting Applications, the raging COVID-19 epidemic has made people realize that the regional Global problems cannot be solved with global solutions. Geographical boundaries cannot prevent certain challenges from spreading around the world. Cutting-edge technologies need to be used to fight against powerful enemies.

Ke Ruiwen said at the plenary meeting that in terms of epidemic prevention and disaster relief, digitalization needs to be fully utilized, which will help drive the whole society to accurately carry out epidemic monitoring and analysis, virus source tracing, prevention, control and treatment, etc., to achieve digital anti-epidemic.

"By using artificial intelligence and tracking programs, we can ensure that the spread of the epidemic is contained to a certain extent, and we can also better understand virus mutations and how to effectively vaccinate against the virus." Oumanr shared the UAE's approach to digital anti-epidemic Experience and Thoughts: “Currently, the diverse needs for the development of assimilation procedures and the development of effective vaccines require monitoring with the help of artificial intelligence. Next, it is important to consider individualized differences in the development of these systems to ensure a wider range of use.”

Cisco Chairman and CEO Robbins focused on the long-term development of the Community of Shared Future. He said that as we gradually get rid of the epidemic, governments, enterprises, and academia should work together to find solutions to global problems. This is better than More important than ever.

Xi Jinping pointed out that at present, the changes of the world in a century and the epidemic of the century are intertwined. The international community urgently needs to join hands to adapt to the development trend of informatization, digitalization, networking and intelligenc - DayDayNews

Entrepreneurs discuss the fight against the epidemic Picture source: Photo by reporter Zhang Yun

Creating a new pattern of cybersecurity

Craig Allen, President of the U.S.-China Business Council, discussed the common future of cyberspace and its opportunities. He Support the national standards on data, cybersecurity and privacy that China has developed over the past few years, as well as the actions it has taken to build a sound regulatory environment.

"We have already seen increased scrutiny of ICT supply chains around the world to address issues related to unauthorized access to personal information." Craig Allen believes that countries need to build mutual trust through continuous Strengthen communication, promote the interoperability of digital policies in other markets, enable enterprises to benefit from global trade and cooperation, and develop unified standards for data flows, cybersecurity and privacy.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk revealed that Tesla adopts the collection principles of "legal compliance, minimum necessity, openness and transparency" for customer personal information and vehicle data, which has become the most rigorous data recognized in the field of smart cars. Collection method.

Specifically, “Tesla has established a data center in China, and all data generated by all Chinese operations, including production data, sales data, service data, and charging data, etc., are completely stored in China and are encrypted and authenticated through data. Rights, access control and other technical means to ensure storage security." Musk emphasized that data protection is not just a matter for one company, but should be accomplished by the joint efforts of the entire industry.

Ke Ruiwen said that the demand for "harmonious symbiosis" between people and cyberspace has made data security, network security and user information security increasingly a focus of social concern. Clear skies and a good ecology in cyberspace are common pursuits.

"Platform companies must make a difference in terms of corporate governance, protection of user data privacy and rights, digital security governance and other areas of deep concern to the country and society." Zhang Yong, chairman and CEO of Alibaba Group, said that for For platform companies, the environmental, social and corporate governance responsibilities pointed to by ESG are obviously larger and more in-depth propositions.

In fact, Liu He, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Vice Premier of the State Council, made it clear in his speech at the opening ceremony that science and technology for good is an inherent requirement of a community with a shared future for mankind. Countries around the world must jointly maintain the safety and reliability of infrastructure, adhere to scientific and technological ethics, and combat Internet illegal activities, truly protecting fair competition and promoting innovation, rationally defining digital property rights, overcoming "Baumer's disease" and the "digital divide", and achieving inclusive growth.

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