In particular, we should focus on frontline personnel such as medical staff and community epidemic prevention volunteers to avoid heat stroke caused by wearing protective equipment for a long time in hot weather. Zhejiang has been on the rise for four consecutive months starting

2024/07/0120:33:33 hotcomm 1366

As soon as the rainy season arrives,

high temperatures will follow.

This means that

high temperature subsidies will be issued!

In particular, we should focus on frontline personnel such as medical staff and community epidemic prevention volunteers to avoid heat stroke caused by wearing protective equipment for a long time in hot weather. Zhejiang has been on the rise for four consecutive months starting  - DayDayNews

A few days ago, The National Federation of Trade Unions made arrangements for employee heatstroke prevention and cooling in 2022, requiring trade unions at all levels to do a good job in labor protection for high-temperature operations and operations in hot weather under normalized epidemic prevention and control situations, and to effectively prevent and control occupational heatstroke events. , Reduce the harm to workers' health caused by high-temperature work and high-temperature weather work. In particular, we should focus on frontline personnel such as medical staff and community epidemic prevention volunteers to avoid heat stroke caused by wearing protective equipment for a long time in hot weather.

How to send high temperature allowance ?

Zhejiang has been publishing for four consecutive months starting from this month

In particular, we should focus on frontline personnel such as medical staff and community epidemic prevention volunteers to avoid heat stroke caused by wearing protective equipment for a long time in hot weather. Zhejiang has been on the rise for four consecutive months starting  - DayDayNews

In June 2018, Zhejiang Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security issued a document "Notice on Issues Related to Adjusting Enterprise Summer High Temperature Allowance Standards" (Zhejiang People's Social Security Bureau [2018] 65 No.)), the document stipulates:

1. The summer high temperature allowance standard for enterprise employees is: 300 yuan per person per month for outdoor workers; 200 yuan per person per month for indoor workers. The distribution period is 4 months (June, July, August, September). If the nature of the work alternates between outdoors and indoors, or the main working time is outdoors, or working in front of a high-temperature furnace, it will be regarded as outdoor work.

2. Summer high temperature allowance is included in the total salary, but is not included in the minimum wage standard.

3. If work is stopped or working hours are shortened due to hot weather, enterprises shall not deduct or reduce workers’ wages. Enterprises are not allowed to reduce workers' wages due to the increase in high temperature allowances.

4. While issuing summer high temperature allowances, enterprises should continue to provide refreshing drinks at work sites.

In particular, we should focus on frontline personnel such as medical staff and community epidemic prevention volunteers to avoid heat stroke caused by wearing protective equipment for a long time in hot weather. Zhejiang has been on the rise for four consecutive months starting  - DayDayNews

△Lotus in Xianghu Lake, Hangzhou. Photo by Zhejiang News Client reporter Dong Xuming

What are the conditions for issuing high temperature fees?

Are high temperature allowances and heatstroke prevention and cooling fees the same thing?

let’s take a look!

What is high temperature weather?

High temperature weather refers to weather with a daily maximum temperature of 35°C or above announced to the public by meteorological stations affiliated with meteorological authorities at or above the prefectural level.

High-temperature weather operations refer to operations that employers arrange for workers to perform in high-temperature natural weather environments during hot weather periods.

Will wages be deducted due to stopping work due to high temperature?

During hot weather, employers should take measures such as reasonably arranging working hours, rotating operations, appropriately increasing the rest time of workers in high-temperature working environments, reducing labor intensity, and reducing outdoor operations during high-temperature periods based on production characteristics and specific conditions.

If work is stopped or working hours are shortened due to hot weather, the employer shall not deduct or reduce workers' wages.

Will the salary be reduced after the high temperature allowance is issued?

If an employer arranges workers to engage in outdoor operations in weather with temperatures above 35°C and cannot take effective measures to reduce the temperature of the workplace to below 33°C, it shall pay high temperature allowances to the workers and include them in the total wages.

Workers who suffer from heat stroke due to high-temperature work or work in hot weather and are diagnosed as occupational diseases shall enjoy work-related injury insurance benefits.

Are high temperature allowance and heatstroke prevention and cooling fee the same thing?

High temperature allowance and heatstroke prevention and cooling fee are not the same thing. To put it simply, the high temperature allowance is salary, and the heatstroke prevention and cooling fee is welfare. The high temperature allowance has restrictions on the working environment, while the heatstroke prevention and cooling fee has no special requirements.

Heatstroke prevention and cooling fee refers to the welfare expenditure provided by the employer for employees, in addition to employee wages, bonuses, allowances, and expenses included in total salary management, it is employee welfare.

The high temperature allowance refers to the employer's special or additional labor consumption allowance in order to compensate employees for working in high temperature environments. It is an integral part of wages.

Can the high temperature allowance be replaced by items?

It should be noted that employers should provide sufficient heatstroke prevention and cooling drinks and necessary medicines that meet health standards for workers who work in high temperatures and hot weather.

It is not allowed to distribute money or goods in lieu of providing heatstroke prevention and cooling drinks. Heatstroke prevention and cooling drinks shall not be used as a substitute for high temperature allowance.

According to the " Management Measures for Heatstroke Prevention and Cooling Measures ", high temperature allowance standards are formulated and implemented by provincial departments.In recent years, many places have raised subsidy standards or extended the subsidy period, and clearly stipulated that "materials are not allowed to be used as money."


High temperature allowance is not a "welfare" that can be paid or not paid.

If the employer fails to pay the high temperature allowance in accordance with the regulations, it is deducting or delaying the wages of the workers without reason. The labor and social security supervision agency may order the payment within a time limit according to the law. If the employer fails to pay the high temperature allowance, it may order additional compensation.

The conditions for issuing high temperature allowance only depend on whether the working environment is outdoors and the temperature of the working environment. It has nothing to do with day shift and night shift.

Workers must keep attendance sheets , weather forecasts, etc. to prove that the working environment is safe. Valid evidence that meets the standards for issuing high-temperature subsidies.

If the employer does not pay the subsidy, the employee can first report it to the employer's labor union, and the labor union will negotiate with the employer to safeguard their rights. If the employer does not have a labor union, they can also call 12345 or the human resources and social security reporting hotline 12333. Complaint.

Reprinted from: Zhejiang Gongzhijia WeChat public account. The copyright belongs to the original author.

Source: Zhejiang News


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