The sports lottery outlet 10615 at No. 271 Qingyun Road, Hongkou District has been undergoing renovation for more than half a month and reopened with a completely new look in mid-May. Brothers Zhang Chuansheng, 23, and Zhang Saisai, 24, are in charge of the shop and do disinfecti

2024/07/0119:28:33 hotcomm 1089

The COVID-19 epidemic continues to improve steadily, and the major football leagues in the international sports world have resumed their wars. The weather in Shanghai has been fine these days, and I feel comfortable and pleasant. The sports lottery outlet 10615 at No. 271 Qingyun Road, Hongkou District has been undergoing renovation for more than half a month and reopened with a completely new look in mid-May. "Post-95s generation" Zhang Chuansheng and his brother Zhang Saisai get up early every day and work hard to manage this small store and work hard for a better life.

The sports lottery outlet 10615 at No. 271 Qingyun Road, Hongkou District has been undergoing renovation for more than half a month and reopened with a completely new look in mid-May. Brothers Zhang Chuansheng, 23, and Zhang Saisai, 24, are in charge of the shop and do disinfecti - DayDayNews

Three hundred and sixty lines, the top pick

walked into the 10615 outlet located at the intersection of Qingyun Road and Zhijiang Middle Road. All kinds of epidemic prevention and disinfection supplies were neatly placed, including masks, thermometer guns, and disinfectant. Brothers Zhang Chuansheng, 23, and Zhang Saisai, 24, are in charge of the shop and do disinfection work three times a day, which makes lottery buyers feel at ease. They came to Shanghai with their parents from Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province to work when they were in their teens. It has been more than nine years now, and the surrounding residents are very familiar with this family.

The brothers originally ran a fruit shop together with their parents, and the business was booming. Three years ago, they learned that the sports betting shop next to their fruit shop wanted to be transferred, so they thought why not give it a try? "We all know that the shop next door is one of the earliest sports betting shops to open in Shanghai. The former shop owner is a well-known sports betting analyst in Shanghai and has accumulated a group of experienced lottery buyers." His brother Zhang Saisai said that he had seen it in the previous 10 years. 10615 outlets have won many super jackpots worth millions and tens of millions, and the good news and winning banners are updated frequently. The reason for the transfer was that the former owner was too busy with other businesses and could not take care of the long-term daily operation of the sports betting shop, so he reluctantly gave up. Naturally, this hard-working family couldn't miss such a good opportunity. Since

saw the business opportunity, he took action immediately. On the National Day of 2017, the new store that the Zhang family took over opened successfully and got off the ground immediately. "We have always seen that this store is doing very well, and there are still many lottery buyers who buy lottery tickets and come to our store to buy fruits." The brothers know that the sports lottery store works long hours every day, which is even harder than running a fruit store. But if you choose to do this, you must work hard to do it well. "Our family was full of confidence from the beginning, believing that as long as we put in the hard work, we would be successful. We are brothers and we work together to make money. The sports lottery store was on track not long after it opened, and sales were very stable in less than half a year. "I think just like President Xi said, 'roll up your sleeves and work hard', we young people will be able to live a good life as long as we work hard."

During the epidemic, only traditional colors were sold, so the brothers simply went to renovate the store. , starting a new stage of sports lottery sales with a new look. "We carried out renovations in late April. Just after finishing the renovation in the past two days, I found that there are competitions in sports betting again. The timing is really good."

The sports lottery outlet 10615 at No. 271 Qingyun Road, Hongkou District has been undergoing renovation for more than half a month and reopened with a completely new look in mid-May. Brothers Zhang Chuansheng, 23, and Zhang Saisai, 24, are in charge of the shop and do disinfecti - DayDayNews

Public welfare sports lottery rational purchase

Although Qingyun Road is a small road, there are new developments around it. There are several old communities with many lottery players of many age groups. You should know that this old store, which has been in operation for more than ten years, has accumulated many experienced lottery buyers, all of whom are "old masters" in the sports lottery industry. Many of them are accustomed to purchasing lottery tickets at 10615 outlets, and the betting amounts are also large. The winning rate is of course quite high.

"There are really a lot of old customers who come to our store. I am very grateful to the previous store manager for the accumulation he made for me. In the past few years, I have also developed new lottery buying groups myself and made many new friends. Many people feel the charm of sports lottery." Zhang Saisai also turned many customers who used to frequent the fruit shop into lottery buyers, and popularized the concept of public welfare sports lottery with them, which achieved multiple results. When there is a popular event, new and old lottery buyers in the store work together and show their strengths, and everyone wins.

However, the Zhang brothers did not blindly pursue high sales. Whenever they see someone buying lottery tickets irrationally, they will patiently advise them immediately. "We all know that sports lottery is public welfare, and rational lottery purchasing is the foundation of public welfare. Our store owners and lottery buyers are actually a community of interests. If we see that they have enough funds and want to buy a lot today, we will let them buy in large amounts. Lottery, but it is easy to lose them quickly. I think only by allowing lottery buyers to act according to their ability and not blindly invest, can the water flow smoothly."

open early and close late to serve lottery players

In order to cope with the late start of European and American football lottery games, the brothers always wait until the early morning to close the door. During the Champions League, it is common to close after 1 am. The two brothers The work schedule is set every week, and one person will wait until the last game of the night is over to redeem the lottery tickets before going to rest. The next morning, the store will still open on time before 10 o'clock. When there is a basketball lottery NBA game, the store will open before 9 o'clock, so that everyone can buy lottery tickets in real time.

"Since the sports lottery center stipulates the opening and closing time, of course we must also comply with it. Working in sports betting is actually the same as commuting to and from get off work. Punctuality is the most basic. If you want to do better, it is normal to work overtime. When basketball games start early, we naturally open our doors early so that everyone can find our store is always open when they want to buy lottery tickets. "Brother Zhang Chuansheng bluntly said that opening a sports betting shop is a service industry, and providing convenience to others is their duty. "Although I myself sometimes complain that this job takes too much time and I can't go out to play like other young people. But no matter how hard you work, you will gain something. The sports betting shop is my career, and the hard work I put in now is the cornerstone of a happy life in the future. "

From the fruit shop to the sports lottery shop, the Zhang brothers worked hard to learn all kinds of sports lottery knowledge, and soon they became experts from ignorance. Whenever they see lottery buyers who keep betting but fail to win, they will be moved emotionally. Xiaozhi used reason to help him analyze the problems of the order to find out what caused the failure. "Sometimes when I see a big problem with someone else's order, I will take the initiative to analyze it and tell him that it is not easy to win. reason. If it is just a matter of luck, I would encourage lottery players to continue betting, because some good opportunities often appear when a person wavers. I have seen too many examples before of missing out on big prizes due to lack of confidence. Luck is hard to say in lottery, and it is also the most critical thing. Many things are valuable because of persistence. Many people who have won big prizes in traditional digital lottery won the prize after following the same number for several years. "Recently, the lottery has a jackpot of 990 million, and the amount and probability of winning are higher than before. Zhang Chuansheng found that the probability of success is higher if you guard the popular numbers and then add random numbers together." Some popular The numbers are always open. Friends who keep the numbers can fix some popular numbers and then randomly add their own favorite numbers, so that the probability of good luck will be higher. ”

Recently, many new varieties of instant lottery tickets have been released, and many lottery buyers choose to win instant lottery tickets. Many lottery buyers also ask for instant lottery tickets when they enter the store to buy other lottery tickets. Try your luck with a few scratch cards and , and the probability of winning is really high. Since the winning numbers in the top scratch cards are diverse, Zhang Saisai will always explain the rules carefully to the lottery buyers at the first time. “Come to the store. A lot of people come to buy scratch cards, but they buy them anyway. Many people don't know how to play them. The numbers and pictures represent multipliers and extra bonuses. Many people just look at the numbers and ask me for the money they won based on the numbers. At that time, I specifically told them the meaning of the symbols, and everyone was particularly assured of our service. "

The sports lottery outlet 10615 at No. 271 Qingyun Road, Hongkou District has been undergoing renovation for more than half a month and reopened with a completely new look in mid-May. Brothers Zhang Chuansheng, 23, and Zhang Saisai, 24, are in charge of the shop and do disinfecti - DayDayNews

There are few strings, stable results, high bonuses

After the sports lottery reopened, the best-selling product in the store is the football lottery. Zhang Chuansheng, who is already an expert in sports betting, in addition to providing information on players and coaches of each team in the major leagues He is very knowledgeable about handicaps, and his analysis of handicap is also very unique. He believes that the key to winning in football lottery is to win the lottery, that is, there are unpopular results and obvious matchups with low odds on a list, so that the winning amount will be greater than the odds. If you only seek stability, the probability of winning is much higher than if you only seek upsets.

“I don’t actually buy lottery tickets much, but after watching and betting a lot, I naturally figured out the clues. "My younger brother believes that no matter how high the level of lottery players is, if you want to have a high probability of winning, you must match less and be relatively stable. "Many experts like to buy any 9 or 14 games or multiple games, but the probability of winning is certain. Low. I think it is easiest to win by choosing two or three interesting games to play.And studying the handicap is more important than the team situation. An upset event that blindly pursues high profits will definitely have a very low probability of winning. Generally, choose two games with odds below 1.5, which is very stable, the chance of upset is very small, and the variables will not exceed 20%. Then double-select an unpopular game to make the prize amount of a single ticket higher, and then select the corresponding multiple based on the purchasing power of different lottery players. This kind of three-in-one allows two wrong results (one of which is a double selection), and the principal can be recovered. "

The brothers are handsome in appearance, love to use their brains, and have enthusiastic service. Their good looks and dual business online attract more and more lottery buyers to visit No. 271 Qingyun Road. In their spare time, the brothers will promote charity with lottery buyers. The concept of sports lottery tells them that each sports lottery ticket will indicate the amount donated to the sports lottery charity fund. During this new coronavirus epidemic, sports lottery has made a special contribution with money and efforts. Even if you don’t win the lottery, you still have to show your love and be full of positive energy.

In the near future, the Zhang brothers look forward to the early and complete end of the COVID-19 epidemic, the vigorous development of domestic and foreign sports events, and more people joining the sports family and feeling the influence of sports. "As Academician Zhong Nanshan said, the best medicine is your own immunity. If you participate in more sports, your body will naturally be better. Let us move together, use our own energy to defeat the virus, and create a better life together. "

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