2022 is the ninth year that President Xi Jinping has delivered a New Year's message. Today is the 11th day since Xiqing District launched the emergency response mechanism and started the battle to prevent and control the epidemic and ensure supply. We listened and watched Preside

2024/07/0113:18:33 hotcomm 1295
2022 is the ninth year that President Xi Jinping has delivered a New Year's message. Today is the 11th day since Xiqing District launched the emergency response mechanism and started the battle to prevent and control the epidemic and ensure supply. We listened and watched Preside - DayDayNews2022 is the ninth year that President Xi Jinping has delivered a New Year's message. Today is the 11th day since Xiqing District launched the emergency response mechanism and started the battle to prevent and control the epidemic and ensure supply. We listened and watched Preside - DayDayNews022 is the ninth year that President Xi Jinping has delivered a New Year's message. Every year's New Year's greetings have the function of looking back at the past to accumulate strength; looking at the future to inspire and start again.

Between the lines, do you feel your time and my youth? Have you seen a glimpse of what it’s like to fight for your dreams? We continue to share the inspiration gained by the soldiers on the front line of epidemic prevention and control in Xiqing...

Doing our best to ensure supply

Re-innovation to stimulate vitality

2022 is the ninth year that President Xi Jinping has delivered a New Year's message. Today is the 11th day since Xiqing District launched the emergency response mechanism and started the battle to prevent and control the epidemic and ensure supply. We listened and watched Preside - DayDayNews

Gao Fuguang

Party Secretary and Director of the Xiqing District Commerce Bureau

Today is the launch of the emergency response in Xiqing District On the 11th day of the battle to prevent and control the epidemic and ensure supply, we listened and watched President Xi Jinping’s 2022 New Year’s message live. "What the people are worried about, I will take care of; what the people hope for, I will do it." "This year, there will be many unforgettable Chinese voices, Chinese moments, and Chinese stories. The whole country is resolute and powerful in epidemic prevention and control... "These words have strengthened our confidence and determination to forge ahead and pursue our dreams in the new journey.

2022 is the ninth year that President Xi Jinping has delivered a New Year's message. Today is the 11th day since Xiqing District launched the emergency response mechanism and started the battle to prevent and control the epidemic and ensure supply. We listened and watched Preside - DayDayNews

The New Year's speech boosts the spirit. It is our firm belief to live up to history, the times and the people. In the new year, we will continue to strengthen epidemic prevention and control in the commercial and trade field, and continue to carry out regular supervision and inspections at wet markets, large supermarkets and other locations throughout the region to ensure that normalized epidemic prevention and control measures are implemented to the letter. Further improve the emergency supply plan for daily necessities, improve the daily monitoring mechanism for daily necessities, coordinate the expansion of the producer service industry and increase efficiency, make the daily service industry convenient, sophisticated and high-quality, accelerate the progress of the top ten boutique business districts, and promote key commercial and trade complexes Project construction will effectively release consumption potential and strive to achieve high-quality development in Xiqing's commercial and trade field.

Only with courage and perseverance

can we live up to our mission

2022 is the ninth year that President Xi Jinping has delivered a New Year's message. Today is the 11th day since Xiqing District launched the emergency response mechanism and started the battle to prevent and control the epidemic and ensure supply. We listened and watched Preside - DayDayNews

Li Hongchang

Secretary of the Party Committee of Zhongbei Town, Xiqing District

I will take care of the people's concerns; I will do what the people hope for. "President Xi's words express the endless sentiments of the people. In the face of this sudden COVID-19 epidemic, under the strong leadership of the Municipal Party Committee and District Party Committee, Zhongbei Town has always fulfilled its purpose of serving the people and resolutely pressed on its local responsibilities. , the wartime mechanism was activated as soon as possible, and all personnel were on duty, working day and night, and devoted themselves to the frontline "fight" against the epidemic, effectively blocking the spread of the epidemic and ensuring the normal production and life of the people.

2022 is the ninth year that President Xi Jinping has delivered a New Year's message. Today is the 11th day since Xiqing District launched the emergency response mechanism and started the battle to prevent and control the epidemic and ensure supply. We listened and watched Preside - DayDayNews

Everything that passes is the beginning of a new year. Zhongbei Town will definitely keep in mind Chairman Xi Jinping’s instructions, and under the correct leadership of the Municipal Party Committee and District Party Committee, work hard and work diligently to implement regular epidemic prevention and control, coordinate the promotion of economic and social development, and live up to history and live up to history. We must live up to the times and live up to the people, and strive unremittingly to build a "new urban center" with deep integration of industry and city.

The road is long and difficult.

Accelerate for a better tomorrow.

2022 is the ninth year that President Xi Jinping has delivered a New Year's message. Today is the 11th day since Xiqing District launched the emergency response mechanism and started the battle to prevent and control the epidemic and ensure supply. We listened and watched Preside - DayDayNews

Wang Bisheng

Director of Xiqing District Transportation Management Bureau

Watch. After reading President Xi Jinping’s New Year’s message, we were deeply shocked, especially when he said, “I will take care of the people’s concerns; I will do what the people hope for. "These 16 words truly reflect the noble feelings of all for the people. These 16 words are also the work requirements for our party members and cadres.

2022 is the ninth year that President Xi Jinping has delivered a New Year's message. Today is the 11th day since Xiqing District launched the emergency response mechanism and started the battle to prevent and control the epidemic and ensure supply. We listened and watched Preside - DayDayNews

According to the unified arrangements of the Xiqing District Committee and the District Government, we will coordinate the epidemic prevention during the two festivals. We made important arrangements for control and safety production, and we made effective allocations based on industry supervision tasks. During the New Year holiday, we dispatched a total of 102 people and more than 80 inspection personnel to guard the checkpoints at 15 points. All party members, cadres and employees of the Transportation Management Bureau have taken actions to fulfill President Xi’s requirements for transportation management work.

President Xi Jinping pointed out in his New Year’s message, “In order for everyone to live a better life, we must not be satisfied with the current results. There is a long way to go. "We must unify our thinking, build consensus, and unswervingly listen to and follow the Party's instructions.

Please rest assured that the Party will fight against the epidemic and I will be with you.

Youth is amazing in its dedication. The majority of young people have sounded the rallying call and mobilization order to closely follow the party, work hard, and persevere.

2022 is the ninth year that President Xi Jinping has delivered a New Year's message. Today is the 11th day since Xiqing District launched the emergency response mechanism and started the battle to prevent and control the epidemic and ensure supply. We listened and watched Preside - DayDayNews

Since the start of the epidemic prevention and control war, 267 young volunteers recruited by the Youth League Committee have been on the front line of prevention and control 24 hours a day, assisting in health code inspection, information registration and order maintenance. Young people from all over the world and from all walks of life worked tirelessly day and night, braved the cold, and worked tirelessly to deliver a dedicated, warm, and qualified answer.

In the new year, the Youth League Committee will further establish a clear direction for party education, focus on ideological leadership and main responsibilities, continuously improve the organization, leadership, service and overall contribution of the League, unite and lead the majority of young people to actively Join the front line at the grassroots level, take the lead in the important tasks and critical moments of the district committee and district government, and strive to contribute youthful strength to building the shining pearl of the Grand Canal and building a modern and dynamic new city.

Stick to the front line and protect the people comprehensively

Work together towards the future

2022 is the ninth year that President Xi Jinping has delivered a New Year's message. Today is the 11th day since Xiqing District launched the emergency response mechanism and started the battle to prevent and control the epidemic and ensure supply. We listened and watched Preside - DayDayNews

Li Baoshu

Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Xiqing District Justice Bureau

President Xi Jinping said in his 2022 New Year's message: "Thousands of things, in the final analysis, are the affairs of thousands of households. "I will take care of the people's concerns; I will do what the people hope for." "We cannot be satisfied with our current achievements. We still have a long way to go to help everyone live a better life." This is not only a summary of yesterday, but also a promise for tomorrow. Cadres and workers in the judicial administration system of Xiqing District were very excited after hearing this, and at the same time they also felt deeply responsible.

2022 is the ninth year that President Xi Jinping has delivered a New Year's message. Today is the 11th day since Xiqing District launched the emergency response mechanism and started the battle to prevent and control the epidemic and ensure supply. We listened and watched Preside - DayDayNews

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, the Xiqing District Justice Bureau has quickly assembled a volunteer service team with excellent work style, and immediately went to the front line to participate in mass services, lockdown protection, nucleic acid testing, isolation services and other tasks.

In the new year, the Xiqing District Justice Bureau will take it as its mission to improve the people's sense of happiness and security in the rule of law, closely focus on the central work of the district committee and district government, and strive to further promote the rule of law in Xiqing, the rule of law government, and the rule of law society We must work hard in construction and other aspects, take practical measures, and seek practical results to provide a strong legal guarantee for building the shining pearl of the Grand Canal, building a modern and dynamic new city, and striving to write a new chapter of high-quality development in Xiqing.

Consolidating anti-epidemic experience to protect people's health

Drawing a blueprint for a healthy Xiqing

2022 is the ninth year that President Xi Jinping has delivered a New Year's message. Today is the 11th day since Xiqing District launched the emergency response mechanism and started the battle to prevent and control the epidemic and ensure supply. We listened and watched Preside - DayDayNews

Guo Yipeng

Director of the Xiqing District Health Committee

A century of achievements is inspiring, and a century of experience is inspiring. President Xi Jinping's New Year's message conveys deep sentiments, which is heart-warming and inspiring. Especially in the face of the COVID-19 epidemic, the medical staff and party members and cadres of the Xiqing District health system stepped forward, took on the responsibilities, and faced the difficulties, firmly interpreting the medical oath that health and life depend on each other.

2022 is the ninth year that President Xi Jinping has delivered a New Year's message. Today is the 11th day since Xiqing District launched the emergency response mechanism and started the battle to prevent and control the epidemic and ensure supply. We listened and watched Preside - DayDayNews

Facing the future, we can only live up to history, the times, and the people by working hard and working diligently. President Xi Jinping’s words inspire us to do every job on the new journey and ensure the health of the people of Xiqing.

In 2022, we will insist on normalizing prevention and control. Give full play to professional advantages, strengthen business guidance to the grassroots, achieve timely detection, rapid disposal, precise control, and effective treatment, and consolidate the results of prevention and control in the region. On the other hand, we insist on prevention first. We will in-depth carry out the Healthy Xiqing Action, focusing on people's health, and continuously improve residents' health literacy and health level. At the same time, we will also insist on equalization of services. Focusing on strengthening and improving the level of grassroots medical care, we will actively promote close medical alliances and smart medical care, extend high-quality resources to the grassroots, and achieve the organic integration of prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation, so that the gatekeepers of people's health are always around.

Xiqing Media Reporter: Yu Aishu Landi Li Tao

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