Now Sun Lang has been in charge of the first, second and third detachments from the original one. Director Dong has handed over the three detachments to Sun Lang. The purpose is to improve the combat effectiveness through experiments so as to facilitate the next step. In response

2024/07/0113:09:33 hotcomm 1002

Countless close combat battles allowed Sun Lang to see the special role of cold weapons in hand-to-hand combat.

decided to practice the 48-style "Qi Family Sword Technique" adapted by himself in the three teams he piloted. Because this sword technique is specialized in ninja sword techniques, he will not fall behind in successive battles.

Now Sun Lang has been in charge of the first, second and third teams from being solely in charge of the first team. Director Dong has handed over the three teams to Sun Lang for the purpose of improving combat effectiveness through experiments to facilitate the next step. Launching an attack on the Struggle Committee of the anti-China terrorist organization in country D, Captain Li Shengli is in charge of the remaining seven detachments.

Captain Li Shengli benefited greatly from seeing the results of Sun Lang's experiment! He was about to hand over all the seven teams he had to Sun Lang, but Director Dong did not agree and gave Li Shengli some other experimental projects.

Director Dong is preparing to take under his command all 12 special forces in the military, such as the Special Reconnaissance Brigade of the Northern Military Region, which are rarely exposed to anti-terrorist operations.

But the top priority is to quickly improve their combat effectiveness! As for how to improve? This is an experimental project he assigned to team leader Li Shengli.

Twenty blunt unedged knives similar in shape and weight to the Qi family knives were made, and forty pairs of rings for use with the Qi family knives were also made.

indoor training ground.

Twenty warriors who had recently achieved a small breakthrough in Qi strength gathered together.

Sun Lang conveyed the spirit of the important instructions given by Director Dong to everyone, and made it clear that the three detachments were officially named the Experimental Squadron of the Longwei Special Warfare Brigade of the Base Intelligence Bureau to carry out experiments to improve combat effectiveness.

The team members cheered!

Everyone has great confidence in Sun Lang and can become a warrior. Their deputy captain helped them fulfill their lifelong wish, and the glory of a warrior's life gradually emerged.

Everyone followed Sun Lang to practice "Qi Family Sword Technique" and learned the essence of Bajiquan from Mr. Wu. After

practiced the "Qi Family Sword Technique" and demonstrated the essentials of using the ring, he distributed the sword manual to everyone, and Sun Lang went to the base hospital to visit Dong Yun.

Mr. Wu led everyone to continue to consolidate Qi Jin Xiaocheng's skills and practice sword skills, ring application and Bajiquan.

came to Dong Yun's ward and saw that his lover was depressed, and Sun Lang was a little panicked.

came closer, grabbed Dong Yun's arm, and checked her pulse.

After that, I used Qi Jin to explore Dong Yun’s whole body and sensed that Qi and blood were blocked in Dong Yun’s uterus.

Slowly use Qi Jin to assist the circulation of Qi and blood throughout Dong Yun's body.

Dong Yun was in an injured state, which is medically called uterine body scar rupture, commonly known as " uterine rupture", and part of the fetus entered the peritoneal cavity .

The originally ruptured uterine wall has healed, and the endometrium recovery is slightly slower. The doctor said that full recovery will take at least two years! If the situation is serious, you may not be able to have children.

After learning about her condition and worrying about the worst possible outcome of being unable to have children, Dong Yun felt depressed.

After using the power to heal his injuries, Sun Lang saw his lover's thoughts and comforted him: "It's no problem. It won't delay us having children in the future. Don't worry, you will recover soon!"

Dong Yun still said nothing. , was worried, thinking it was the little man comforting her.

During the treatment process, Sun Lang told Dong Yun the good news that 21 special operations team members including Captain Li Shengli had achieved breakthroughs in Qi Jin.

This made her smile a little. Her lover would have a powerful helper in the future, so she didn't have to worry too much!

Seeing that Dong Yun was feeling better, Sun Lang took the opportunity to ask: "Hey, madam, has the Human Resources Department approved our "Marriage Application"? It's been how many days. It shouldn't be so slow. It should be approved." Let's go!"

didn't dare to look at her lover, and Dong Yun responded calmly: "I'm sorry, Sun Lang, I have withdrawn the "Marriage Application"! My uterus is seriously injured now, I'm afraid... I can't... I've given birth to a child for you...don't delay your Sun family...stay behind!" Dong Yun cried sadly while speaking.

Dong Yun’s thoughts were guessed by the little man!

Sun Lang said jokingly: "My wife was injured because of the national mission! How can I give up on you! Besides, you are a warrior and you will recover soon! To say the least, even if you cannot have children in the future, It doesn't matter, I will spend the rest of my life with you! Besides, if the queen is kind and rewards me with a child, wouldn't it be the same?" Poof, Dong Yun laughed angrily, repeating the same trick again. He grabbed Sun Lang's ears fiercely, deliberately pretending to be angry, and scolded: "I knew you were still thinking about one king and two two! Who is Xi Gong?" "Spare your life, spare your life, Queen, Xi Gong" There is no candidate yet, the decision is yet to be made by the palace!" Sun Lang endured the pain and grinned as he answered.

Dong Yun said with satisfaction: "That's pretty much it. I pity you that the Sun family can't break up the heir apparent. It's not good for the country! I'm always thinking about you. I haven't thought about the candidate for the West Palace yet. I'll talk about it later!"

In fact, The first choice for Xigong is sister Li Jiani. She knows that this silly sister of hers is always infatuated with Sun Lang, her little man, but she just can't let him be too arrogant! Eating in the pot, thinking about the pot! Dong Yun has thought about it and will quit if necessary!

Dong Yun knew how good Sun Lang was to her. If she really couldn't have children, she would give up Sun Lang and give him to sister Li Jiani. The little man's character of emphasizing love and justice would definitely not agree.

If both sisters marry Sun Lang, I can joke that it is possible, but that is unrealistic and Chinese law does not allow it! Besides, if you really do that, it will violate military marriage , and it is not allowed!

Dong Yun has no choice! Thought: Hey, just take it one step at a time. No one can say for sure about emotional matters. As Mr. Wu said, just let nature take its course! Let’s put the marriage registration aside for now!

"Sun Lang, it's okay if we don't get the certificate for the time being. I can still accompany you to complete the next arduous task. I can't bear to leave you! Once we get the certificate, we have to implement the avoidance regulations and work as instructors in the second line. It's too early now." It's early!" Dong Yun said, even though her little man tried to persuade her, Dong Yun just refused! The reason was very good, and Sun Lang was helpless.

Finally, they had to talk about work. Sun Lang told Dong Yun about the establishment of an experimental squadron from three teams approved by his father-in-law, Director Dong. Dong Yun nodded in praise, and Sun Lang's next plan could be implemented smoothly.

Dong Yun said guiltily: "Sun Lang, I can't help you now. I can only take good care of your health. It's up to you to work hard on the experimental squadron!" As soon as he saw that his lover's mood improved, Sun Lang He quickly brushed his beard and said: "Madam, if you take good care of your health now, it will be the greatest help to your husband! To tell the truth, I really need you to give me children in the future! Of course, even if you can't have children, you Husband, I will never give up on you! So, madam, don’t think too much, just take care of me and that’s it!” After confessing, she kissed Dong Yun, no matter where.

When it was time to change the dressing, the nurse came in and he retreated in embarrassment.

The little nurse saw Sun Lang's affectionate behavior and said enviously: "Sister Dong Yun, your lover is so kind to you!"

Dong Yun's face showed a happy smile...

Returned to training pavilion. When the members of the

experimental squadron saw the deputy captain of their special operations brigade returning, they quickly stepped forward to ask about the essentials of "Qi Family Sword Technique".

casually picked up a blunt knife and said: "You guys will practice one-on-one with me first, and follow the sword techniques one by one!"

The 20 warriors, one-on-one, followed Sun Lang in order to practice.

During the sparring, Sun Lang continued to demonstrate the essentials of the movements. Everyone digested and understood quickly and entered the artistic conception unconsciously.

In order for everyone to quickly master the essentials of sword skills and get into their roles, Sun Lang ordered five people to join forces to attack him.

The first batch of 5 people who had achieved a certain level of strength fought fiercely with him while wielding knives! In less than five minutes, they were all beaten by Sun Lang until they lost their armor. The blunt knives in their hands were either knocked away or knocked away, and their people were kicked out, leaving them in a state of utter confusion.

The second batch of 5 warriors who were relatively weak were all defeated in less than five minutes.

In the end, the captains of the second and third squads led four warriors with limited strength to attack him together. They were all defeated within twenty minutes. They were all killed by Sun Lang and abandoned their armor. .

20 warriors are anxious! Together they besieged Sun Lang.

Similarly, within twenty minutes, Sun Lang was beaten to pieces and he was in a miserable state.

During the fierce battle, Sun Lang used the ring to coordinate, constantly blocking and deflecting the attacking blunt blades, allowing everyone to fully experience the magic of the ring.

Sun Lang waved his sword calmly and naturally, attacking them like he was holding a pair of swords.

After a week, everyone practiced the "Qi Family Knife Technique" with blunt knives and the ring, and they were already familiar with it and became comfortable with it.

Sun Lang is one to five, and he is already struggling! There is no guarantee of victory anymore, everyone has made progress.

Next, there was a one-on-one competition. As a result, the time to subdue the opponent was extended for 5 minutes at first, then 10 minutes, 15 minutes, and finally 20 minutes. After the competition, Sun Lang was still out of breath.

saw everyone's rapid progress, Sun Lang and Mr. Wu showed happy smiles.

put away the blunt knives and ordered War Wolf to sharpen them.

Only then did everyone understand that the next step was to fight with real swords and guns.

Sun Lang went to rest. Before leaving, he told everyone that they would wear one-piece combat uniforms tomorrow and wait for actual combat training.

Mr. Wu stepped forward and led everyone to start practicing Bajiquan.

Bajiquan training pays attention to the application of eight parts of the head, shoulders, elbows, hands, tail, hips, knees and feet. It is a short boxing technique characterized by close-to-body skills of hitting, collapsing, squeezing and leaning.

The tiger climbs the mountain hard, the head-to-head elbow, the six major moves, the eight major moves of and are all familiar moves, and the trick "mountain support" is the best among them.

The main methods of strength include cross strength, sinking strength, silk winding strength, etc. However, the various strengths are not isolated, but are closely related and compatible with each other as a whole.

"Come on, now, I will give you the drills of the top elbow, the black tiger lift, the top of the head, the three-gun hammer, and the mountain support. You all follow me and learn the other boxing techniques yourself!" Mr. Wu ordered, Then, he began to explain in detail the postures combined with boxing techniques.

Mr. Wu demonstrated several unique moves of Bajiquan to everyone. From time to time, he called out the team members one by one to practice, feeling the essentials and close combat capabilities of this boxing method. It was really useful and powerful. Compared with the boxing methods they practiced individually, It’s truly extraordinary!

Although the 20 martial artists all have their own different sects and excellent martial arts, when comparing Baji Quan, I feel that this boxing method is a masterpiece that combines the essence of many boxing methods, and it is very charming.

Everyone's interest in practicing Baji Quan was fully aroused, and they all came forward to communicate and discuss with Mr. Wu. These martial arts masters quickly understood the essence of Baji Quan.

Bajiquan has made rapid progress, and I am hooked!

all thank Sun Lang and Mr. Wu from the bottom of their hearts for giving them a new life in martial arts!

Mr. Wu also taught them without reservation how to meditate to stabilize their energy and how to release their energy.

The rest needs time to practice on his own. Seeing that he will have to practice swordsmanship with real guns tomorrow, Mr. Wu immediately dismissed everyone.

Now Sun Lang has been in charge of the first, second and third detachments from the original one. Director Dong has handed over the three detachments to Sun Lang. The purpose is to improve the combat effectiveness through experiments so as to facilitate the next step. In response - DayDayNews

The next day, at half past eight, in the training hall.

Sun Lang and Mr. Wu began to practice with real swords and guns, demonstrating to everyone.

Everyone is still a little afraid of practicing swordsmanship with their own people with real swords and guns, because they are afraid of hurting their own people.

Seeing everyone's nervousness, Sun Lang smiled and explained: "Today, the reason why I asked everyone to wear one-piece combat uniforms is because this combat uniform can not only prevent bullets, but also prevent knife cuts. , guard against knife cuts, don’t be nervous, it’s difficult to hurt your own people!”

then used a knife to cut and chop on the one-piece combat suit, and there was no problem with the one-piece combat suit.

"Wolf Warrior comes out, let's fight!" Sun Lang called the name.

War Wolf sneered and said, "I'm sorry, deputy captain!" and then began to attack with a knife.

Ding clang, the two long knives switched offense and defense, and the two people fought together.

Two minutes later, War Wolf was defeated, and the long knife was knocked away by the Qi family knife used by Sun Lang.

In addition, 19 warriors with limited strength wielded long knives and fought with Sun Lang one by one. As a result, without exception, within two minutes, either the long knives fell out of their hands, or they were kicked away, leaving them in a state of embarrassment.

Sun Lang didn't hold back at all! It is to let everyone see the cruelty and bloodshed of actual combat with two swords.

On the battlefield, the enemy will show no mercy, and it will be a life-or-death struggle!

Afterwards, Sun Lang arranged for one-on-one, one-on-two, and one-on-three actual combat, requiring these warriors with little strength to practice sword skills, murderous aura, and the bloody spirit of soldiers!

's cruel week of training is over, and everyone's ability to fight against actual soldiers has been greatly improved! After overcoming the fear in my heart, I developed the bloody spirit of a soldier!

Everyone is no longer afraid of Sun Lang, and they are vying to have a one-on-one battle with him.

was also like holding a blunt knife, killing Sun Lang so that he did not dare to be distracted. One-on-one, the fighting time increased from 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, and even 20 minutes, and his ability to continue fighting became stronger and stronger.

Everyone's knife skills and rings complement each other, making them more and more proficient.

The two of them fought against Sun Lang, killing him so much that he didn't dare to take it lightly and managed to deal with it.

The three of them fought against Sun Lang, killing him so hard that he couldn't resist, and they fought hard.

The four of them fought against Sun Lang, killing him so hard that he ran around and was unable to fight back.

In the end, Sun Lang had no choice but to throw away the Qi family knife, panting like an ox! He simply lay down on the floor and couldn't get up.

"Haha, it's done! It's done!" Sun Lang shouted loudly.

He was cheering for everyone, the experiment was successful!

At this moment, like a child, Sun Lang first ran to the office of team leader Li Shengli to report, and then, together with the equally excited Li Shengli, reported to Director Dong.

Director Dong looked at the excited Sun Lang and asked, "What other requests are there?"

After thinking for a while, Sun Lang said, "There is really one more request, that is, everyone is still very unfamiliar with ninjutsu and urgently need to understand it! There is a suitable candidate, Keiko Maeda, the person in charge of the Yanjing stronghold of the anti-China terrorist organization in country D! She is a jounin, her crime is minor, and she has performed meritorious service. Let her be punished and teach us ninjutsu! A well-known chip expert in Silicon Valley! As long as she is rescued and used by us, this semiconductor chip company has a very high technological content! "

" Okay, okay, our Vice Captain Sun is not only good at it! Special operations, and I also know how to cherish talents, and my awareness of the overall situation has strengthened! I promise you, special tasks will be dealt with!" Director Dong readily agreed to Sun Lang's request.

Afterwards, Sun Lang went to the base hospital and reported to Dong Yun.

(The novel "The Defender", with the strong support of Toutiaojun, is ready to be published one after another. It is exciting and novel! New friends and old friends, if you are satisfied with the content and plot of the novel, please don't forget to comment and long press Like and follow within three seconds, your support and encouragement are the motivation for my writing)

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