Welcome to leave your favorite novels in the comment area, and let’s communicate together! Click to learn more and there are resources 1. "The True Colors of the Concubine: The True Daughter Taming the Scum King" - author.

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The temperature has slowly risen, and warm winter days are coming again. Today, the editor has summarized for you some novels with good writing and plots that are attractive and can withstand repeated readings. Come and see if any of them suit your taste? Welcome to leave your favorite novels in the comment area, and let’s communicate together!

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1. "The True Colors of the Concubine: The First Daughter Taming the Scum King" - Author: Jia Ruo Feixue

Work introduction:

Huo Yaoguang's life creed is: try not to make a fuss about things that can be solved by hands. For problems that can be solved with violence, try not to use money. She is the best in the field of camouflage; she is the best in the art of war in the doctor profession. As soon as she was born, she had the reputation of being a mother-in-law. My father is far away in the border area, and my grandmother and stepmother are colluding with each other to raise my brother to be a playboy, and myself to be a good-for-nothing, weak and stupid person! The spy chief who just arrived here said that she could endure all this. However, if you dare to plan your own marriage blatantly, you must not tolerate it! So Huo Yaoguang decided to rise up! Her fiancé was humiliated in public and she immediately proposed to break off the engagement! If the relatives of the stepmother's family dare to take advantage of their brothers and sisters, they will be beaten out! Someone deliberately set a trap and wanted his brother to lose everything. Huo Yaoguang came on the stage in person domineeringly, and then made the other party lose everything!

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Huo Yaoguang's eyelids twitched, knowing that this guy would definitely not say these words for no reason. Sure enough, the next second, she saw someone sitting on her bed unceremoniously. "Hey, this is my bed!" Chu Yang raised his eyebrows, "I know. Otherwise, why do you think I want to sit on it?" Huo Yaoguang choked, what's the reason? "I saved your brother's life today, how much money do you think you should pay me?" Huo Yaoguang's eyes tightened, and in the next moment, he immediately threw himself towards the bed. She had gotten up in a hurry just now, and her several hundred thousand taels of silver notes were still lying next to her pillow. However, no matter how fast she moves, she can't keep up with Chu Yang's speed. As soon as Huo Yaoguang approached the edge of the bed, all the banknotes were already in Chu Yang's hands. But Huo Yaoguang's momentum was too fierce and too fast, and he couldn't hold back for a moment, so he knocked someone down gorgeously. As a result, the scene on the bed became a bit ambiguous.

2. "The Abandoned Daughter of the Marquis: The Evil Prime Minister Comes to the Door" - Author: Fang Fang Fang

Introduction to the work:

Family Search in the Small Theater:

"Nana, my aunt has finally found you! Why did you leave without saying a word? What about you? My aunt is going crazy looking for you! It’s great that you are alive. Let’s go home with your aunt! It’s so unsafe for a woman to make so much money out there!” Veil, said "heartbroken."

"You don't care about my children, but you care about my money first. You really love me! But do we know each other, aunt?" Qiao Wei looked indifferent.

Small Theater - Looking for a Wife:

Little Baozi brought back a man with a stern face: "Mother, uncle said he is my father."

Qiao Wei smiled: "Good son, tell your father to prove his identity "What should I do?"

Little Baozi opened the golden book and said solemnly: "Article 101 of the "Qiao Family Rules", bullying an underage girl is punishable by palace punishment. Uncle, if you are really my father..."

Before Little Baozi could finish speaking, the man's cold fingertips pinched Qiao Wei's chin, revealing a cold and dangerous smile: "If I remember correctly, it seems that you forced me on you that night!"

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Wonderful Content: Qiao Wei walked through the falling snowflakes, panted and ran to him, handed him the cloak, and raised her eyebrows: "Not so careless, huh?"

Ji Mingxiu couldn't help laughing, and shook his head. Shaking the two large bags in his hand, he signaled to Qiao Wei that he was not empty-handed.

Qiao Wei hung her cloak on his arm.

He looked at the cloak and then at Qiao Wei, which seemed to be saying -

Yes, how could a young master who is used to being served by others do it himself and have enough food and clothing?

Qiao Wei took a deep breath, took the cloak again, and put it on him.

He was so tall that she had to stand on tiptoes to put the cap on his cloak.

His warm breath fell on the top of her hair, with a tickling warmth. The cold wind blew from behind him, and his unique manly breath and refreshing fragrance suddenly enveloped Qiao Wei.

Qiao Wei’s hand paused.

"Meditate." He suddenly said.

"Huh?" Qiao Wei picked up the ribbon of the cloak.

"My name," he said.

Qiao Wei tied the ribbon for him intently, with a very serious expression: "My surname is Qiao."

He suppressed the raised corners of his lips, lowered his head, and whispered in her ear: "Miss Qiao, you are blushing."

3 ."The Idle Wife of a Powerful Minister" - Author: Feng Qing

Introduction to the work:

Xie Anlan, a national security agent codenamed Qinghu, did not kill her in the bloody storm, so she took a vacation and slept until liberation. After waking up from a dream, she became the fourth young lady of the Lu family in Quanzhou, Dongling Kingdom.

The house ticket for the handsome man was gone in the blink of an eye, and in front of her eyes was only the bastard husband who had just been kicked out of bed by her. Regardless of everything, I have a father-in-law who looks kind and smiling, a mother-in-law, and a number of sisters-in-law and brothers with various thoughts.

Xie Anlan was extremely depressed: I’m so sorry... I’m mankind’s closest best friend!

I wanted to take advantage of the delicate and beautiful young man to dominate my husband, but I didn't expect that this guy looks innocent on the outside, but on the inside he wants to blackmail the world.

——"In my eyes, there are only obedient and disobedient people. You are a smart man."

——"Husband and wife are birds of the same forest. When disaster strikes...I will definitely pull you to die together."

——"I want to The power is in the world. "

——"Then I...have no choice but to lie on the beauty's lap."

...Let's see who is lying on whose lap?

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"Family rules?! How long are the Lu family's rules?"

Xi'er shook her head, a little yearning, "I don't know, but I've seen them in the study, and they are so thick. "Stretched out his little hand and compared the thickness. Xie Anlan felt his eyes go dark, gritted his teeth and stood up, "Where is Lu Li?"

"The young master is in the study."

"Go over and have a look!"

In the study, a handsome and elegant young man sat behind the desk and held a book for a long time. He didn't turn the pages, it was obvious that his mind was not on the book. There was a bit of solemnity and contemplation on his handsome but immature face, as if he was thinking about some very important issue.

"Lu Li, are you here?!" Xie Anlan's voice sounded outside the door.

Lu Li came back to his senses, frowned slightly and said, "Come in."

Xie Anlan pushed the door open and walked in. He happened to see Lu Li raising his head in the study and couldn't help but be stunned. In her previous life, Miss Xie was an elite member of the Ministry of National Security, codenamed Qinghu, and she had countless followers. Not to mention that it was an era of information explosion. What kind of superstars and handsome men, fresh meat and bacon have never been seen. But he still couldn't help but be amazed by someone's appearance. Lu Li's appearance was not exquisite, but he had an impeccable handsomeness and broadness. The appropriate shade of eyebrows and eyes are like an ink painting with profound artistic conception. This is because he is still young, and his outline is slightly childish. It is conceivable that in a few years, as he becomes more mature and has more experience, he will undoubtedly become a rare scourge.

4. "A Time-traveling Husband, a Noble Wife" - Author: Luo Luo

Introduction to the work:

Gu Mingyu, who traveled through time and became a baby, expressed that she was very calm, and since she has come, she will make peace with it!

It’s just that:

his mother died at birth;

the stepmother came menacingly;

the cheap dad also had a bunch of aunts and concubine sisters;

and the favored Concubine Lu in the palace wanted to use her to marry her dead son. .


The cheap father was in a high position and loved his deceased wife deeply;

The deceased mother had a rich dowry that could support Mingyu for several lifetimes;

The eldest brother of the compatriots was both civil and military, scheming and a smart sister controlled one;

There was also an eldest princess whose grandmother was strong, overbearing and dared to Go scold the emperor.


Gu Mingyu just wants to do all kinds of things and learn her talents;

deal with her stepmother and sisters occasionally;

just live a nourishing little life.

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Wonderful content:

The three words "I'm sorry" made Kang Yingyuan feel extremely wronged all of a sudden. She stretched out her hand to cover her mouth and cried silently. She was really wronged. It was because of this person that she had suffered so much over the years. The grievance, although it was an accident of fate, and it is not possible to blame all the faults on this person, but after all, those things happened, so Kang Yingyuan still felt extremely wronged.

The emperor stood up and walked over, holding Kang Yingyuan in his arms: "I'm sorry, I won't do it again."

Kang Yingyuan just cried. She didn't want to get up in the emperor's arms, but in her heart she was thinking that the two of them would have sex. Later? can you?

The emperor seemed to sense Kang Yingyuan's uncertainty: "So, Ayuan, are you still willing to give me another chance?"

Are you willing? Kang Yingyuan was asking herself, how could it be possible for the two of them to have such identities now?

Kang Yingyuan slowly left the emperor's arms with a bleak smile: "Things are different and people have changed."

Now, she is a widow, can she still marry the emperor? If she just wants to be his concubine, she doesn't want to. Thinking about it, she is just one of his women, and if she wants to do everything for the so-called favor, then she thinks she might as well just stay like this.

Yes, she admitted that she was a little greedy. It was such an incredible thing to be his only one, but she just wanted to be greedy.

The emperor felt a dull pain in his heart, but he still said: "As long as we are all willing, we can definitely make it happen. Do you believe it?"

Kang Yingyuan raised her head and looked at the emperor: "Then, if my request is that in the future we Can we only have each other? "Can you still agree to this? I am very stingy. I don't want you to have other women, but if you can't do it, why come here to provoke me?" "Me." Kang Yingyuan admitted that she was actually moved at that moment, thinking that it would be fine if she could just stay by his side, but soon her rationality told her that if she really did this, it would be even more painful in the future, so Short-term pain is worse than long-term pain!

The emperor laughed: "If it's just this request, there's no problem." He also never thought about having other women. With her, everything is enough, really.

5. "The Brutal King Loves His Wife as Much as Her Life" - Author: Zhaozhao

Introduction to the work:

Others' bad reputations are either caused by themselves or framed by others;

Jingwan's bad reputation is not caused by herself, but by others. It was calculated by her future husband;

Hongyuan's bad reputation was not caused by others, but designed by himself, just to marry the woman he had been eyeing for two lifetimes!

One didn't get to marry, and the other didn't get married, because he was the most beautiful man, and she was not the most beautiful man, so she still made the money? What the hell?

During the wedding, the beautiful maid next to the husband did not crawl into bed, but served her as an ancestor; the former manager did not take over the power, but instead handed over all the property and even the husband's small treasury. No matter how weird it looks!

After spending time together day and night, she found out that her husband was a severe patient with schizophrenia. Please help!

Husband, what do you like about me? I'll change it, just don't be perverted.

Snake disease will occur in seconds, and actual actions will tell you that how much possessive he is towards you, how much you should care about him in return.

Well, in order not to aggravate the disease, and because there were no mistresses, mistresses, mistresses, mistresses, mistresses, mistresses, mistresses, mistresses, mistresses, mistresses, mistresses, mistresses, mistresses, mistresses, mistresses, mistresses, mistresses, mistresses, mistresses, mistresses, mistresses, mistresses, mistresses, mistresses, mistresses, mistresses, mistresses, mistresses, mistresses, mistresses, mistresses, mistresses, mistresses, mistresses, mistresses, mistresses, mistresses, mistresses, mistress, mistress, mistress, mistress, mistress, mistress, mistress, mistress, mistress, mistress, mistress, mistress, mistress, mistress, mistery, miscellaneous, etc., Jingwan rolled up her sleeves and worked hard.

In short:

This is the history of blood and tears, other women were forced to become jealous wives by their concubines, and she was forced to become a jealous wife and a shrew by her own husband!

If you don't have a toughness, you can't do it. If you don't destroy all your love rivals in seconds, her husband will get sick in seconds and "annihilate" her.

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Li Hongyuan walked to Jingwan's bedside, lifted up the gauze curtain, and saw Jingwan's peaceful and beautiful sleeping face. His restless heart suddenly calmed down. In his previous life, he had seen her sleeping face not many times. However, every time he frowned, he seemed to be in a nightmare and it was difficult to escape.

Li Hongyuan stretched out his hand and gently brushed her eyebrows with his fingers, which were smooth and delicate. Along the corners of her eyes, his fingers sank into her hair. The well-maintained blue hair made people unable to put it down.

Aunt Gong put the luminous pearls into the hollow aromatherapy balls and hung them on the bedside, making them clearly visible inside the tent.

Jingwan's originally excellent skin was now as lustrous as pearls. Compared to his previous life, this was the first and only time he hugged her. Although he had a good foundation, he had gone through wind, frost, rain, dew, and all kinds of hardships. , she became rough after all, but it was that kind of her that made him intoxicated and made him shameless and unscrupulous.

In this life, we must protect her.

Li Hongyuan unhurriedly opened his girdle,...

Li Hongyuan breathed a sigh of relief and felt a little regretful at the same time. He was prepared to be discovered by Jing Wan, but some things were difficult to explain, so he would rather wait until two days later. After a person gets married, there is a process of getting along with her, and then, even if some of the things he does are a bit outrageous, he can confidently say that he fell in love with her at first sight. But he, Li Hongyuan, was not a saint. He had done everything for her behind the scenes, but she knew nothing about it, so she still felt a little unhappy.

Jingwan's eyes were covered with a layer of mist, and the corners of her eyes were stained with an abnormal blush...

Now that she was "awakened", Li Hongyuan assumed that the two of them were in love...

That particularly pleasant sound kept coming to her. "Wanwan" was called in the ear.

Li Hongyuan has experienced the past and present life, tasted the ups and downs, walked through wind, frost, rain and snow, and experienced ups and downs that countless people have never had in several lifetimes. Therefore, his rationality is definitely beyond anyone's imagination. Even if he sinks, he knows , now is not the time, therefore, there is no complete indulgence.

and above are today’s recommended articles. Do you like it, book fans? Remember to save it and read it later. If you have anything to say to the editor, you can leave your footprints directly in the comment area! Your likes and collections are the best encouragement and support for the editor! mwah!

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