Individual brokerages have lost more than 100 million yuan on a certain stock. According to statistics from Databao, excluding the new stocks listed this year, as of the end of the second quarter, brokerage institutions held positions in a total of 110 stocks, with a total stock

2024/06/2807:58:32 hotcomm 1433

Original title: Brokerages also lose money by trading in stocks themselves? Individual brokerages have lost more than 100 million yuan on a certain stock.

Statistics from Databao show that excludes new stocks listed this year. As of the end of the second quarter, brokerage institutions held a total of 110 stocks, with a total stock market value of 16.542 billion yuan. Looking at different industries, the chemical and pharmaceutical and biological industries are the most favored by brokerage institutions. There are 15 stocks shortlisted in both industries. The electronics, electrical equipment, and nonferrous metal industries have attracted more attention, with 9, 6, and 6 stocks respectively shortlisted.

Individual brokerages have lost more than 100 million yuan on a certain stock. According to statistics from Databao, excluding the new stocks listed this year, as of the end of the second quarter, brokerage institutions held positions in a total of 110 stocks, with a total stock  - DayDayNews

brokerage newly increased its holdings by 59 shares

What are the new changes in the stockholdings of brokerage firms? data treasure statistics show that in the second quarter, brokerage institutions purchased 29 new shares, increased their holdings of 30 shares, reduced their holdings of 34 shares, and held 17 shares unchanged. The stocks whose shareholdings of have not changed include Gigabyte, Yongji Shares, Amway Shares, Tianke Shares, Luyin Investment, etc. Among the

34 stocks that were reduced, had different reductions. electronics industry leader Hikvision received the highest number of shareholding reductions. In the second quarter, brokerages reduced their holdings of 48.68 million shares of the stock, and the latest shareholding dropped to less than 100 million shares. Other companies whose holdings were reduced by more than 10 million shares by brokers include Energy Saving Wind Power, Yunnan Aluminum Co., Ltd., Pinggao Electric , and Huaxi Energy . Biotech and Lonstar Chemical received the smallest shareholding reductions, with the number of shares reduced being less than 100,000 shares. Among the 29 new shares of

, Zhengbang Technology has the largest number of shares held by brokers. At the end of the second quarter, brokers held 56.01 million shares of the stock, with a market value of 228 million yuan. Yuheng Pharmaceutical, Guangzhou-Shenzhen Railway , Shanghai Petrochemical, Chint Electric , Eton Electronics and other stocks have more than 10 million shares held by brokers. Among the 30 shares increased by

, only 3 shares of were increased by more than 10 million shares, namely Donghua Energy , Shouhang Energy Saving, and Chaohua Technology . Donghua Energy topped the list with an additional 22.14 million shares held by securities firms. At the end of the second quarter, the value of the securities held by securities firms was 414 million yuan. Some stocks have been increased by less than one million shares, such as Jianyou Shares, Shuobed, Beijing Junzheng, Meichen Ecology, Fengyuan Shares, etc. Among them, Haohua Energy and Sannuo Biotech have been increased by 100,000 shares by securities firms. shares below.

52 shares were held by brokerage firms with a market value exceeding 100 million yuan.

Data treasure statistics show that brokerage firms hold 52 stocks with a market value exceeding 100 million yuan. Hikvision is still a stock heavily held by brokerage firms. At the end of the second quarter, the market value of Hikvision’s shares held by securities firms was 3.311 billion yuan, far exceeding other stocks. Dongguangguang Technology received a stock holding value of 665 million yuan from securities firms, followed by Kaile Technology with a stock holding value of 509 million yuan. Brokerage firms holding stocks with larger market values ​​include Perfect World, Tongce Medical, Donghua Energy, Shougang Energy Saving, Chint Electric , etc.

Individual brokerages have lost more than 100 million yuan on a certain stock. According to statistics from Databao, excluding the new stocks listed this year, as of the end of the second quarter, brokerage institutions held positions in a total of 110 stocks, with a total stock  - DayDayNews

shareholding ratio is also one of the important indicators reflecting the favorability of securities companies. Data shows that at the end of the second quarter of , there were 38 stocks in which securities firms held more than 2% of the shares in circulation. The highest proportion of shares held by brokers is Feike Electric . At the end of the second quarter, brokers held 5.56 million shares of this stock, accounting for 12.75% of the outstanding shares. Baichuan Energy received a slight reduction in its holdings of 170,000 shares from securities firms. At the end of the second quarter, it held 20.78 million shares, accounting for 6.35% of the shares in circulation. Among them, Shouhang Energy Saving, Zhongying Internet, Dayu Water Savings, Fengyuan Shares, etc., which have a relatively large shareholding ratio among securities firms.

Individual brokerages have lost more than 100 million yuan on a certain stock. According to statistics from Databao, excluding the new stocks listed this year, as of the end of the second quarter, brokerage institutions held positions in a total of 110 stocks, with a total stock  - DayDayNews

The stocks held by brokerage firms have been significantly affected by the market.

A-shares have continued to adjust continuously for nearly half a year, which has affected most stocks, including stocks held by institutions including insurance companies, funds, brokerage firms, etc., are no exception. Databao statistics show that among the 110 stocks held by mentioned above, 94 stocks have seen their share prices fall since April 1, accounting for 85%. Moen Electric, Kangsheng Holdings, Huawen Media, and Zhongying Internet saw their share prices halve during this period.

Moen Electric suffered the largest decline, with a cumulative decline of 76.87% during the period. At the end of the second quarter, CITIC Securities (Hong Kong stock 06030) held 11.44 million shares of Moen Electric, which was the same as the previous period.At the end of the first quarter, the market value of CITIC Securities' holdings in Moen Electric reached 300 million yuan. At the end of the second quarter, the market value of its position dropped to 114 million yuan. If CITIC Securities did not make any transactions during the second quarter, it would be equivalent to its holdings in Moen Electric shares. The stock lost 186 million yuan, and this situation is still continuing. The stock hit a four-year low on Monday this week, and the latest stock price is still hovering around 6 yuan.

Similar situations occurred with Taiji Group , Huajin Group, Renmin Tongtai, Chihong Zinc and Germanium, Nanguo Real Estate, etc. As of the end of the second quarter, CITIC Securities (Hong Kong stock 06066) held 34.66 million shares of Nanguo Real Estate, which was the same as the previous period. If CITIC Securities did not make any transactions during the second quarter, it would have lost money on Nanguo Real Estate. The amount may reach 29 million yuan. By analogy, Chihong Zinc and Germanium, Gigabyte, Taiji Group, Huajin Co., Ltd., Renmin Tongtai, etc. will also lose more than 10 million yuan in the second quarter.

20 shares doubled their performance in the first half of the year

However, judging from the first half performance of securities companies’ holdings, most of them achieved year-on-year growth. data shows that 87 of the above-mentioned stocks have positive net profit growth in the first half of the year, accounting for nearly 80%. 20 stocks whose net profits doubled in the first half of the year , such as Luyin Investment, Yueda Investment, Yaguang Technology, Sichuan Jinding, Zhongzhou Holdings, etc.

Luyin Investment achieved a profit of 73 million yuan in the first half of the year, an increase of 11.74 times over the same period last year. The main reason was that the company disposed of its subsidiary Qingdao Taize Haiquan and realized investment income, which contributed significantly to the current profit. Yueda Investment achieved a profit of 100 million yuan in the first half of the year, an increase of 10.72 times over the same period last year. Yaguang Technology achieved a profit of 52 million yuan in the first half of the year, an increase of 4.78 times over the same period last year.

Individual brokerages have lost more than 100 million yuan on a certain stock. According to statistics from Databao, excluding the new stocks listed this year, as of the end of the second quarter, brokerage institutions held positions in a total of 110 stocks, with a total stock  - DayDayNews

This article comes from DataBao

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