According to Hong Kong's China Review News Agency, after the three consecutive defeats of the Chinese Kuomintang, Sun Jianping, a member of the Party Central Committee, said in an interview with China Review News that the overall crisis of the blue camp is the fading of the Korea

2024/06/2512:18:33 hotcomm 1008

According to Hong Kong's China Review News Agency, after the three consecutive defeats of the Chinese Kuomintang, Sun Jianping, a member of the Party Central Committee, said in an interview with China Review News that the overall crisis of the blue camp is the fading of the Korea - DayDayNews

According to the Hong Kong China Review News Agency, after the three consecutive defeats of the Chinese Kuomintang, Sun Jianping, a member of the Party Central Committee, said in an interview with the China Review News Agency that the overall crisis of the blue camp is the fading of the Korean Wave, the weakening of traditional organizations, and the loss of young votes, which will affect 10 to 20% of the votes. Enough to move political plates. The Kaohsiung by-election is a continuation of personal manipulation and backroom politics. In 2022, a comprehensive primary election system must be implemented to plan and operate in advance. In the remaining two years, we must get rid of the myth of "media-created gods" and respond to the real needs and feelings of the people.
In response to the KMT’s three consecutive defeats in the January “general election”, the Korean boycott in June, and the Kaohsiung by-election in August this year, how will it maintain the Kaohsiung City Council’s current 65 seats in 2022? The KMT has 31 seats and the Democratic Progressive Party has 25 seats. Variety?
Sun Jianping said that the results of the Kaohsiung by-election are quite unfavorable to the Blue Army’s momentum. It is generally expected that the Blue Army’s parliamentary seats will be reduced to a certain extent. Generally speaking, with the blessing of the Korean Wave in 2018, each member will have about 10% more air votes. , many on the margins of the election have succeeded in gaining ground; if there are no strong mayoral candidates to boost and support them in 2022, some air votes will inevitably be lost. As for the number of seats in the Kaohsiung Parliament, he said that grassroots are worried that the number of blue and green seats in Kaohsiung may be "flipped". Of course, this still depends on the effectiveness of individual members' political administration and management. There is still room for efforts.
Will the pessimistic atmosphere of consecutive defeats spread to other counties and cities?
Sun Jianping said that this is not necessarily true, because it still needs to be judged by the individual political achievements of the county mayors and councilors of the county and city; the current crisis for the Blue Army lies in the "fading of the Korean Wave, the weakening of traditional organizations, young votes and first-time investors" "Favoring the Green Camp", and the Green Camp taking advantage of the administrative advantages of the Taiwan authorities in power, as long as it affects 10 to 20% of the votes, it may affect the displacement of local political sectors.
Then how will the Kuomintang adjust next?
There are still two years left. The Kuomintang should get rid of the myth of "media-created gods", invite "all saviors" to the altar, and actively respond to the people's real needs and feelings. Only then can the party's development be long-lasting. Therefore, the Kuomintang should adopt a "center-left" policy line, pay attention to social justice, labor rights and environmental sustainability, and establish an industrial policy of "helping the strong and supporting the weak."
On another point, Sun Jianping said that the Kaohsiung mayoral by-election continued the "secret room politics" and "man-made affairs" of the "general election" and ignored the existing and clear primary election methods. Of course, it is impossible to use the "system" "To unite all comrades; if we can use policy debates and open and transparent polls, we can find the candidate who is most likely to win the election in the primary stage, and can best integrate all forces.
Sun Jianping believes that the Party Central Committee should make "advanced arrangements" next year to select all nominees for the "nine-in-one election" through primaries, conduct early management and layout, and get rid of the past secret room negotiations, personal arrangements, and personal gain. Only with a public sauce-tank culture can the whole party unite behind the system and ideas, and only by supporting the masses can the hope and enthusiasm for hard work be rekindled. To win the election, candidates' friendship and ideals, party image, policy statements, and social atmosphere are all indispensable.

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