The following are 20 Taiwanese snacks highly recommended by netizens. If you love food, you must not miss them. The above are the 20 kinds of Taiwanese snacks introduced today. Each food deserves to be treated with care. I am saury. If you like today’s article, you can like or sh

2024/06/2400:18:33 hotcomm 1810

Regarding Taiwan’s food impressions, are you still limited to pearl milk tea, braised pork rice or chicken wings with rice? In fact, Taiwan’s specialty food is all-encompassing. After integrating southern Fujian, Chaozhou, Hakka, Japanese and other food culture characteristics, it has become one of the island’s business cards. The following are 20 Taiwanese snacks highly recommended by netizens. If you love food, you must not miss them.

The following are 20 Taiwanese snacks highly recommended by netizens. If you love food, you must not miss them. The above are the 20 kinds of Taiwanese snacks introduced today. Each food deserves to be treated with care. I am saury. If you like today’s article, you can like or sh - DayDayNews

01 Braised Pork Rice

It is said that only Taiwanese in the world can make the unique braised pork rice. Taiwanese braised pork rice, the braised pork is juicy, plump and not greasy. The crystal-clear and plump rice absorbs the essence of the braised pork, making it overflowing with fragrance. Coupled with the crispy and delicious pickles, sweet and salty, it is really irresistible.

The following are 20 Taiwanese snacks highly recommended by netizens. If you love food, you must not miss them. The above are the 20 kinds of Taiwanese snacks introduced today. Each food deserves to be treated with care. I am saury. If you like today’s article, you can like or sh - DayDayNews

02 Beef Noodles

Taiwan is known as the Kingdom of Beef Noodles. Beef noodle shops can be found everywhere in the streets and alleys. Taiwan’s beef noodles combine the essence of cuisine from all over the world to form its own unique characteristics. The soup is rich and delicious, the noodles are chewy, and beef/beef The beef noodles are chunky and solid, capturing the mouths of foodies. It also makes tourists feel a little regretful when they come to Taiwan without eating a bowl of beef noodles.

The following are 20 Taiwanese snacks highly recommended by netizens. If you love food, you must not miss them. The above are the 20 kinds of Taiwanese snacks introduced today. Each food deserves to be treated with care. I am saury. If you like today’s article, you can like or sh - DayDayNews

03 Oyster omelette

Oyster omelette is a snack familiar to many mainland tourists. According to folklore, when Zheng Chenggong defeated the Dutch army, the Dutch army was so angry that they hid all the rice and grain. Zheng Jun simply used local materials to make Taiwan's specialty oysters and Mix sweet potato flour with water and fry it into pancakes. Unexpectedly, it was passed down to later generations and became a popular snack in Taiwan.

The following are 20 Taiwanese snacks highly recommended by netizens. If you love food, you must not miss them. The above are the 20 kinds of Taiwanese snacks introduced today. Each food deserves to be treated with care. I am saury. If you like today’s article, you can like or sh - DayDayNews

04 Pearl milk tea

Pearl milk tea is a well-known representative of Taiwan’s beverage industry. It is said that it originated from the famous Chun Shui Tang in Taichung. In the early days, Chun Shui Tang used a shaker cup to brew tea and shake out the foam, thus inventing bubble black tea. Later, they added pearl-like powder balls, thus creating bubble milk tea. The fragrant milk tea meets the elastic pearls, which quenches thirst and is chewy. It soon became popular all over Taiwan and even the world.

The following are 20 Taiwanese snacks highly recommended by netizens. If you love food, you must not miss them. The above are the 20 kinds of Taiwanese snacks introduced today. Each food deserves to be treated with care. I am saury. If you like today’s article, you can like or sh - DayDayNews

05 Milkfish

Milkfish is a common edible fish in Taiwan. It is nutritious and affordable. There are many ways to eat it. Milkfish porridge, milkfish balls, milkfish belly, etc. are all popular delicacies. They are found in all major night markets and Taiwanese restaurants. Tainan also has the only "Milkfish Theme Museum" in Taiwan, which is fun and delicious.

The following are 20 Taiwanese snacks highly recommended by netizens. If you love food, you must not miss them. The above are the 20 kinds of Taiwanese snacks introduced today. Each food deserves to be treated with care. I am saury. If you like today’s article, you can like or sh - DayDayNews

06 刈包

刈(guà)包(bāo) originated from Fuzhou and is also written as 刈包. A long oval flat dough wrapper is folded in half to cover the fillings. Traditional fillings usually consist of flaky pork belly, sauerkraut, peanut powder and coriander. For health reasons, lean meat is sometimes used instead of pork belly. Because of its shape and filling, it is also called "tiger bites pig" in Taiwan, but it is a food that suits the occasion in Taiwan.

The following are 20 Taiwanese snacks highly recommended by netizens. If you love food, you must not miss them. The above are the 20 kinds of Taiwanese snacks introduced today. Each food deserves to be treated with care. I am saury. If you like today’s article, you can like or sh - DayDayNews

07 Iron Egg

Grandma's Iron Egg is one of Tamsui's famous snacks. The store brines selected eggs or bird eggs in secret brine for three hours every day, and then dries them naturally in the shade. This process lasts for a week to be considered complete. The iron eggs made in this way are dark, hard and chewy. Friends with good teeth must try it.

The following are 20 Taiwanese snacks highly recommended by netizens. If you love food, you must not miss them. The above are the 20 kinds of Taiwanese snacks introduced today. Each food deserves to be treated with care. I am saury. If you like today’s article, you can like or sh - DayDayNews

08 Pineapple Cake

Pineapple Cake is the most popular souvenir in Taiwan. When tourists come to Taiwan, they always feel like something is missing if they don’t try it or take some home. The pastry of Taiwanese pineapple cake is overflowing with milky fragrance, and the filling is mainly divided into two types. One is the traditional filling, which is made of pineapple and winter melon, and the taste is not too sour. The other type is local pineapple cake, which only has pineapple, and the taste will be slightly sour.

The following are 20 Taiwanese snacks highly recommended by netizens. If you love food, you must not miss them. The above are the 20 kinds of Taiwanese snacks introduced today. Each food deserves to be treated with care. I am saury. If you like today’s article, you can like or sh - DayDayNews

09 Mochi

Taiwan is most famous for its mochi produced in Hualien. The outer shell of mochi is usually made of round glutinous rice or glutinous rice flour. It has a soft and chewy texture and is filled with various flavors such as red bean paste, mung bean paste, sesame, and taro paste. It is full, rich, sweet but not greasy, and is also the most popular companion. One of the gifts.

The following are 20 Taiwanese snacks highly recommended by netizens. If you love food, you must not miss them. The above are the 20 kinds of Taiwanese snacks introduced today. Each food deserves to be treated with care. I am saury. If you like today’s article, you can like or sh - DayDayNews

10 Meatballs

Meatballs are one of the three treasures of Changhua. Generally, the best sweet potato powder or sweet potato powder is used to make a soft and chewy outer skin. The skin is wrapped with pork cubes mixed with diced bamboo shoots, mushrooms, etc., and the outer skin is Q after deep-frying. It is elastic, with just the right viscosity, and topped with a special sauce. When you bite into it, it has a sweet and meaty flavor, which is very Taiwanese.

The following are 20 Taiwanese snacks highly recommended by netizens. If you love food, you must not miss them. The above are the 20 kinds of Taiwanese snacks introduced today. Each food deserves to be treated with care. I am saury. If you like today’s article, you can like or sh - DayDayNews

11 Chopped Ice

Taiwanese specialty ice products are available all over the island. Sweet mango ice, ancient-style Babao ice, generous bowls of ice, funny monster ice, Penghu’s cactus ice, Yilan’s chili ice, etc. are all great ways to cool down. A great tool to quench your thirst, whether it’s cold winter or sweltering heat, you can rush in and eat immediately if you want to eat!

The following are 20 Taiwanese snacks highly recommended by netizens. If you love food, you must not miss them. The above are the 20 kinds of Taiwanese snacks introduced today. Each food deserves to be treated with care. I am saury. If you like today’s article, you can like or sh - DayDayNews

12 Nougat

Taiwanese nougat is a dessert made of marshmallows and roasted peanuts and is suitable for all ages. Taiwanese nougat has a strong milky flavor and rich nuts. It is delicious and does not stick to your teeth. It gets better and better the more you chew it. It is also free of spices and colorings.

The following are 20 Taiwanese snacks highly recommended by netizens. If you love food, you must not miss them. The above are the 20 kinds of Taiwanese snacks introduced today. Each food deserves to be treated with care. I am saury. If you like today’s article, you can like or sh - DayDayNews

13 Small intestine wrapped in large intestine

is a special snack that emerged in Taiwan in the 1990s. To put it bluntly, it is very simple. After cutting the larger glutinous rice intestine, smaller Taiwanese sausage is sandwiched, which is called "small intestine wrapped in large intestine". , which is similar to American hot dogs. Night markets in some areas of Taiwan also offer a luxurious version of small intestine wrapped in large intestine. In addition to sausage, various ingredients such as garlic, peanut powder, sauerkraut and other ingredients are added to create a richer taste and texture.

The following are 20 Taiwanese snacks highly recommended by netizens. If you love food, you must not miss them. The above are the 20 kinds of Taiwanese snacks introduced today. Each food deserves to be treated with care. I am saury. If you like today’s article, you can like or sh - DayDayNews

14 Pepper Pancakes

Pepper Pancakes are a famous night market delicacy. First, the pepper pancake fillings are wrapped in dough and then baked in the kiln. After baking, the pancake skin will be charred and chewy, with rich layers and fillings. The aroma of meat and green onions in the stuffing blend perfectly, and the delicious soup makes it worth a try even if you have to wait in a long line.

The following are 20 Taiwanese snacks highly recommended by netizens. If you love food, you must not miss them. The above are the 20 kinds of Taiwanese snacks introduced today. Each food deserves to be treated with care. I am saury. If you like today’s article, you can like or sh - DayDayNews

15 Chicken Wings with Rice

Taiwanese Chicken Wings with Rice is a very unique snack and a super popular delicacy that has swept Taiwan's night markets. It involves putting chicken wings stuffed with glutinous rice on the stove and roasting them several times. The outside of the chicken wings is tender and juicy after being roasted, and the filling is soft and tasty. The perfect integration makes it feel like your taste buds are dancing along with it!

The following are 20 Taiwanese snacks highly recommended by netizens. If you love food, you must not miss them. The above are the 20 kinds of Taiwanese snacks introduced today. Each food deserves to be treated with care. I am saury. If you like today’s article, you can like or sh - DayDayNews

16 Shao Xian Grass

Shaoxiancao comes from Hsinchu, Taiwan, where grass jelly is abundant. It can be eaten in all seasons, both hot and cold. Shaoxiancao has a delicate texture, smooth and elastic texture. While it is cooling and reducing fire, you can fully enjoy the benefits of Shaoxiancao. The unique taste - the joy of chewing. Taiwan's Shaoxing Xiancao is one of the delicacies that Xuntaoji is looking for. Taiwan's Shaoxing Xiancao is made of dried Xiancao slowly cooked with special edible starch. It does not contain any additives. It is refreshing, detoxifying and antipyretic. It is suitable for all kinds of people. species of people.

The following are 20 Taiwanese snacks highly recommended by netizens. If you love food, you must not miss them. The above are the 20 kinds of Taiwanese snacks introduced today. Each food deserves to be treated with care. I am saury. If you like today’s article, you can like or sh - DayDayNews

17 Oyster Noodles

Oyster Noodles are a very unique snack in Taiwan. The quality of a bowl of oyster noodles depends on the size and freshness of the oysters and how well the large intestine is braised. Handmade noodles are also better. The soup made with large bones or dried bonito is more delicious and healthy. It can be paired with various After the seasoning, the fragrant oyster noodles ensure endless aftertaste after eating.

The following are 20 Taiwanese snacks highly recommended by netizens. If you love food, you must not miss them. The above are the 20 kinds of Taiwanese snacks introduced today. Each food deserves to be treated with care. I am saury. If you like today’s article, you can like or sh - DayDayNews

18 Dingbian file

Traditional Dingbian file was originally a home-cooked snack in Fuzhou, and later became one of Taiwan’s specialty snacks, with Keelung Dingbian file being the most famous. "File" is Taiwanese, which means crawling and rolling. Grind rice into powder and mix with water to make a paste, spread it along the edge of a hot pot to form a thin skin, then take out and cut into shreds, add oysters, golden needles, fungus, shredded bamboo shoots, and shredded squid to make a soup.

The following are 20 Taiwanese snacks highly recommended by netizens. If you love food, you must not miss them. The above are the 20 kinds of Taiwanese snacks introduced today. Each food deserves to be treated with care. I am saury. If you like today’s article, you can like or sh - DayDayNews

19 Pig blood cake

Pig blood cake is also called rice blood cake. It usually uses fresh pig blood added with glutinous rice, salt and other ingredients, and then steams it into a solid block, so you can see a lot of rice grains! Many people see it at first glance You may feel like you can’t eat it when you look at it, but the taste is not particularly weird. Dip it in some sauce and it’s a Taiwanese specialty! There are usually three ways to eat it. One is to steam it and eat it with soy sauce, chili sauce, peanut powder and coriander; Deep-fried, many salt-fried chicken stalls throw the pig blood cake directly into the oil pan for frying, cut it into pieces before eating, and then sprinkle with salt and pepper powder and spicy powder; the third is Oden cooking, or cooking it as hot pot ingredients when eating spicy hot pot.

The following are 20 Taiwanese snacks highly recommended by netizens. If you love food, you must not miss them. The above are the 20 kinds of Taiwanese snacks introduced today. Each food deserves to be treated with care. I am saury. If you like today’s article, you can like or sh - DayDayNews

20 Ginger duck

Duck meat is rich in nutrients and is especially suitable for consumption in summer and autumn. It can not only replenish excessive consumption of nutrients, but also eliminate the discomfort caused by heat in the human body. Ginger duck has become a popular winter tonic snack in Taiwan since the 1980s.The store provides cooked duck meat (red-faced Muscovy duck, a specialty of Taiwan), old ginger (ginger mother in Taiwanese), rice wine, sesame oil, and Chinese herbal medicine packages, which are cooked together on the customer's table using a gas stove or charcoal fire. After eating, the whole body will feel warm and comfortable. , quite popular.

The following are 20 Taiwanese snacks highly recommended by netizens. If you love food, you must not miss them. The above are the 20 kinds of Taiwanese snacks introduced today. Each food deserves to be treated with care. I am saury. If you like today’s article, you can like or sh - DayDayNews

The above are the 20 kinds of Taiwanese snacks introduced today. Each food deserves to be treated with care. I am saury. If you like today’s article, you can like or share it. If you have different opinions, please leave them in the comments at the bottom of the article. Your views, follow me for more delicious food!

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