For more exciting content, please follow the WeChat public platform "Zhishuiyun" Reddit user Aerrix may be the happiest person this Christmas holiday: the Secret Santa she encountered on the mysterious gift delivery website turned out to be Bill Gates! And, I also received one fr

2024/06/2322:09:32 hotcomm 1820

For more exciting content, please follow the WeChat public platform "Zhi Shuiyun"

Reddit Netizen Aerrix may be the happiest person this Christmas holiday: the Secret Santa she encountered on the mysterious gift delivery website turned out to be Bill Gates! And, I also received one from Gates! big! heap! present! Things!

Aerrix shared the experience of receiving gifts with other netizens on the website. Judging from her post, she must be extremely excited...

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How did she get so lucky? It all starts with Redditgifts, an anonymous gift delivery website... On the morning when

received the gift box, Aerrix happened to go to the post office to deliver his gift. She opened the gift box, took out several tons of bubble wrap, and was shocked: Isn't this Bill Gates!

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The top of all the gifts is a greeting card.

The box is so big:

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The things taken out are filled with the sofa:

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What good things are there?

Legend of Zelda themed thermal socks, and matching ones for the Aerrix family dog:

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One MineCraft version Xbox One. The little note above said "I like Xbox, do you want one too?" (Really good at advertising)

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There are also three special edition controllers...

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Two games and a full year of Xbox Live gold membership...

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Three movies: "Travel's End," "Faith: The Eddie Izzard Story" and "The Martian"

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Ravenclaw cotton mops:

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A Zelda themed blanket:

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And a PS Group photo... Gates took this photo from Aerrix's user profile. I don't know if he photoshopped it himself. It's so cute...

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Finally, the gifts that were taken out filled the sofa...

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Aerrix Thank you very much Gates’ generosity – especially donating money to in her name!

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