A "Divorce Rashomon" by big S Wang Xiaofei fully presented the relationship between couples on both sides of the Taiwan Strait during the epidemic, allowing people to see the ubiquitous ties in this special marriage relationship.

2024/06/1921:41:33 hotcomm 1120



A big S Wang Xiaofei's "Divorce Rashomon" fully presents the relationship between couples on both sides of the Taiwan Strait during the epidemic, allowing people to see the ubiquitous ties in this special marriage relationship. But after the storm, life goes on.

| Author: Xiao Ke Dongyue

| Editor: Curry

Big S (Xu Xiyuan) and Wang Xiaofei's "divorce Rashomon" has been making a fuss for several days, and the aftermath is still unresolved.

First, on the morning of June 5, Taiwanese media shocked the public with the news that Big S Wang Xiaofei was getting married and the two were going through divorce procedures.

Wang Xiaofei responded to the media: I don’t know.

Da S’s mother accepted a phone interview with the media and said that her daughter said angry words. Her manager, Liao Weiqi, also responded: "The couple just had a quarrel, nothing happened."

Wang Xiaofei also quickly stood up and apologized.


originally thought that this divorce storm would be over like many previous speculations. However, when producer Chai Zhiping asked Big S if the divorce was really true, Big S firmly replied: "It is true, but I'm fine."

Netizens rushed to Wang Xiaofei's Weibo to comment: "Are you unilaterally declared divorced?"


html On the evening of the 16th, Wang Xiaofei forwarded a Weibo post, the content of which was a compilation of interesting remarks by a blogger. . He retweeted and captioned it: "Love all my family members, my wife is number one." He looked full of desire for survival and seemed to be trying to save his marriage, but he quickly deleted it after posting it. After that, the topic "Wang Xiaofei, my wife is number one" was on the hot search list all day long.

Today, Big S himself is still silent and does not seem to have calmed down. The marriage of the two is still confusing, like a fog.


True separation or "saving husband"?

According to Taiwanese media speculation, Wang Xiaofei, who "uses Weibo and as a circle of friends", recently criticized Taiwan's remarks, which may be the reason for the conflict between the two.


At about the same time, Wang Xiaofei also issued a denouncement, calling the confirmed Taiwanese’s behavior of running to Xiamen “traitors”. According to Weibo's editing records, he changed his wording three times, and finally changed "this group of traitors" to "this one." It is understandable that


is worried about his family members and criticizes the Taiwan authorities for their inability to fight the epidemic. But as a public figure, it is obviously inappropriate for Wang Xiaofei to vent her emotions on a public platform and blatantly use the word "traitor". Moreover, these passionate remarks did put a lot of pressure on Big S, who was in Taiwan, and was caught in a dilemma.

According to reports from United News Network and Sanli Entertainment Star News, "People in Taiwan were very angry after seeing the big S, because such remarks are completely inappropriate at this moment. If they are not careful, they will arouse the anger of people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. In the past Wang Xiaofei often gets attacked because of her posts. She is getting older and has not learned the lesson yet in her career in Taiwan. For this reason, Big S and Wang Xiaofei had a "quarrel" on the phone. After that, there was this marriage scandal that caused a lot of commotion on the Internet.

However, some people have speculated based on this that Big S took the initiative to expose the marriage change. It seems that it is not just a simple household matter between the two of them. The clues can be seen from some details.

For example, Big S disclosed the news of his marriage change at around 10 o'clock in the morning, when the media had just gone to work, and it happened to be two hours after Wang Xiaofei posted the Weibo post that had been revised three times. When it was revealed that he was going through divorce procedures, Big S also specifically stated that "I will not comment on his words and deeds."

Responses from Xu’s mother and Chai Zhiping appeared soon after. One said it was normal for couples to quarrel and would not divorce; the other said they were indeed divorcing. Including Wang Xiaofei's later apology, it was trending on the hot search wave after wave, giving everyone a feeling that it was smoke and mirrors.

In the midst of this virtual reality, people turned their attention to the marriage, began to pry into what went wrong in their marriage, and no longer cared about the fierce remarks Wang Xiaofei had made before.

From this, some people inferred that Big S’s move to divorce was false, but “saving her husband” was true.


· On March 22 this year, Wang Xiaofei also posted a photo of himself and Big S on Weibo to celebrate their tenth anniversary.

This is not the first time that Big S has used the media to create hot spots and divert public attention.

A 0 years ago, she and Wang Xiaofei held a wedding in Sanya and did not allow the media to enter. This angered many Taiwanese media and was almost "blocked". She immediately sent someone to release the breaking news that "Wang Xiaofei slapped the big S at her wedding". Many Taiwanese media had no choice but to go back on their word and continue to follow up on her hot gossip.

Later, my sister little S was implicated in the "Fat Master Fragrance Incident" at her husband's family. She bowed and apologized many times to no avail, and the media continued to follow up and report. Big S immediately revealed the news that she was one month pregnant, and successfully diverted the attention of the media with her haggard pregnancy photos without makeup and her pregnancy preservation trends.

As a result, some people praised Big S as an excellent "public relations master".

Whether this divorce turmoil is a self-directed and self-acted "public relations drama" or an outbreak caused by the accumulation of conflicts in life, it seems that it has not yet come to an end.


Marriage "in the cracks"

The marriage of Big S and Wang Xiaofei has attracted the attention of the world from the beginning, not only because they are both public figures, but also because it is a shocking flash marriage - a life-long marriage after four meetings.


· Big S Wang Xiaofei’s wedding scene.

The marital status of the two people after their union has always been concerned by the public. From the personalities of both parties, family backgrounds, cultural differences, distance, etc., all the factors that affect the marriage have been judged.

The first thing is the personality of the two people. Wang Xiaofei is an authentic Beijing straight man. When he is emotionally unstable, he will be "unbridled" and doesn't have so many wild and romantic ideas. In " Happy Trio ", Big S had a cold, and he said, "Drink some hot water." Big S was moved by watching a movie and burst into tears. He came to him for comfort, and he turned off the TV with a snap. It's called "I don't want my wife to be immersed in a sad atmosphere."

Big S, on the other hand, has a lot of emotions inside, and is sometimes a "little girl who loves fantasy." Recalling the first time she met Wang Xiaofei, she said that her heart was already in turmoil, and she was even ready to "sacrifice everything for him." .


Secondly, the living habits of the two people. Big S likes to stay at home, while Wang Xiaofei likes to go outdoors. In terms of diet, Wang Xiaofei is not used to salty rice dumplings and sweet tofu, while Big S cannot tolerate salty and spicy Beijing dishes. Wang Xiaofei is a carnivore, especially eating mutton, while Big S has been a vegetarian for many years. In "Happy Trio", whether it is the effect of the show or reality, the two of them are always "unhappy" at the dinner table.

In the end, the biggest difference between the two is "being in two places". Wang Xiaofei once mentioned in " Kangxi is Coming " about the issues of separation between the two places and the children's schooling. The couple would have some differences on "where to live, where to bring up the children, and the education of the children," but "but they were not principled. The problem".


Wang Xiaofei is from Beijing, and her career development is mainly in mainland China. However, Big S is not used to living and eating in Beijing. Beijing dialect is “too difficult” for him to understand. Most of his relatives and friends also live in Taiwan, so the two settled in There has been no compromise on the land issue.

In the 10 years after marrying Big S, Wang Xiaofei has been traveling back and forth in order to take care of his career and family. As Zhang Lan said, he "flew more than 700 times in 10 years." Later, as her career developed in Taiwan, Wang Xiaofei herself said that she would not leave home (in Taipei) for more than four days. Although she was stressed, she was also happy.

In the past 10 years, Wang Xiaofei's feelings towards Taiwan have also changed.

Since getting married, the word "Taiwan" has been a frequent word on his Weibo. In the first few years of his marriage, he often posted on Weibo to popularize the current situation in Taiwan, saying good things about them and bad things about them. Overall, he had an objective and friendly attitude. He even wanted to write a book about it.


· Wang Xiaofei discussed the differences in culture and life between Taiwan and mainland China on Weibo in 2014.

Later, because of her frequent comments on current affairs, she always attracted criticism. In 2015, Wang Xiaofei also made up her mind never to express her views on current affairs again.


But soon he was slapped in the face again. Starting in 2019, Wang Xiaofei began to criticize Taiwan on Weibo again, and admitted that "I have never opened my heart to accept the different cultures here."



The most recent time was at the beginning of 2020, when a Taiwanese company held an annual meeting. After that, Wang Xiaofei took a taxi home, but she had a conflict with the taxi driver. He used his mobile phone to record the driver scolding him and posted the video to Weibo to express his disappointment in Taiwan. After he sobered up, he deleted the video, but the Internet has memory. At that time, some media criticized Wang Xiaofei for using this incident to express disappointment with Taiwan as a whole. Isn't it too general? Should public figures speak out in such a casual and non-objective way to incite public sentiment?


On the other hand, some of Big S’s actions have frequently attracted criticism from the Taiwanese people. During the epidemic in January 2020, Big S sent 10,000 masks to Wuhan. This move was originally a kind act, but it was ridiculed by Taiwanese netizens for various reasons.

Big S can only fight back: This is just the attitude that everyone should have. When others are hungry, they themselves are hungry, and when others are drowning, they are drowning. When human beings are in trouble, they should put aside their hatred and help each other, instead of ignoring others and adding fuel to the fire! She emphasized: I hope my children understand the spirit of humanitarianism and don’t want them to become assholes.

One is a Taiwanese celebrity and the other is a mainland entrepreneur. Their "cross-strait marriage" involves too many things in every move. Therefore, such a marriage is indeed not easy to maintain. "It's a bit like surviving in the cracks," some netizens lamented.


How difficult is cross-strait marriage?

After the outbreak, Wang Xiaofei stayed in Taiwan for a long time and only returned to the mainland last summer. After that, the two of them spent time together and away from each other. Being in a different place will affect the relationship between the two, but it is not the fundamental reason why the marriage cannot survive. In addition to their husband and wife, there are also many celebrity couples from both sides of the Taiwan Strait who are still sweet.

For example, Zhao Youting and Gao Yuanyuan , the two fell in love due to drama and got married in 2014. They have been together for 7 years and still feel like they are in love. Not long ago, on May 26, Zhao Youting took his family to visit Gao Yuanyuan and accompanied his parents on a trip to Suzhou .

For example, Liu Shishi and Wu Qilong are 16 years apart. Many people are not optimistic about this marriage. But in the past six years, Wu Qilong has always been considerate and protective of Liu Shishi, and he was dubbed the "Wife-Doting Demon".

According to Taiwan media surveys, since cross-strait family visits were opened in 1987, the number of cross-strait marriages has gradually increased.With the development of social economy and the intensification of cross-Strait exchanges, nearly 400,000 cross-Strait couples now form the most affectionate bond of people-to-people exchanges. Cross-Strait marriages are therefore also known as the "Fourth Link" after the "Big Three Links".

However, cross-strait marriages are sometimes affected by cross-strait relations. For example, in early August 2019, free travel to Taiwan was completely suspended. At that time, netizens began to pity the celebrity couples in mainland China and Taiwan, and joked: Should Li Ronghao form a small group with Wang Xiaofei and Chen Xiao to go to the other side to see their significant other?


Nowadays, couples on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are facing many challenges during the epidemic. Due to strict epidemic prevention measures, some couples or lovers on both sides of the Taiwan Strait may be forced to stay in a state of "little separation" and face a long quarantine period even if they visit. But the maintenance or development of an intimate relationship, in the final analysis, is about how to deal with the uncertainty and lack of companionship caused by long-distance relationships.


· Rainie Yang and Li Ronghao met in January this year after 303 days of separation, which aroused the heartache of netizens.

A big S Wang Xiaofei's "Divorce Rashomon" presented the relationship between cross-strait couples under the epidemic, allowing people to see the ubiquitous ties in this special marriage relationship. But after the storm, life goes on.

html On June 7, Wang Xiaofei posted on Weibo that she had moved into a new office and was busy opening a store. The comments below are all ridiculing: Is your wife well coaxed?


To divorce or not to divorce is the choice of two people in marriage. No matter how much others argue, it can only be speculation or imagination. After all, the relationship between husband and wife is ultimately the adaptation and choice between two people, the tolerance and understanding after life has been adjusted, and the fireworks life of two people.


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