For 46-year-old Kate Winslet, who won an Oscar for "The Reader," she can give up both her looks and figure for her performance.

2024/06/1616:05:33 hotcomm 1580
For 46-year-old Kate Winslet, who won an Oscar for

won the Oscar for "The Reader"

For 46-year-old Kate Winslet, both appearance and figure can be given up for acting. In the popular American drama "A Nightmare on East Side", although she looks old and has a bloated body, she bursts out with real and powerful power, creating one of the most classic characters in 2021, making people forget that she was once a "Titanic" character. The beautiful and charming Rose in the film is Mel, the small town policewoman who is tired of life and has become a grandmother in "A Nightmare on the East Side".

At the just-concluded 79th American Golden Globe Awards, Kate Winslet won the Best Actress in a Limited Series/TV Movie category for "East Side Nightmare". Previously, she also won the Emmy Award for Best Actress for this work.

"East Side Nightmare" is Kate Winslet's first TV series appearance in ten years. She also serves as the executive producer of the series.

A reporter once asked Kate Winslet which age she would most like to return to? She said she did not want to go back to any age in adulthood except childhood. Because she loves herself at every age, she will not let age limit her feelings, but will be completely herself. "The best way to face the years is not to escape. Accept the polish of time and fall in love with your own changes. The process of life has its own rules. Choose to let time leave you with the healthiest beauty. Otherwise, you are truly right. Age scares and yields. "

From the plot to the RV, being an executive producer has to take care of it.

The story of "East Side Nightmare" takes place in a place called East Side in Pennsylvania, USA. This small town looks ordinary, but in fact the interpersonal relationships are treacherous and undercurrent. . The serial disappearance and death of three girls caused the originally peaceful town to begin to be shrouded in doubts.

The female police detective Mel, played by Kate Winslet, is responsible for solving the case with her police partner from the county. Mel is busy solving the case, but at the same time she is tired of coping with her own life. She was once the school's sports star. character, but his teammates blamed Mel for his incompetence as a police officer because of his daughter's disappearance. Mel's own son committed suicide. In addition to raising her young grandson, Mel also had to take care of her daughter who was in college and help her mother "fall in love with her."

Kate Winslet loves the role of Mel because she is an imperfect heroine. She is cute and annoying, strong but fragile. And long after the show aired, Winslet still missed Mel. She admitted that if a second season was filmed, she would continue to play Mel: "I miss her, really. It's really weird. "It's such a great character, there's something so irresistible about Mel, she's so outrageous but so lovable, so smart and so real, and I really enjoy playing her," said

as an executive producer. , Kate Winslet is not just in name, she will take care of everything from the plot to the actors and even the RV. In Winslet's view, the murder investigation in "East Side Nightmare" is only "part of the narrative". It is not just a small-town crime drama, but about community, family, personal grief, compassion and forgiveness." There is much more to life than crime and unsolved murders.” However, the murder story still needs to be taken seriously. After reading the scripts of the first two episodes, she felt that the plot was not exciting enough and needed to be polished.

For 46-year-old Kate Winslet, who won an Oscar for

In addition, she also ensured that everyone's crew RVs were the same size. "I felt obligated to do that so that everyone felt important and equal. Because that's the energy of this show."

Wen Slater said the deep friendships and relationships formed during the filming process, "It was a wonderful experience for all of us to build this town together and really build these characters emotionally. We had about six We've been together for about a week, partly because of the pandemic and partly because of the filming, we all had to stay healthy and we took turns cooking, but mostly it was me who cooked, and Ange, who plays my daughter in the show. Ray Rice is a great baker and she and her mom make awesome breads and cakes”

I know how many wrinkles I have around my eyes, please put them back

Kate Winslet loves Mel. This character, because she herself is a middle-aged woman in real life."I'm over 40 years old and I'm more interested in playing characters that are not honorable. I'm not interested in playing characters that look perfect. I don't believe in the perfection of the characters I play. I just want to play them. Real people. I want to play human stories and real emotions, and for me, that's the biggest attraction of playing Mel."

Among the many pressures and pains, Winslet believes that Mel has endured the loss of her son. The pain was the most tormenting thing for her. She thought Mel was supposed to be a woman who hadn't dyed her hair since her son's death and who didn't look in the mirror because she didn't have time to look in the mirror and she was too busy taking care of everyone else. Mel used busyness to cover up her inner pain. She couldn't stop, because then she would think of the pain of losing her son, be swallowed up, and collapse. To get the role right, Winslet also worked with a psychiatrist and stayed with many people who had lost children or loved ones to suicide.

"East Side Nightmare" started filming in September 2019, was forced to interrupt in March 2020, continued filming in September of the same year, and wrapped up in December. During this period, Winslet must always live in Mel's sadness, "keep this state, use this trauma to recharge yourself."

In addition, Winslet also went to the police station in advance to experience, Learn the Philadelphia Delaware accent. After doing a lot of preparation for the role, Winslet presented Mel, an ordinary policewoman. No one regarded her as a star or as Winslet. Many viewers discovered that Mel was Rose in "Titanic" , can only be described as "unbelievable".

What people talk about is that Winslet is indifferent to his image. There was an intimate scene in the play. After filming, director Craig Zoubey said to Winslet: "I can trim the bulging belly for you." Winslet's reply was: "You dare! That's it." It’s a true image of a middle-aged woman.” She also returned the production’s promotional posters twice, for the same reason that she thought the photos were too retouched. “I told them, I know how many wrinkles I have around my eyes, please remove them. Put them back. I want my face and body shape to reflect the character's age, life and experience. I love this face and don't need to cover it with filters."

I don't want to waste time worrying about mine. How big is your butt?

This is not the first time Winslet has had issues with photos of herself being retouched too beautifully. There was once a famous magazine that "well-intentionedly" perfected Winslet's body for a cover photo. However, this "goodwill" move dissatisfied Winslet. She said: "This kind of photo editing is simply too much. I am not that person and don't want to be that person." The magazine later issued an apology.

Winslet once said in an interview: "I will specifically tell the staff, 'You took away the wrinkles on my forehead, please change it back?' I would rather people see this photo and say, She looks older."

Although Winslet is confident and strong now, her weight once caused her to be bullied in school and she was always ridiculed for many years as an actress.

html The 115-year-old Winslet weighed 200 pounds and was nicknamed "Blubber" by his classmates because whales have the highest fat of all mammals. "When I was very heavy, people told me, 'You are so beautiful! It's a pity that you have a big problem from the neck down.' This is really a huge irony." Winslet, who was hit, also lost weight. She continued to lose weight for several consecutive years. I only ate apples, raw carrots, drank black coffee, and even took diet pills.

Winslet said that luckily she had enough strength to question herself later, "'What are you doing? You're just really hungry.' I don't care if I'm beautiful or not. I don't have a perfect figure, I don't have a curvy body. Instead of a round hip, a pair of plump, high breasts, and a flat belly, I had large lumps of fat on my hips and thighs. I learned to embrace my flaws and not be afraid of who I am. Apologizing, I dug deep within myself and decided to ignore the comments about my body, this is who I really am!When delicious food was placed in front of me, coffee with big cream, golden fried fish, and various desserts were placed in front of me, I ate with confidence. "

Winslet recalled that when she was a child, she never heard any woman say she loved her body. "My mother didn't, my sister didn't, and my best friend didn't. So I made sure to convey the message of 'I am proud of my body' to my daughter. A positive image perspective should be established at a young age. We only live once. I don’t want to waste my time worrying about how big my butt is. I will live as healthily as possible and enjoy life as much as possible. "

Winslet also firmly opposed plastic surgery, "When I was in my twenties, I would pay more attention to my appearance than now, but as I grow older, I have more important things than appearance, such as family and child. I will never give in to age. Plastic surgery goes against my moral principles and the natural laws of life. We must choose the healthiest beauty that time can leave for us... Just because we are actors, we are even more unwilling to have only one image that will never change. , stiff face. "

htmlWhen I was 38 years old, I stared at the bathroom mirror and began to prepare this acceptance speech.

The reason why I can accept my appearance is because Winslet regards herself as an actor, not a star. "I have never had the desire to be famous, nor have I ever wanted to be famous. A huge ambition to please everyone. I'm just a fat guy. Some people say that female stars cannot be fat, so I can only say that I am not a female star, I am just an actress. Why should I worry that I'm fatter than other actresses? I have accomplished more in movies than they have! This alone is enough for me to be proud for a long time, and also enough for me to accept my fat and oily hair with confidence. "

Winslet's achievements also gave her enough weight to express her views. Winslet was nominated for the Academy Award and Emmy Award 6 times, and finally won the Academy Award for Best Actress for "The Reader". She was 22 years old She was nominated for the Oscar for the second time, becoming the youngest actor in history to be nominated twice.

Kate Winslet was born in an acting family in 1975. Her maternal grandparents, parents, and uncles were all professional actors. Kate has been obsessed with acting since she was a child. The beautiful words in Shakespeare's stage plays were all her childhood extracurricular life.

Winslet participated in the stage play "Maria the Virgin" when she was 5 years old, and entered drama when she was 11 years old. He studied in school and started filming TV commercials at the age of 13. At the age of 16, he got his first audition opportunity - Peter Jackson (director of "The Lord of the Rings") "Angel of Sin". At the age of 19, he starred in Ang Lee's "Sense and Sensibility" and received attention. , won the British Film Academy Best Supporting Actress Award for this film, and was nominated for the Oscar for the first time. After that, she became popular all over the world with "Titanic".

After "Titanic", Winslet chose some niche. Films and literary films, she said in an interview at the time that she did not covet all the fame and fortune of flashy Hollywood. "Britain is my hometown. I will always love her. I will not transform into an American just because of a movie." , she is eager to make a truly independent film, and does not want to indulge in expensive big-budget movies again. "That is tantamount to suicide."

In 2001, Kate was nominated for the Oscar and Golden Globe again with "Life Together". Best Supporting Actress Award. In early 2004, Kate's romance film "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" with Jim Carrey was nominated for the top 100 movies in history. In 2008, she was nominated for the Oscar for the fourth time. She collaborated with Leonardo in "The Reader" and collaborated with Leonardo again in "Revolutionary Road" after ten years. For these two works, Kate won the 2009 Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actress and Lead Actress in a Drama Film. She has been nominated for six Oscars and finally won the 81st Academy Award for Best Actress for "The Reader". In order to play the role of Hannah in "The Reader", she got up at 3:30 a.m. every day and spent more than 7 hours doing makeup. , and had to wear a 15-pound coat to look older. During that time, she often observed the elderly people, the way they stood up from the table, held their cups, and even how quickly they turned their heads.Winslet, who won the Oscar, was very excited when accepting the award: "I was so happy that I almost fainted. When I was 8 years old, I stared at the bathroom mirror and started preparing this acceptance speech. At that time, I was holding the It’s just a shampoo bottle, and this time it’s not that shampoo bottle anymore!”

Leonardo described Winslet’s way of figuring out the character as being like a detective investigating a crime scene, and would carry various “investigation tools” with him, including cameras. , notepad, tape recorder, script and any other gadgets she needs to record "clues" related to the character at any time. When she was starring in "Beauty Love Garden", she was three months pregnant and even danced in ice water, hoeed, planted flowers, and carried earthwork... But she insisted on not using a stunt double, jokingly saying that she "didn't want the stunt double to take away all the fun scenes."

The meaning that performance has brought to my life is immeasurable

Winslet believes that performance is not a process of searching, it is more like being inspired or stimulated by unknown and unexpected things. "Actually, most of the time I find myself constantly reminding myself to keep an open mind, to be in awe of certain special roles, or to allow myself to be ambitious enough to face challenges. I want to follow the example just now Friends who are engaged in acting tell the truth, acting is difficult, it is definitely a hard job; you have to keep working hard and keep practicing; you have to allow yourself to make mistakes. If acting is something you are truly convinced to do in your life, you will stick to it. Go ahead and get what you want, but keep yourself busy at ordinary times. Don’t just wait for the call inviting you to audition, but also try some things in other fields, because the more you learn, the richer you will know. Actors are becoming more confident and sophisticated."

Winslet was once asked, among the roles she has played, which one is most like her? Winslet replied: "Every role, every movie, and every director is completely different, all of which can give me a completely different experience. In the same way, I will also accept many challenges, and even some It’s a risky role, because I don’t want the audience to feel tired of my screen image.”

This time, she won the Emmy Award and the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress for “East Side Nightmare.” Winslet said: "I really love acting deeply. The meaning that acting brings to my life is immeasurable. I laugh and cry here and gain a lot. And I think I will love it more and more in the future." A job."

Regarding "East Side Nightmare" being able to win the audience's love, Winslet said, "I feel that when I play Mel, maybe we are changing the way the heroine is represented on the screen. Mel has many shortcomings. , because this is real life, and everyone resonates with her. Perhaps this is related to the change in people's mood due to the epidemic. Most women in their 40s are not superhuman. We need to do our best in the chaos. In this era, women must support each other. I support you, I salute you, and I am proud of you."

Winslet believes that the entertainment industry needs real works like "A Nightmare on East Side", Creators need to stay true to themselves, "You have to believe in yourself, you have to work hard. You have to do what you love without wavering and believe that it's all worth it. Sometimes that's the hardest part." Text/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Zhang Jia

Source: Beijing Youth Daily

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