However, their learning experience and learning methods can be used for reference and learning. I hope students will read this article carefully and find the learning methods and methods that suit them.

2024/06/1612:33:35 hotcomm 1084
The cases of these outstanding students

cannot be copied, but their learning experience and learning methods can be used for reference and learning. I hope students will read this article carefully and find the learning styles and methods that suit them!

Brother Niu’s office netizen:

If you don’t count any extra points, the people who rank in the top 100 in the province are basically the top five students in the university. Such students are estimated to have very low dependence on high school teachers and high school classes. , mainly listening to lectures selectively.

This is actually a very simple truth. For high school teachers, the best situation is basically those who graduated from a normal college of No. 1 or 211, and a few can reach 985. If a student is highly dependent on this teacher, then no matter how hard he follows, the best he can do is get a 985 or 211, which is far from the "top 100 in the province" mentioned in the question. level.

Therefore, people who do well in the college entrance examination do not actively learn 95% of the time, but 100% actively learn. The teacher also actively chooses to listen or not to listen to the teacher's class, actively chooses what content to listen to, and actively chooses how to listen. But saying this does not deny the importance of high school education. The education of an excellent high school is like a full banquet of Manchu and Chinese. For students with weaker academic levels, it is a great supplement, and every dish is worth trying; for students with better academic levels, it is a great supplement. For students, just select a few dishes in a targeted manner, so the dishes on the table should be beautifully cooked, which is good for all students, but the way in which this benefit is reflected is different.

Students who aspire to compete in Qingbei in the college entrance examination must surpass their teachers at the same level when taking exam papers in the third year of high school. When discussing issues, they must be on an equal footing with their teachers in terms of speaking power and understanding of knowledge points. Otherwise, they may not be able to pass the exam in Qingbei. , it is even more empty talk to enter a hundred people in the province.

If the naked score can reach the top 15 in the province, then there is a bit of luck, or it may be intelligence crushing. What is intelligence crushing? Let me give you a personal experience. When I was a sophomore in high school and promoted to a senior year, the school arranged It was a heart-wrenching joint examination, and a set of difficult questions were asked directly according to the syllabus to torture us. Then, as expected, all the fresh graduates like me who had just finished high school knowledge knelt down.

There is only one fresh graduate who scored 679 points...

I am the second among the fresh graduates, just behind the great master, with 607 points...

The great master is the top scorer in our high school and college entrance examination, and is ranked second or third in Henan. , I forgot the details. In short, do you think any teacher can teach this kind of person...

Netizen Zeng Bo:

Cramming-style learning can basically guarantee that you will get into the top 5% of the province. In fact, 5% is not difficult, 1% is Tsinghua University, Peking University, 5% is Fudan, etc.; after 5%, ordinary 211 universities may not be able to get .

For example, Chinese: A large part of the basic knowledge of is memorizing and reciting ; for composition, you can memorize and recite templates, and for writing, you can practice frequently. In short, rote learning is okay. This is mainly related to the fact that the questions should not go too far beyond the outline. A few difficult subjective questions are also for 1%%, not for 1%.

Mathematics: Look at liberal arts and science, and also look at the province. However, quite a few questions in can be solved by practicing . If you can have a little understanding and IQ, you can greatly improve the efficiency of your cramming. Basically, cramming continues with the if and not the next else. The most typical rote memorization is root finding, basic solutions of solid geometry, summation of sequence, complex numbers, trigonometric functions, permutations and combinations, differential and integral formulas, etc. More advanced rote memorization is to classify the question types and then solve them individually. If you have a higher IQ and see the comprehensive questions or transformation questions, you can immediately use the existing solutions to solve them. The premise is that your rote memorization is not just about memorizing answers; so how do you memorize by rote with IQ? This mainly depends on the level of your parents and whether your high school teachers provide special guidance for you.

English: The essence of is to memorize by rote. In my senior year of high school, I had a deep interest in English, which led me to take the Oxford English Dictionary to ask my English teacher every day how to use prepositions and adverb clauses. He is crazy, I got 147 in the test. Of course, this depends on your interest. I did very poorly in all subjects, and it was English that put me in college.

Science Comprehensive: biology is indeed about memorizing by rote, but you have to read the questions clearly.I had memorized the Krebs cycle at that time, but I didn’t understand it. Chemistry is also a bit of a rote memorization of , mainly guessing the reactants, multiple choice questions, correct operations, experimental order, etc. After all, no one really has the opportunity to go through all the experiments, so even if it is 1%%, someone will memorize it. You can use formulas for physics, but basically people who only know how to use formulas don’t know how they died in . I think physics does require a proper understanding of problems and physical situations. Play this physical process in your mind once, set the applicable scope and boundary conditions, and you will be fine if you can calculate every key detail: high school physics is deterministic anyway. There are some techniques for simplifying calculations and principles for selecting formulas, which require experience and a certain level of mathematics, and can rely appropriately on rote memorization.

In short, if you have no IQ and can only memorize by rote, then 5% should not be difficult. The problem for most people is that they are unwilling to even memorize by rote, they are lazy and have no interest. If you have a little IQ, are willing to memorize by rote, and can get guidance from good teachers (especially key middle schools in provincial capitals), then 10%% should be no problem. The main reason why I failed in mathematics and physics is that my IQ is extremely low and I lack guidance on .

I think the scores in the college entrance examination reasonably reflect your knowledge level at that time. If I had to do it over again, I would definitely systematically summarize and review past physics and mathematics college entrance examination questions in the second semester of my sophomore year, and read some foreign high school mathematics textbooks to improve my IQ.

The college entrance examination is really not difficult, it is a pity that many of us do not have the luck and fate to meet good teachers and parents . We are all just a group of inexperienced blind people deciding our lives under the command of teachers’ syllabus who only care about the completion rate.

Therefore, it is crucial to care and pay attention to children's academic studies from elementary school. Those who did not get into Tsinghua University did not lose because of their IQ, but because of information, peers and resources, as well as the awareness of their parents and the conditions of their families. Those who say that my children's learning depends entirely on their own consciousness show that their parents have no educational level. Such a child would be lost if he went to Tsinghua University. Of course, it is not easy to become an upper class member of society. It requires the efforts of three generations of a family. If your parents have PhDs from MIT, then graduating from high school and going to Harvard is the right path. Many people have only completed 10% of this task in their lifetime, because their parents completed 0% or even less.

It’s scary to think about it; but it’s not scary to think about it again. After all, is in a third world country, and it is good to have books to read .

Liu Jing Netizen:

Personal situation: Anhui, in 2008, ranked 480th in the province in the college entrance examination. . .

I was crammed for the first half of my life because I basically didn’t have any time for myself. We went through the college entrance examination content in the first half of the first and second year of high school. In the second half of the second year of high school and the first two months of the third year of high school, we did competitions, courses and The workload is exaggeratedly large, and there is little opportunity to sort it out by oneself. To be honest, this part was not very effective for me, because the amount of information in a short period of time was too much for my IQ to cope with. So I took the opportunity to take the junior class to take the college entrance examination in my second year of high school (my age was revealed = = ), which is just over 40 for one line. In the last half year of

, I basically sorted it out myself, checking for omissions and filling in the gaps, because the person who knows my own weaknesses best is myself. Although I had only a little understanding of what the teacher filled in before (whether it was the college entrance examination or the competition), it was very useful after I sorted it out. The 2008 National Science Comprehensive Test was extremely difficult, so I furiously read 12 multiple-choice questions in chemistry in the last two minutes. Everything is correct, and I have to thank the previous competition cramming.

To sum up, cramming is very important, and a great teacher can teach you very good methods. But it is essential to sort it out yourself, because only you know best where your weaknesses are.

If there are too many weaknesses, then fix them one by one. Don’t be discouraged and believe that you can do it in time. When I first entered my senior year of high school, I would make two or three mistakes in physics choices and two small questions in the big questions. In the end, I would get all the right choices in comprehensive physics and get all the big questions. When I was in my third year of high school, I found a collection of real questions from the national and provincial physics college entrance examinations since the resumption of college entrance examinations in the 1960s. They were classified by content and had detailed explanations.I do a few pages every day, and I have finished them all in a year without landing a single question. . .

I think there are two words for the college entrance examination: steadfastness and persistence.

really teaches you patience and concentration. . .

Yuluo Changchuan Netizen:

Most of my classmates are in the top 1%, and I am probably at the level of one-thousandth, let's count it as a subset.

I think that for a subject, if you want to maintain high scores relatively stably, in addition to having extraordinary talents (such as Brother Wheel's mathematics, and the group of people who have the strength to compete for the top prize), you basically have to rely on your own initiative to learn. Except for mathematics, I can say that I am basically proficient in the other eight subjects, from principles to methods to answering skills, and have integrated them to draw inferences from one example. I can say that the level of teachers in Chinese, Physics, and Biology is higher than that of teachers in many key high schools.

Fangji Netizen:

Many people don’t think that there is such a thing as IQ crushing. The most likely reason is that they have not worked hard to their limit.

Many people asked me how hard I should work, and I basically just talked about it, because many people could not copy my hard work in the last few months.

Hmm... I probably start to enter the state three minutes after getting up, and then remove the time for running and eating, until I turn off the lights at night and my efficiency is fully activated. At that time, I was very lucky to hear the school bell, because class was basically equivalent to a break. In order to save the time of going to the toilet, I hardly drink water when I am in the classroom.

Sometimes I really feel like I can’t turn my head. I continue to do the questions with my right hand. I hold a bag of coffee in my left hand, tear it open with my teeth and pour it into my mouth. I then drink a sip of water and continue doing the questions.

The effect is good. After taking the independent enrollment test in March, I got about 550 points. Anyway, I got 609 in the college entrance examination and I still feel that I did not do well.

I lost weight from 135 pounds in March to 116 pounds after the college entrance examination. My height is 185...

Anyway, I have tried my best in three months, but the problem I found is that some people criticized me for the questions that I couldn't answer after racking my brains. The pen just writes. I forget to recite it after reciting it, but some people remember it after reciting it.

I also thought that if I really worked hard, it would be possible to compete with them. It was not until I really reached my limit that I understood the very unwilling words of the top student in our class.

"Some people sleep better than you." I wake up earlier than you, play more than you, and study better than you. "

I am an ordinary person. Being in the top 1% is already the limit. If you go up to the top 100, we all understand that simplicity. It’s no longer possible to do it through hard work.

Any school, as long as it still wants to have a higher enrollment rate, its lectures should be for the majority of people, not for a few great masters, eh.

Moreover, the reason why the master is a master is because when the master has finished filling in the duck, you may have only filled in half of it... He has already studied independently and you have not finished filling in the duck...

—————————— ——————————

Hmm...did I cause some misunderstanding?

I only wrote about things that I have worked hard on, because I am too lazy to write about methods, but it is not that I don’t have them...

For example, no matter how nervous I am studying, or how hard it is, I have to sleep for eight hours every day. It should be common sense that you should not take up sleeping time to study this.

In addition, I once bought many years of college entrance examination papers to summarize the rules of multiple-choice answer questions. Is this a thing that a student who takes the papers seriously can do? What I am best at is actually answering questions.

Some people think that I have only reached the physical limit. Silly boy, the body cannot reach the limit before the mind reaches the limit. This is learning and not moving bricks. Uncontrollable weight loss is because no matter how much you eat, you can't make up for the brain's consumption. So what you are talking about is seeking death, not learning.

You must understand that the first priority of senior year is efficiency, and the second priority is not to occupy sleep time.

vczh Netizen:

According to the college entrance examination results, I was almost in the 3% position in Guangdong at that time.

This is how I studied at the time:

  • Chinese: super bad, but I don’t know why I got enlightened. I knew what kind of articles the teacher who corrected the papers liked to read, so I practiced for half a year on the unit test of the third year of high school, and finally saved my Chinese score. .Less than half of the 90-point basic score was obtained, and the composition was basically full score.

  • Mathematics: There is not much bad knowledge in middle school, so it is very easy to learn. I was tricked by my dad into studying mathematics when I was in elementary school. My diligence at that time was similar to my diligence in learning programming later. So by the time I got to high school, I actually stopped studying mathematics and focused on programming, so I was actually resting on my laurels. When I was in the third grade, I learned the system of linear equations of N-elements by reading the Mathematical Olympiad book. During the summer after I graduated from elementary school, I learned all the math textbooks from my cousin’s junior high school. In junior high school, I started reading solid analytic geometry (, of course, mainly to learn graphics ). I finished calculus in high school (, of course, mainly to learn graphics and ), and translated the nine chapters of arithmetic without annotations by myself (purely for the purpose of attracting girls, with side effects: full marks in classical Chinese). So the status quo at that time was that I would hand out textbooks every semester, read them in three nights, and then ignore them again, and I would be guaranteed to be top 2 in the class.

  • English: I gave up in junior high school for some reason and didn’t study much. Then I found a teacher to tutor me for a year. That teacher was awesome, and he rediscovered my interest, so I started to catch up in high school ( was actually for understanding MSDN, but of course it was mainly for learning Windows API), and I was very interested in reading articles. By the way I did two thousand pages of reading comprehension and later maintained it at 120+.

  • Physics: Just memorize formulas

  • Chemistry: Just memorize formulas

  • Geography: Except for the astronomy part, I have no interest in other places, basically 0 points

  • Politics: Except for the Marx part, I have no interest in other parts, basically 0 points

  • History: Basically 0 points (but because I like to read archaeological materials, I can still reach 50 in every exam, hahaha)

  • Biology: I learned pretty well

When I took the college entrance examination, I chose physics as subject X, so I didn’t The things I was good at were instantly compressed into a proportion of less than 1/6 - that is, a comprehensive examination that included 6 courses.

So when you look at , I mainly wanted to practice programming better and be interested in natural sciences, which naturally guaranteed my scores. My attitude towards the college entrance examination at that time was similar to those who abolished XX subjects, but because I like Programming, so it’s relatively sane. As a result, got 3% in the college entrance examination. In fact, this score is much worse than the mock test. Physics was originally my strong point, but physics in the college entrance examination accidentally became the subject with the lowest score.

What makes me happy is that my goal at the time was to go to South China Royal Institute of Technology to study computer science. Software engineering didn't matter, since I had money anyway. So even though my scores in almost all the mock exams in my senior year of high school were excellent, I didn’t have any illusions. Later, when I volunteered for (I had to fill it out before the exam at that time), I filled out the Royal Polytechnic and filled in computer and software engineering, but I refused to obey the assignment of . Then in order to prevent the teacher from talking nonsense, I casually wrote a backup for Guangzhou Foreign Studies University, and then the batch was blank. The next school was a Guangdong University of Technology. Because except for Sun Yat-sen University and Royal Institute of Technology, the computers in other schools in Guangdong are terrible, so I don’t want to go. I don’t want to study majors other than computer science.

ended up failing physics, and his grades dropped a lot, falling right into the scope of software engineering. Overall, I think this is good luck.

As Guangdong has always been discriminated against, only one in 100,000 can get into Tsinghua and Peking University. So I have felt from a long time ago that it is useless to study so well. It is difficult to go to Tsinghua and Peking University anyway, so I should spend my time on In terms of programming, I had a great time in middle school.

Xu Guoxi’s netizen:

In 2011, there were 300,000 people taking the science subject in the Shandong College Entrance Examination. I don’t know the exact ranking. I think they were in their 30s or 40s. Most of them were crammed in high school. They were not able to study by themselves because they were not intelligent enough. Active learning is what people with high IQs do. , However, the college entrance examination does not require IQ, so people like me who have a low IQ but can solve the questions are also placed in the TOP2.

came to Tsinghua and found that everything else was fake, and IQ was the real thing. After four years, he was tortured into stupidity, and his grades were too poor to be admitted to graduate school in this school. He had no choice but to go to a university in the United States that was not as ranked as Tsinghua in the world ( QS ranking, Tsinghua University 25th, certain school 26th), there is a risk of not being able to find a job [Manual goodbye

Enzo Jiang Netizen:

The previous book is really for people who study all kinds of things. For people with enough IQ to perform normally in the exam, even if It’s okay to talk about love with the teacher or not. Don’t ask me why I know that. My high school is famous in the Hangzhou area. I had full weekends in my first and second years of high school. In my third year of high school, I only had classes on Saturday mornings. I was never late. Self-study, three autumn outings and two spring outings in the third year of high school all went out to spend the night. . Um. . Students in Hangzhou should know this. . .

From my observation, you need to work hard on IQ to get up to 1%, but the really smart people are basically picked out before the college entrance examination. Another thing is that my family is a teacher. . .

Cao Fengze Netizen:

There are 200,000 candidates in Heilongjiang Province, and the top 5% are about 10,000. They should be able to get a similar 211. Such a large distribution interval can no longer form any good statistical rules. I can only say that there are all kinds of people.

There are three main factors required to obtain a score: IQ, diligence and learning methods. Achieving the same score requires a combination of these three elements. For example, if you get a score of 600 on the same test, you can be more intelligent and less of the other two; you can also be more diligent and less of the other two. Let me summarize these types of things.

are particularly smart, and these people are often the most promising. I think there is nothing to say about this, it is a matter of course. Someone who scores 600 points just by playing around is definitely more promising than someone who scores 600 points just by studying hard. Being smart is obviously universal. Being smart in learning is also smart in writing code, making money, playing games, picking up girls, doing work, and understanding people and problems. Of course there are mentally handicapped geniuses who are only good at one aspect, but they are actually very rare. The vast majority of smart people are universally smart, but you just don't want to admit it.

is very diligent. There is nothing good to say about this kind of person taking jujube pills. And often sooner rather than later, their high scores often fail to pass the college entrance examination, even in the second year of high school.

is very methodical. There are very few such people, and the method must of course be coupled with the above two elements. They are better at summarizing and thinking rationally. They are often people who can accomplish some things, but they are quite satisfactory.

There are very few of the above three types of people. In fact, more of them are composite types. All three elements occupy a certain amount, but they are not particularly large.

People with IQ + methods are generally the top picks.

People who work hard and use methods can usually get into a good university, but their performance after entering university is mediocre.

IQ + hard work is the kind of person . This kind of person is the most pity. He is obviously very smart, but he works hard and ends up going down the wrong road. What a pity.

The most common and most mediocre ones are the combination of the three like me. A bit smart, relatively hard-working, and know some methods. This kind of compound is particularly suitable for exams, but the students who come out are also the most mediocre. Even if you can do a little bit of any job, and you can be independent when you become proficient, you will be blind when it comes to pioneering undertakings. China just has too many students like me, who are too mediocre. Overall evaluation of

: tested more than six people with the same score. In the future development, only the smart person will be the most promising, and only the hard-working person will take jujube pills. The smart + hard-working person will be a high-quality defective quality, while other compounds are more mediocre. I hope that the reform of China's college entrance examination system should try to select out those who are only smart and train them separately. They are the hope of the nation, and people like me who are relatively complex will serve as the executive level.

Xuanran netizen:

In 2010, Shandong Province liberal arts candidates have officially announced their score ranges. Candidates can estimate that I can probably enter the top 0.3%. When it comes to the college entrance examination, dark horses are the most popular, and there are also unlucky encounters with Waterloo, but after one test Lifelong, this is the reality.I will give you a rough summary based on my own learning experience and the situations I observed among the students around me!

[Special statement: The following situations are general rules. Please do not dwell on individual cases or use extreme examples to find fault. It is really meaningless. 】

First of all, we must admit that the masters of are based on high IQ, especially the top masters of . My deskmate was the top scorer in the high school entrance examination in our county-level city. He looked very naughty, but it turned out that he was really good. Three years later, he was ranked second in science in the college entrance examination in Shandong Province and entered Peking University Guanghua. It’s the same test paper. Whether it’s English, which I think I’m good at, or mathematics, which I admit I’m not good at, or physics or chemistry, which I’m more interested in but have limited ability to learn well, others seem to find it effortless. I might It takes a long time to gnaw on it, and there are still many issues that I can't fully understand even if I talk about it.

There was a girl in the top class next door who was very cute. Later she was admitted to Shanghai Jiao Tong University and majored in ship engineering. Later she felt that it was too hard for a girl to be a ship engineer, so she was admitted to Shanghai Jiao Tong University in finance without much effort in reviewing. I'm a graduate student, that's something to talk about later. In high school, she was also a person that we mortals didn't know how to catch up with. I can give many more such examples.

Since what we are going to discuss today is a specific group of top experts, we might as well be realistic: if you cannot become one of them, the most important factor in is "stupid" , including myself. What about being playful, what about boys being naughty and not knowing how to work hard, what about being better off before you get the hang of things, these are all nonsense words used by parents to comfort themselves.

This is also caused by the Chinese culture of "face", which can be said to be a kind of vanity. When I become a parent in the future, if my child does not do well academically, I will frankly admit that he is stupid and find other ways out. I realized this problem when I was a freshman in high school. I think it is a blessing for me to get rid of this unrealistic comparison very early. The intellectual gap between people is greater than we imagine and what our education and culture promote.

Secondly, teaching method . High school teachers play a vital role in exam-oriented education. This is why many parents spend a lot of money to send their children to key high schools. The high school I attend is a key high school with a history of more than 100 years. Occasionally, the top scorer in the college entrance examination in Shandong Province was admitted. The students who were admitted here and placed in the top classes were all the top students in previous junior high schools! Therefore, the teachers in our class can be said to be an all-star lineup. Each teacher has his or her own unique methods, such as unique notes, writing on the blackboard, formulas... Their task is no longer to simply teach you. To be honest, the students in the top classes can completely "learn" through self-study. ; Their mission is more to enable students to learn, remember, and master the ability to overcome difficult problems.

In terms of daily training, most of what we do are test papers selected and put together by teachers. Based on their huge amount of questions, they only choose challenging questions for everyone to train on. I was very impressed. The geography test papers we did in high school were basically questions that the teacher cut out piece by piece, put together on a large piece of paper, and then copied them. Therefore, the test papers handed over to us all had traces of patchwork. Specific to individuals, the difference between superior and inferior lies in whether they can follow the teacher's footsteps and make further efforts. Many students who can be called masters have their own methods outside of the teacher's system. Therefore, do it with your classmates. We have a good relationship, and borrowing notes to make copies is also a shortcut.

Finally, the college entrance examination is based on luck. For example, the two top scorers in the college entrance examination in our class and the class next door are usually around ten, and they almost never rank among the top three in the class. Therefore, some of the top masters mentioned by the question may only be called "good results" on weekdays, and they are considered masters, but they definitely cannot bear the word "top". However, it must be admitted that their IQs are also high, and more importantly, they have a good mentality.

Wang Daxiong Netizen:

Background: Candidates from a coastal province, science, original score is 70 in the province, top 20 in the submitted score, Peking University


Personally feel that the top 100 mainly depends on IQ, 80% and 20% By hard work.


Although this article is mainly read by high school seniors, for most people, it is difficult to separate the third year of high school and the third year of high school.

So, I want to start after I graduated from junior high school.


In July 2010, the high school entrance examination ended.

Originally, for a student like me who won first prize in two junior high school subject competitions and ranked first in the province in one of them, I could be recommended to the best high school in the city (because it is the provincial capital, it is actually the best in the province). of high school).

However, my old man asked me to give up my qualification for recommendation. You know, at that time, people who were recommended to high schools and even appeared in newspapers were simply too tempting for the relatively vain little P kids! !

Let me introduce my old man. A top student who graduated from Jiaotong University. For a little kid, my old man is my idol. At least since I was little, when all the other kids wanted to go to Peking University and Tsinghua University, I always wanted to go to Jiaotong University. I kept saying "we are Jiaotong University", so I was laughed at by my old man. I asked him several times ("I went to Jiaotong University, it's none of your business").

At that time, my old man’s reason for not allowing me to be admitted sounded quite reasonable: “If you are recommended for the high school entrance examination, can you guarantee that you will still be admitted for the college entrance examination? If you are not recommended for the college entrance examination but have to take the exam, you have never taken the high school entrance examination. Are you nervous during the college entrance examination? "

"Nima, it sounds really reasonable. However, the facts later told me that there is no relationship between the high school entrance examination and the college entrance examination! !

But I was a good boy who listened to my old man, so I took the high school entrance examination. Then, fifth in the city. . . .

That’s why I encountered the first question in this article: I actually don’t need to go to high school in China! !

once again introduces the introduction. My hometown is a coastal city and a provincial capital. Although it is underdeveloped, it is certainly not backward. There are many overseas Chinese. The high school I was going to attend was even more impressive than Peking University and Tsinghua University in front of the people in my hometown. As long as the children of relatives and friends in the neighborhood attend this high school, they can almost brag about it as a proud ancestor. However, before enrolling in this high school, there are several places for publicly funded study abroad in , Singapore, , and they are ranked downward according to the results of the high school entrance examination each year.

That is to say, if I am recommended before the high school entrance examination, this matter will not be my turn. However, in July 2004, I went to the hotel in the sweltering heat to meet with a group of Singaporeans to discuss my future in Singapore for the next three years, or perhaps more.

The conditions at that time were very attractive, and it was at public expense. At that time, I still thought that studying abroad at public expense was great! There are still people to take care of your daily life! Then there was a little beauty who went to the meeting together! ! ! If we go together, the little beauty will definitely not be able to escape from the palm of my hand because she is unfamiliar with the place. So I almost agreed! ! !

However, before signing, I heard clearly that I was going to a boys’ middle school, while the little beauty was going to a girls’ middle school! ! I can't see you at all! ! So I refused the visa directly! !

Then, I finally entered my high school life.


Before going to high school, I inserted another short story. My old man had a high school classmate who was a doctoral supervisor and deputy director of the department at Tsinghua University (at that time, he is already the department director now). I actually came to the provincial capital that summer, so my old man naturally took me to worship at the top of the mountain. The teacher at T University really likes someone like me who has good academic performance. He actually looked out for my old man’s face. I don’t know if he was just polite and said, three years later, when your child takes the college entrance examination, I will apply to enroll you. This is the first time in my life that I discovered that, hey, it is actually related to top2.

As I said before, this high school is the best high school in the provincial capital. It is basically the best high school in the province. But only those who get into the trap realize that the high school in the whole province really likes to brag. But I really like it here. There is a lot of homework but very little, because homework never has to be turned in. The exams were difficult and easy because there was never anyone to invigilate them. The teacher is always saying, how awesome our school is, you little kids will definitely be awesome in the future! ! The most classic line is "If you don't know how to do the questions, others will definitely not know how to do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!" This is so awesome that I can't stand it. . . . So shameless! ! ! !

only has 6 classes every day, until the third year of high school.A group of extracurricular groups, various clubs. According to my old man’s words, “Isn’t this just herding sheep?”. Moreover, our school does not have competitive classes or key classes, and all students are treated "equally" (herding sheep).

has said before that when I was in junior high school, I was first in the province in two competitions. In fact, I was first in the province in informatics, , and first in the province in mathematics (low-key and low-key). If there are comrades who are familiar with the history of competitions, they must know that informatics is actually a competition that produces results very early. There are many people who are already qualified for the national team in their first year of high school. Many real geniuses started joining the national training team in junior high school, and then because they were too young, they kept asking their older brothers and sisters to go to IOI to earn medals. Until they became older brothers and sisters themselves, they could go to IOI to earn medals! !

But I am a weakling, at least in informatics. At that time, our school was indeed a well-established school in information science, but I was a scumbag in the group of the information science competition. But I still went to the provincial competition as a freshman in high school and won a provincial third place. In fact, I really don’t like information science competitions very much. Why do I enter the pit when I can answer other questions (I remember a question about how someone who participated in an information science competition is doing now). Anyway, I really didn’t put much effort into the informatics competition. Moreover, the main teaching method of this school is "herding sheep". To what extent, as long as you come to school today, the teacher doesn't care whether you go to class or not. So my grades in the first year of high school were so mediocre (add one more thing, this school is not ranked yet, it only gives band scores. Anyway, I remember it was about 100?) Then I spent the first year of high school in despair. , I just play ball and games online every day (the school has an online reading room where you can play games online. You can stay there all day long if you want. What kind of "sheeppen" is this?)


When I was in my second year of high school, my informatics level had not improved much due to my interests. Although my mathematics level had always been mediocre, I still won the Hope Cup gold medal, so I licked my face and refused to go to the information group training and went to mathematics. Group. Claiming to get some results in the math competition. However, opportunities always come to those who are prepared. There was a preliminary round in the provincial mathematics competition. As a sophomore in high school, I participated for the first time. I was really nervous, and then I was eliminated. I didn't even make it to the provincial competition, let alone win a prize.

What's even more tragic is that in the provincial competition of informatics, I saw two questions. They were both in our school's question bank, but I didn't go to the training, so I didn't know how to do it. . . . I wrote other questions, but something went wrong when saving. When I finally ran the results, it turned into a run time error. I bid farewell to the first place in the province by one score point in the informatics competition, and also bid farewell to the extra points for recommendation. I even bid farewell to the informatics competition directly.

would like to add three things here: First, the information science competition in my sophomore year of high school was really painful. The machine was not divided well and the seat was uncomfortable. The buddy sitting next to me was a member of the provincial team the year before and also encountered the same problem as me. As a result, my final grade was lower than mine. The specific problem is that it is uncomfortable to sit. . . real. . . There is also a problem with the screen and I can't see the code clearly. . . . .

Secondly, although it is a provincial competition, it is actually a national league division league. Our school submitted two questions to the whole country, and both of them were selected as exam questions. I believe there is no school that would not do these two tasks for students (and I don’t think the teachers would have imagined that they would be chosen). So at that time, everyone in the school information team had a first prize, and only me received a second prize, which was also the reason why I finally withdrew from the competition. Damn, everyone is and is recommended to give birth to . Why am I messing around in there? !

Third, I have always been concerned about a question that turned into a run time error. Because the program can be run in the examination room, I always thought that I made a mistake when saving and did not upload the latest code. Later, because I was in a bad mood, I didn't ask for a review.

spent his sophomore year in high school in the math group and high school studies. In fact, I still spent time on the basketball court and electronic reading room. I told my class teacher that I was going to the math group, and I told the math group that I was going to class, and then I went to play ball. Until the senior year of high school.


At this time, even a fool knows how to work hard. So does this dick.

prepared the math league seriously. Since they are really strong, they were almost crushed in the preliminary round. However, the provincial competition. . .

Anyone who has played CMO knows that the provincial competition of the Mathematics High School League is divided into the first test and the second test. Both are 150 points. The first test is a total of 90 points for choosing to fill in the blanks, and 60 points for the three big questions, which will be easier. . In the second test, three major questions are worth 50 points each. The total scores of the two tests are added up to determine the provincial first prize.

As a result, I became nervous again when I tried it. I haven't solved any of the 3 big questions. I was almost desperate when I came out to rest. However, after the second test started, I gradually became less nervous and answered really well, but it really depends on whether I can save one.

Later, after the answer was announced, I estimated the score, which was quite high. It's okay to consciously save one, but it's really impossible to save a team. After all, the first try was too bad. After talking to the math teacher, we really started to prepare for the recommended students. As a result, a month later, the province list came out without me. . . . without me! ! ! !

This really hurts my heart. The first test score was over 80, but the second test score was only 60, but I was able to do all 3 questions in this question! ! At that time, my grades were still around 70 in the school, but I didn’t study for another month. Although the school was still herding sheep, the sheep knew that the college entrance examination was coming, and they were all working hard to eat grass. Not very big.

I read the answer again and told my old man that I wanted to appeal. What follows is a lengthy appeals period. During this period, I had almost no motivation or desire to study, and my old man didn’t force me. I contacted the principal and teachers, and they all felt that I might have made a mistake in my assessment. Because at that time, the estimated scores of the entire mathematics group were very high, but in the end, many people like me had unsatisfactory scores. My old man asked me again, did you make a mistake? But I don’t want to give up this time, because in my sophomore year of high school, there was a question in the information science competition that lost all points. I didn’t recheck it at that time. I won’t give up if I don’t recheck it this time! ! ! Later, I found the provincial competition team and worked on it for a month, and finally the score was given to me. I won’t go into details about the process, but I probably made a conversion, and the teacher who corrected the paper didn’t understand it, so he didn’t give me any points. . .

So, I finally got a province in my senior year of high school, and I got it in early December. This dick doesn’t need to take the college entrance examination anymore, it can be recommended! ! !


At that time, I was already halfway through my senior year of high school. In my senior year of high school, I first competed and then appealed, and I basically never continued my studies normally. My old man told me, just leave if you can. I agreed.

It was my 18th birthday when I was admitted as a recommended student. My grandparents came from the rural county to the provincial capital to celebrate my birthday. Grandma said leisurely at that time, "It's good to be a recommended student. Our children can go wherever they want, preferably to Tsinghua University!"

However, at that time, registration for top2 was closed. . . . . My old man even specifically asked his doctoral supervisor classmates, but he failed to register. . . . In line with our thinking as Jiaotong University, I signed up for Jiaotong University. In view of the precedent of my continuous nervousness in mathematics competitions, I applied to the University of Science and Technology of China again. Before the exam time for the University of Science and Technology of China is at National Chiao Tung University, let’s practice.

Then the University of Science and Technology of China really passed smoothly. Choose any major. It should be a high score.

So my old man also breathed a sigh of relief and told me that it should be no problem to take the SJTU exam normally. Because they are all his friends at Jiaotong University and have already said hello to them.

I will just tell you the rest of the story. . . . . A face-slapping maniac like this dick. . . . He must have failed to get into Jiaotong University. . . . . . Although my old man still has an inside job, he can't protect my bad-ass teammates. . . . .

So the only offer I have is the University of Science and Technology of China. . . To go or not to go? I told my old man before that I could leave as soon as I could. Plus, it was almost the Spring Festival when it was confirmed that I couldn’t go to Jiaotong University. I only had one semester to prepare for the college entrance examination. A heartless person like me had already gone through it in the first semester of my senior year in high school. After winning the competition, appealing for the competition, and taking the exam for recommended students, I thought that the recommended students would definitely pass the exam, so after having fun and having fun, I went to prepare for the college entrance examination. Are you kidding me?

called my grandparents and told them that we were going to sign up for the University of Science and Technology of China.My grandma said on the phone that she always thought about her grandson going to Peking University and Tsinghua University, but it suddenly became the University of Science and Technology that he couldn't adapt to. My dick suddenly felt a little unwilling.

Then, the next day, when my old man went to the school’s Academic Affairs Office to get the school’s seal and send the pre-admission notice, I stopped him. I tore up the pre-admission notice. He said that I had never even tried the top two admission exams. I stupidly took the high school entrance examination to gain experience for the college entrance examination. I’m going to take the college entrance examination! ! Isn’t that classmate of yours still waiting to recruit me?

This dick gave up the recommendation again after the high school entrance examination.


In fact, I still have some advantages in the college entrance examination. After all, I will get an extra 20 points if I save math.

During my senior year in high school, I basically spent studying, taking exams, studying again, and taking exams again. . . Then when it came to the province-wide mock exam, when I was taking the solid geometry test in mathematics (everyone knows that this is very simple), I regarded the angle ABC as the angle ACB. After doing it for a long time, I couldn't complete it, and even the following questions were... Affected, 118 points. . . . But the average score for the whole grade is 135 points. In other words, my math spirit score is about the same as the average score. . . . Let’s not talk about the total score of

. . . Anyway. . . . If you get extra points, you might still be able to get into the University of Science and Technology of China.

At this time, my mother went crazy, thinking that I was deliberately harming her and torturing her by refusing to escort her. . So much so that she didn’t even cook for me when I was taking the college entrance examination. . . The relationship between my dick and my mom took a turn for the worse.

Then it was a long study break. Maybe I will have a school holiday later, which seems to have started in April. . . . . Damn, the college entrance examination will not be until June. As expected, our school is essentially a "sheep pen". Of course, there are teachers in the school, who ensure that there is a teacher for each subject at all times, and students can also go to school to study by themselves. In fact, they are still "herding sheep".

remember it should be June 1st. My dick and my old man went out for a walk. My old man really told me to relax. Anyway, I didn’t go if I wasn’t recommended to go. The path is your own choice, so just work hard. . . Then I asked nervously what I should prepare for the interview if I won the top prize. . . My old man was speechless. . . In fact, I am still very upset about missing the recommendation for the high school entrance examination and not being published in the newspaper! !

Then I took the college entrance examination, and as expected, I was not the top scorer. . . .


I have a bad gastrointestinal condition and I didn’t dare to eat before the college entrance examination. As a result, Nima was hungry on the night of June 6th. . . I woke up hungry in the middle of the night. . . woke up. . .

My old man made a poached egg. It was so delicious that I must commemorate it strongly. . The

exam room was arranged in the farthest exam room from my home among the exam rooms that I could be assigned to. . . . . . . . furthest. . . . . But later, it was rumored that the nearest exam room to my home suddenly started barking with dogs during English listening, which directly broke the psychological defenses of all the candidates. . . . . . .

I really feel that there is a big difference between the college entrance examination and the high school entrance examination. I felt like I was still admitted even though I was close to passing the high school entrance examination. I really didn’t know what I was facing during the college entrance examination. My dick is getting nervous again. With half an hour left in Chinese, I was finally able to write a composition. When there was half an hour left in mathematics, I finally turned over the page, and there were still 4 big questions! ! Moreover, I am really slow at writing, and even slower when I get to the examination room. I can hardly do it! ! !

But my physical potential exploded in the last half hour and I finished writing the essay. But the math is really not done. In mathematics, I only wrote the first small question of the last big question. It was very simple. I didn’t read the next two small questions. I went directly to check the fill-in card to see if I had written the previous questions clearly. Finally, in mathematics If you get 141, you will be deducted 9 points from the last two questions. But the language is poor. . . . .

But the comprehensive science test that year was too buggy. Although latecomers may not have such a feeling when they take this set of papers again, it will definitely be difficult for the candidates in the examination room to forget it. Because this set of papers is difficult at the front and easy at the back. As long as you have enough time, your score will not be low. However, the problem is that in the college entrance examination, the front is difficult, and physics is difficult.

My grades in the third year of high school are useless. I passed 118 in math, failed in English, and failed to pass the Chinese essay, but I never got 265 in the comprehensive science.It takes two and a half hours to study comprehensively, and I usually only take one and a half hours. But I was nervous during the college entrance examination. I scored 6 points on a multiple-choice question. There were so many people who scored 6 points! It’s so confusing to choose every question! ! ! ! (Nima got 2 questions wrong in the end, 12 points!!!)

Then when the time came to an hour and a half, I didn’t finish the big questions in biology and chemistry, and I couldn’t think of two big questions in physics. Of course, the reason why there are so many questions left is that I am thinking about the two big questions of physics, which are worth more than 40 points! ! ! More than 40! ! ! ! Then for the first time in the exam room of my high school career, I showed my shameless characteristics in high school: "If you don't know how to do the questions, others will definitely not know how to do them either!"

I stupidly skipped them. After scoring more than 40 points, I went straight to chemistry. In fact, I felt that chemistry was not very simple, but I did it smoothly. Many questions that required careful calculation were answered intuitively, which saved a lot of time. And biology is really simple. It only took half an hour to do chemistry + biology. I went back and checked the multiple-choice questions (oh my God, I still got two wrong ones). Maybe it was because I was relatively confident about the other questions (I was so stupid that I didn’t know I had chosen the wrong two questions), so I quickly solved one question, but the other question was really wrong, and I still had some left when I handed in the paper. The next step. But! But! I feel very happy when I come out! ! I deeply feel that this dick is not so evil at heart. . . . It’s really not that evil. .

This is one of the scenes that impressed me the most. Everyone I knew had a sad face. importance, but the oppressive and heavy atmosphere in the entire playground was indeed spread and spread. In fact, no one asked who had passed the comprehensive examination, but I think it was quite painful.

English was quite miserable. It's easy. After I finished the exam, I told my old man that it was no problem to go to Jiaotong University if it was above 630. Then I waited miserably and the answer came out at 12 o'clock (actually it was published in the newspaper the next day). (I’m still nervous), and I wanted to buy my hands after checking the answers. After all, I chose the wrong two in Science and Comprehensive Studies. I estimated that it was 650, so I went to the graduation ceremony.


Later, my old man, the doctoral supervisor at T University, really did. I came to enroll, but due to some messy reasons, I came to Peking University at the last moment. During the period, I was ranked first in the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and the scholarship was 700,000, and then I ran away. , Think about it, it’s been three years of trying to die, but it’s been four years of really trying to die!

However, their learning experience and learning methods can be used for reference and learning. I hope students will read this article carefully and find the learning methods and methods that suit them. - DayDayNews

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