Source: China News Network Recently, China’s stance on the Russia-Ukraine conflict has been affirmed by the two opposing parties in the conflict, Russia and Ukraine. Not only that, but what is even more strange is that the United States, which has always wanted to find trouble, l

2024/06/1518:07:32 hotcomm 1765

Source: China News Network

Recently, China's stance on the Russia-Ukraine conflict has been affirmed by the two opposing parties in the conflict, Russia and Ukraine .

Not only that, but what is even more strange is that the United States, which has always wanted to find trouble, lowered its body and admitted that it currently cannot catch China's "little pigtails"!

However, the mystery behind this may not be that simple...

Russia and Ukraine both affirm China’s position

On June 7, local time, when answering questions from foreign media, Ukrainian President Zelensky pointed out that China, as a great country, can "influence Russia and end this war."

He believes that the leaders of major powers must make resolving the conflict between Russia and Ukraine a priority, and hopes to ensure that China supports Ukraine.

Source: China News Network Recently, China’s stance on the Russia-Ukraine conflict has been affirmed by the two opposing parties in the conflict, Russia and Ukraine. Not only that, but what is even more strange is that the United States, which has always wanted to find trouble, l - DayDayNewshtml On May 25, Zelensky also stated in a video speech at the Davos Forum that China has adopted a non-involvement approach in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. It has not taken hostile actions against Ukraine and has not supported the Russian Federation.

Although China has not taken measures to support Ukraine, Ukraine has "no objection" to China's policy. Zelensky said that he wants to believe that "China will not pursue other policies."

On the other hand, on June 1, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov pointed out that Moscow “highly appreciates the well-considered and fair position of Chinese friends on the situation in Ukraine and surrounding areas.” He said that in supporting Russia’s efforts to build a European security architecture "I feel Beijing's support."

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Morgulov said that Russia appreciates Beijing's "condemnation of NATO for creating a European security crisis and unreasonable eastward expansion."

Russian Ambassador to China Denisov believes that the United States and its allies are not only prepared to let Ukraine and Russia fight to the "last moment", but also "exerted serious external pressure" on China. Some people are "provoking relations between Russia and China." However, Russia is certain that the relationship between the two countries will withstand the test.

The United States rarely admits that there is no evidence

Let’s look at the United States’ stance. On June 9, U.S. Treasury Secretary Yellen pointed out that the United States would be "extremely disappointed" if it found that China was helping Russia to bypass sanctions.

But she also admitted that so far, the United States has not seen "substantial evidence" that "can be said to be" such support.

Source: China News Network Recently, China’s stance on the Russia-Ukraine conflict has been affirmed by the two opposing parties in the conflict, Russia and Ukraine. Not only that, but what is even more strange is that the United States, which has always wanted to find trouble, l - DayDayNews

You must know that the U.S. House of Representatives only passed a "China-related draft" at the end of April, requiring the U.S. State Department to report on any actions by China that are deemed to help Russia evade sanctions. This is an attempt to fabricate a charge out of thin air and pin it on China, requiring China to "draw a clear line" with Russia.

html In May, the Group of Seven (G7) headed by the United States also concocted a statement to "remind" China not to "undermine" Western sanctions against Russia. This statement is very long and detailed:

do not "provide assistance" in Russia's "war of aggression" against Ukraine;

do not "undermine sanctions against Russia";

do not "defend" Russia's actions in Ukraine;

do not Through "manipulation of information, false information and other means" to legitimize Russia's actions.

Source: China News Network Recently, China’s stance on the Russia-Ukraine conflict has been affirmed by the two opposing parties in the conflict, Russia and Ukraine. Not only that, but what is even more strange is that the United States, which has always wanted to find trouble, l - DayDayNews

At that time, former Russian President Medvedev sharply pointed out that the G7 "don't want this, don't want that", "actually they are directly interfering in China's affairs and implying to China that the G7 can punish you."

The most outrageous thing is that at the Davos Forum where Zelensky was delivering a speech, US congressmen, in order to "spill dirty water" on China, used photos of Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Lai Lai and others to spread rumors, claiming that they were members of the Chinese delegation. There was no standing ovation for Zelensky's speech, which made a "world-class" joke.

There is nothing simple behind these statements!

How can I put it this way? It’s really strange that the United States, which had been so calculated, suddenly admitted that it had not caught China’s “little braid”. Zelensky’s two China-related statements are also inconsistent with his previous performance.

Zelensky has been repeatedly changing his attitude towards not only China, but also the West and Russia-Ukraine negotiations. Ukraine is increasingly looking to China, and the United States has made rare statements. There may be multiple considerations:

First, Russia is advancing firmly, and the West is beginning to waver.

Secondly, if you want to negotiate, China is a good "auxiliary".

Third, put a high hat on China and maintain the pressure of public opinion.

Fourth, consider Ukraine’s post-war reconstruction and economic development.

As time goes by, the West has basically used all its methods to make Russia "bleed", but some of its "bullets" against Russia have hit itself. inflation, , energy crisis, supply chain disruption, coupled with the continuous "burning of money" to supply Ukrainian weapons, the public resentment in Europe and the United States is boiling.

At the same time, the Russian army is advancing resolutely in the Donbass region. Putin is close to realizing the strategic intention of the second phase of the operation and will not retreat due to any sanctions.

For the sake of Ukraine, it only hurts itself. Cracks have already appeared within the West. Some countries have begun to consider "taking it as soon as it's good" and directly leaving Ukraine alone to discuss peace talks, which includes exchanging part of Ukraine's territory with Russia.

Whether Zelensky realizes the unreliability of the West or is based on the unfavorable situation on the battlefield, he does hope to stop the conflict. Therefore, he looks to the eastern power - China.

Although Russia said that Ukraine has withdrawn from negotiations, Zelensky has repeatedly admitted that political negotiations are the only way to obtain final peace. However, the Western comprador forces behind him and the domestic political pressure in Ukraine do not allow him to easily sit down at the negotiating table.

As a responsible and trustworthy major country, China has always promoted peace and talks in the international arena. It also has an unusual relationship with Russia. If negotiations are to take place, turning to China is an inevitable consideration.

Moreover, the United States and the West really want to drag China into the water, and they would like to get involved as deeply as possible. However, China has never taken the bait. It cannot be ruled out that the United States and the West instigated Zelensky’s speech behind the scenes.

They are always watching China's every move, trying to find some clues that China is helping Russia, so that they can "raise troops to hold the country accountable."

The current public opinion campaign is like putting a high hat on China. Once China shows any signs of being biased towards Russia, it will become the material for the United States and the West to fabricate charges. This is more due to the United States' considerations.

Zelensky also has his own considerations. As he pointed out, before the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, China was Ukraine's largest trading partner, and "the two countries have a very good and long history."

The United States and the West have given tens of billions of dollars to the war. Before the war is over, Ukraine has already incurred huge debts. When the conflict is over, will the United States and the West still invest in reconstruction?

Whether it is restarting trade or rebuilding the country, Zelensky may consider China as one of his cooperation partners. He did not choose to stalemate relations with China, perhaps for the sake of long-term development.

Source: China News Network Recently, China’s stance on the Russia-Ukraine conflict has been affirmed by the two opposing parties in the conflict, Russia and Ukraine. Not only that, but what is even more strange is that the United States, which has always wanted to find trouble, l - DayDayNews

In short, what is China's position? Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian has long made it clear:

China always decides its own position and policies based on the merits of the matter itself.

China has always opposed the imposition of unilateral sanctions on other countries that exceeds international law and the authorization of the United Nations. Sanctions are not an effective means to solve the problem. Instead, they will accelerate the spillover of the Ukraine crisis and create new complex problems.

China calls on all parties to do more to encourage and promote peace talks and open up space for political settlement.

Relevant countries must not harm China's legitimate interests in any way when dealing with the Ukrainian issue and relations with Russia.

America and its allies, take a closer look!

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