Last weekend, U.S. Secretary of State Blinken’s China policy speech that the Western media had been obsessed with was finally released. Compared with the China-related speech of his predecessor Pompeo in 2020, which was full of lies, rumors, vicious attacks and smears, Blinken’s

2024/06/1508:42:33 hotcomm 1415

Source: Chaoyang Shaoxia

Last weekend, the US Secretary of State Blinken China policy speech that the Western media had been obsessed with was finally released.

Last weekend, U.S. Secretary of State Blinken’s China policy speech that the Western media had been obsessed with was finally released. Compared with the China-related speech of his predecessor Pompeo in 2020, which was full of lies, rumors, vicious attacks and smears, Blinken’s  - DayDayNews

Compared with the China-related speech delivered by his predecessor Pompeo in 2020, which was full of lies, rumors, and vicious attacks and smears, Blinken’s speech, although clever and carefully packaged, was still full of lies and fallacies, and did not change the essence of the wrong China policy. , it can even be called an “upgraded” declaration to contain and suppress China. The overall tone of the speech is vicious competition, and the whole text reveals the consciousness of hegemony and , the specter of Cold War confrontation, and ideological paranoia.

As early as 1949, the then US Secretary of State Acheson published a white paper on China policy. Chairman Mao wrote five commentaries on this, one of which was called "The Bankruptcy of the Idealistic View of History." Today, in Blinken's speech, no rational thinking on China policy, no goodwill and measures for cooperation with China can be seen, only rigid dogma, empty slogans, a sick world view, and anti-intellectual idealism . The United States' China policy thinking has returned to the idealistic historical view of 73 years ago, and its failure is doomed.

The United States is sick, and its foreign policy and China policy are all sick. For Sino-US relations to get back on track, the top priority is to treat the United States, point out the root cause of the disease, cut off the inner demons, and restore the mind.

1. Pathological view of order: hegemonic paranoia. The most incredible thing about

’s speech is that the United States always regards itself as “maintaining international order”. From the perspective of the United States, the other four permanent members of the Security Council, the more than 190 United Nations member states, and are all "extras" to set off the hegemonic protagonist of the United States. Blinken's speech has completed the "trinity" of "the United States, hegemony, and international order."

Last weekend, U.S. Secretary of State Blinken’s China policy speech that the Western media had been obsessed with was finally released. Compared with the China-related speech of his predecessor Pompeo in 2020, which was full of lies, rumors, vicious attacks and smears, Blinken’s  - DayDayNews

Unfortunately, this is nothing more than an illusion. Rome is dead, the Habsburg family supports a " Holy Roman Empire ", Voltaire said it is neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire. To use this sentence in , hegemony has fallen. The "liberal international order" of the United States is neither free, nor international, nor order. It is just a dreamland dream of hegemonic addicts.

The phantom disease in the United States is called "1989 Syndrome." In 1989, the fall of the Berlin Wall and the drastic changes in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe began, and U.S. hegemony entered its "highlight moment" and "peak years." This has also become an unforgettable memory and a lingering nostalgia in the United States, so much so that after the Russia-Ukraine conflict, Francis Fukuyama, the inventor of the " end of history theory" , was very excited, predicting that the "rebirth of freedom" would "let us Shake off the fear of the declining state of democracy around the world” and “the spirit of 1989 will live on thanks to a brave group of Ukrainians ”.

Unfortunately, 1989 was just an off-key episode and a meteor passing by in an instant, and it did not change the post-war international order established in 1945.

The postwar international order was established by the wartime Allies defeating fascism at the cost of their blood and lives. It was forged by the huge sacrifices of the Soviet Union, which killed 27 million people, and China, which suffered 35 million military and civilian casualties. The United States' sacrifice in World War II was only 400000. The United States must face up to an iron fact. The international order is incompatible with unipolar hegemony. The United States has no right to unilaterally define the international order, let alone block the two victorious countries, China and Russia, from the international order. The so-called "rules-based international order" is a pseudo-order without any legal basis.

The United States is not without clear-headed wise men. Dr. Kissinger, who just celebrated his 99th birthday, proposed that "multipolarization is a reality" with President Nixon 50 years ago, thereby embarking on the path of Sino-US exchanges and promoting the strategic détente between the United States and the Soviet Union. At the Davos Forum not long ago, Kissinger once again urged the US government to face up to the balance of power among major powers. The old Kissinger was like the child who shouted "The king actually has no clothes". He told the truth and made patients with hegemonic delusion and 1989 syndrome angry. Ukraine The "Peace Messenger" (Myrotvorets) website even put Kissinger on the "blacklist", accusing him of being an "accomplice" of Russia.

Last weekend, U.S. Secretary of State Blinken’s China policy speech that the Western media had been obsessed with was finally released. Compared with the China-related speech of his predecessor Pompeo in 2020, which was full of lies, rumors, vicious attacks and smears, Blinken’s  - DayDayNews

The history of World War II is not a little girl who can be dressed up by others, and the international order is not a fig leaf for hegemonism. No matter how hegemonicists tamper with history, whitewash hegemony, and distort order, they cannot change the trend of the times of multipolarity, diversification of civilizations, and democratization of international relations.. must put the power of the United States in a cage and make the United States subject to the disciplines of the international order and the United Nations Charter. The United States is a tiger with terrifying fangs, but China and all righteous countries that defend the international order have a firm will and have enough strength to pull out the fangs of the United States and beat it back to its original shape.

2. The world view of the Cold War: schizophrenia

The word that appears most frequently in speeches is "alliance", which gives people a sense of chaos in time and space - the world is no longer flat, and an iron curtain is slowly lowering. It says "Value Alliance" crookedly on it.

The United States attempts to attract allies and partners to its side through ideological "star attraction", recreate the "glorious days" of the Cold War, and bring back the united and powerful West. However, today in the 21st century, is the world really divided, or is the American worldview divided?

Last weekend, U.S. Secretary of State Blinken’s China policy speech that the Western media had been obsessed with was finally released. Compared with the China-related speech of his predecessor Pompeo in 2020, which was full of lies, rumors, vicious attacks and smears, Blinken’s  - DayDayNews

The origin of the world is material, material determines consciousness , the economic base determines the superstructure and ideology, this is a basic law. Among the allies of the United States, whether the European Union or the "Indo-Pacific Partners", most of the largest trading partners are China.

Taking the EU as an example, in 2020 China replaced the United States as the EU's largest trading partner for the first time. In the past few years, the EU and ASEAN have alternately become China's largest trading partner. While President Biden is running around Asia non-stop, using the big stick of the "Indo-Pacific Strategy" to divide the region, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP) that integrates the region has taken effect and is in full swing.

When the United States is vigorously promoting the "Indo-Pacific Economic Framework", countries from Japan and Australia to New Zealand and Singapore are talking about it and repeatedly asking a question that embarrasses the United States: "When will we return to TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement)? "

If there is a risk of fragmentation in today's world, it is that the United States is making strides to withdraw from the free trade system it created, and is moving towards the opposite of regionalization and globalization.

How long can a United States that is addicted to Cold War mentality and is moving toward self-isolation maintain its alliance system? How many countries will risk their lives to cooperate in the farce of the "new Cold War"?

Recently, " New York Times " columnist Friedman said worriedly that although Biden has reunified the West, he is worried that he may not be able to reunify the United States. So many allied leaders privately told him, "Thank God—America is back," and then asked, "How long will it last?"

Last weekend, U.S. Secretary of State Blinken’s China policy speech that the Western media had been obsessed with was finally released. Compared with the China-related speech of his predecessor Pompeo in 2020, which was full of lies, rumors, vicious attacks and smears, Blinken’s  - DayDayNews

As the saying goes, you can't afford to lose money early. Whether it is , NATO, or the "Indo-Pacific Strategy", when allies surround the United States, their first concern is real material interests. If "Trump diplomacy" is a "real villain" who wants to squeeze out all his allies, "Biden diplomacy" is a "hypocrite" who is hypocritical of the world.

Edward Carr, a famous British international relations scholar, once said: "The United States is a master of the art of using the cloak of kindness to cover up their selfish national interests." Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov hit the nail on the head: "The so-called 'democracy summit' hosted by the United States, It is a 'new crusade' launched against those countries that do not agree with the American ideals. "The outcome of the Crusade foreshadows the outcome of the American new Cold War. When the economic pain hits and the enthusiasm for values ​​​​dissipates, America's small Brothers will only act like birds and beasts.

3. A confrontational view of China: Anger towards China

The key word in the entire speech is "competition" - a gangster-style competition that only allows the United States to win.Before , the United States proposed the "three-point rule" of "competition, cooperation, and confrontation" against China. This time it put on a new vest and replaced it with the " three-point theory " of "investment, alliance, and competition".

The so-called "investment" and "alliance" are all to build momentum, while "competition" is the main tone and general line of relations with China. In one sentence, the United States wants to expand the battlefield to all fields, all directions, and the whole world, reshape China's geopolitical environment and economic space, and engage in unrestricted strategic games.

Last weekend, U.S. Secretary of State Blinken’s China policy speech that the Western media had been obsessed with was finally released. Compared with the China-related speech of his predecessor Pompeo in 2020, which was full of lies, rumors, vicious attacks and smears, Blinken’s  - DayDayNews

The United States pays special attention to the economic stranglehold and talks a lot about the security of the so-called supply chain. It "would rather have the grass of capitalism than the seedlings of socialism." This is politically incorrect and must be decoupled economically. Regarding the rise of China, the United States has fallen into a syndrome of adaptation disorder, intermittent rage, persecution delusion, and social phobia. In order to kill a thousand enemies, it would rather damage itself by eight hundred, and constantly "self-abuse" under the impulse to fight against China. .

In the past four years, the biggest conflict between China and the United States has been the trade war. When people look back and take stock, they find that ordinary American people have paid a heavy price for this "self-inflicted" view of China. In the past four years, the United States has imposed a total of four rounds of tariffs on China. However, the U.S. trade deficit with China has risen instead of falling, reaching US$396.6 billion in 2021, an increase of 25% from a year ago.

There are no winners in the trade war, who suffers more? Since the tariffs took effect, U.S. companies have lost more than $1.7 trillion, lost 240,000 jobs, and American families have increased annual expenses by $1,300.

Last weekend, U.S. Secretary of State Blinken’s China policy speech that the Western media had been obsessed with was finally released. Compared with the China-related speech of his predecessor Pompeo in 2020, which was full of lies, rumors, vicious attacks and smears, Blinken’s  - DayDayNews

In the technology war, the U.S. telecommunications network excluded Huawei and , causing losses to American users of more than 5.6 billion U.S. dollars. Congress only compensated 1.9 billion U.S. dollars, leaving a shortfall of 3.7 billion U.S. dollars to the American people.

The United States has forcibly decoupled from China in the economic and technological fields, destroying objective laws, violating economic common sense, disrupting global industrial and supply chains, pushing the U.S. inflation rate to a 40-year high, and pushing the U.S. economy to the brink of a "stagflation crisis."

The latest poll in the United States shows that only 34% of the people surveyed approve of the economic performance of the Biden administration. According to a report from the Peterson Institute of Economics, if the tariffs imposed on China by the previous Trump administration were eliminated, the U.S. CPI could be reduced by about 1.3 percentage points.

Recently, the first round of additional tariffs imposed by the United States on Chinese goods is about to expire. Holding this hot potato that is harmful to others but not self-interested, the Biden administration wants to end things in a "decent" way, but is unwilling to show its attitude towards China. "Weak", losing the "weight" to exert economic and trade pressure on China, hesitant and hesitant.

However, in a turbulent era when the epidemic continues to spread, regional conflicts continue, and the global economy slows down, completely abandoning the additional tariffs imposed on China, stopping the stupid trade war and economic decoupling, will add positive factors to the strategic mutual trust between China and the United States, and help the world economy. Recovery and rebound are the realistic choice and historical responsibility of the United States as the world's largest economy.

Last weekend, U.S. Secretary of State Blinken’s China policy speech that the Western media had been obsessed with was finally released. Compared with the China-related speech of his predecessor Pompeo in 2020, which was full of lies, rumors, vicious attacks and smears, Blinken’s  - DayDayNews

Chairman Mao pointed out in "The Bankruptcy of the Idealistic Concept of History" that "We are historical materialists who oppose historical idealism." The materialist view of history is the people's view of history. The people, and only the people, are the creators of history. The real protagonist of Sino-US relations. Any idea or policy must be combined with reality, based on the economy, and people-centered.

If China and the United States compete, they must compete to see whose country is better governed and whose people have more hope. If China and the United States want to cooperate, they want to benefit their people and get the greatest benefits. The anti-China forces in the United States, whether they are so-called liberal hawks or neoconservatives, are fundamentally anti-people. They turn a deaf ear to the common aspirations of the two peoples for peace, stability, and development, and attempt to use hegemonic consciousness and Cold War mentality to change The direction of history can only be ruthlessly crushed by the wheels of history.

Throughout the history of Sino-US exchanges, when the two countries truly respect the will of the people and achieve mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation, the development of bilateral relations will be smooth. When does the United States violate the will of the people and pursue hegemony and The evil path of power politics, interfering in internal affairs, and the old path of idealistic historical views, such as helping Chiang Kai-shek fight civil war, launching the Korean War, fighting a trade war, "using Taiwan to contain China," etc., will definitely be dismissed by history. Regular punishment has been defeated in the face of the iron wall of the Chinese people's firm will.

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