Compared with the previous two draws, the number of repeated numbers in this draw continues to increase. There are four numbers in total, including a set of numbers ending in 15 and 25.

2024/06/0122:14:33 hotcomm 1742

In this article, let’s take a look at the five trend chart data of the 22074th lottery.

Grand Lotto regular trend chart: Compared with the previous two draws, the number of repeated numbers in this draw continues to increase. There are four numbers in total, including a set of numbers ending in 15 and 25. - DayDayNews

074 Lotto historical trend chart for the same period: Compared with the previous two draws, the number of repeated numbers in this draw continues to increase. There are four numbers in total, including a set of numbers ending in 15 and 25. - DayDayNews

Saturday Lotto historical trend chart: Compared with the previous two draws, the number of repeated numbers in this draw continues to increase. There are four numbers in total, including a set of numbers ending in 15 and 25. - DayDayNews +8.9

7 The historical trend chart of the big lotto on the 2nd of June: Compared with the previous two draws, the number of repeated numbers in this draw continues to increase. There are four numbers in total, including a set of numbers ending in 15 and 25. - DayDayNews

The historical trend chart of the big lotto on the fourth day of June: Compared with the previous two draws, the number of repeated numbers in this draw continues to increase. There are four numbers in total, including a set of numbers ending in 15 and 25. - DayDayNews

Next, we put together the four numbers to be studied, Convenient to organize and analyze. .

This issue’s lottery After merging the numbers of the last issue of the last four pictures, we got three repeated numbers in the front area. The following are the specific details:

Compared with the previous two issues, the repeated numbers in the previous period of this lottery continue to have A total of four numbers were added, including a set of numbers ending in 15 and 25. The number of repeated numbers in the previous two consecutive periods was relatively small, and the final kill is a normal performance. In this issue of the four numbers, I suggest you be cautious. If you are not too sure, it is better to guard against one number.

The following is the historical data of the red ball repetition number in the last four periods. You can compare and refer to it:

2 Issue 2070: absolute kill

22071 issue: 8.13.29 issue 29

22072 issue: 2.3 issue

22073 issue: 8.17.25 absolute kill

The numbering situation is summarized in the back area

The following is the historical data summarized in the back area of ​​the five trend charts in the last four periods:

2 Issue 2070: issue 11

22071 issue: issue 08

22072 issue: 2.3 . Issue 03

22073: The winning number of

in the last lottery was the double trumpet combination 2.4, and they were all odd numbers, just the opposite of the previous issue.

’s last issue’s back area summary was a relatively rare 7 numbers. What is surprising is that all of them were successful. In this issue, the Grand Lotto rear area summary obtained through the attached picture has one less number than the previous issue. There are six numbers in total, two of which are repeated numbers or a group of consecutive numbers. The specific numbers are 7 and 8. The following are the specific details of the six back zones:

Five of the six back zone numbers in this issue form consecutive numbers. From a cautious point of view, I am looking forward to choosing a number from these six numbers!

The front area summarizes the numbering situation

The 17-code front area of ​​the previous issue merged into the bottom, which continued the trend of the previous issue, and two numbers were continued to be drawn. These two numbers are 11 and 25 respectively.

There are a total of 16 numbers in the combined base of the front area of ​​this issue. The specific details are as follows:

In the previous issues, there were more numbers in the combined base. Yes, even all five yards were lost. In the previous two draws, only two numbers were drawn. This also leads to the fact that the 16-code combined outsole of this issue is not a good reference. Let’s consider three numbers from it when making a compromise!

friendly reminder:

there is no absolute, refer to others and believe in yourself.

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