6 years ago today. At 16:55 on January 2015, Yao Beina died of breast cancer recurrence at the age of 33. In order to report first-hand news, three crazy reporters disguised themselves as medical assistants and entered the morgue to take photos, causing an uproar. The Shenzhen Ev

2024/05/2712:09:33 hotcomm 1494

6 years ago today.

At 16:55 on January 2015, Yao Beina died of breast cancer recurrence at the age of 33.

In order to report first-hand news, three crazy reporters disguised themselves as medical assistants and entered the morgue to take photos, causing an uproar. Their affiliate " Shenzhen Evening News " has been condemned by all walks of life.

caused such a big sensation because the incident happened so suddenly.

More than a month ago, Yao Beina also updated her status on Weibo: I want to return to the stage to sing.

6 years ago today. At 16:55 on January 2015, Yao Beina died of breast cancer recurrence at the age of 33. In order to report first-hand news, three crazy reporters disguised themselves as medical assistants and entered the morgue to take photos, causing an uproar. The Shenzhen Ev - DayDayNews

The number of comments on this last Weibo before his death has exceeded 1 million.

Every January, thousands of fans gather here to leave messages.

6 years later, many people still have not forgotten her.

The personal profile of Yao Beina's agent still reads:

"Singer Yao Beina's executive manager"

6 years ago today. At 16:55 on January 2015, Yao Beina died of breast cancer recurrence at the age of 33. In order to report first-hand news, three crazy reporters disguised themselves as medical assistants and entered the morgue to take photos, causing an uproar. The Shenzhen Ev - DayDayNews

On the 6th anniversary of Yao Beina's death, we hope to recall fragments of her past.

commemorates this outstanding female singer who gives people a sunny and inspirational image.

is also dedicated to all readers who still remember Yao Beina.

6 years ago today. At 16:55 on January 2015, Yao Beina died of breast cancer recurrence at the age of 33. In order to report first-hand news, three crazy reporters disguised themselves as medical assistants and entered the morgue to take photos, causing an uproar. The Shenzhen Ev - DayDayNews

In the "2019 National Cancer Report", the incidence rate of breast cancer ranks first among all female malignant tumors. In 2014 alone, there were 278,900 new breast cancer patients in my country, surpassing the United States and becoming the first in the world.

this year.

Yao Beina was 33 years old. Breast cancer recurred and she was admitted to the hospital...

html At the beginning of 2000, she had just appeared on the much-anticipated CCTV Spring Festival Gala.

6 years ago today. At 16:55 on January 2015, Yao Beina died of breast cancer recurrence at the age of 33. In order to report first-hand news, three crazy reporters disguised themselves as medical assistants and entered the morgue to take photos, causing an uproar. The Shenzhen Ev - DayDayNews

became popular in China Good Voice in 2013, and then appeared in Spring Festival Gala in 2014.

The interval is only half a year, and Yao Beina's growth rate is astonishing.

was able to perform the passionate "Tian Yao China" on the Spring Festival Gala stage before midnight. This is undoubtedly a huge honor and a new height in her career.

’s net worth is rising, his career is booming, his business performances continue, and his future is promising.

Prior to this, Yao Beina spent many years realizing her dream of being on the music stage.

6 years ago today. At 16:55 on January 2015, Yao Beina died of breast cancer recurrence at the age of 33. In order to report first-hand news, three crazy reporters disguised themselves as medical assistants and entered the morgue to take photos, causing an uproar. The Shenzhen Ev - DayDayNews

In 2005, Yao Beina made her official debut as the heroine of the musical "Sands".

The next year she signed up to participate in CCTV's Youth Song Contest.

In the first year, she won the runner-up, but she was not satisfied.

Two years later, she came back again and finally won the crown.

became a well-known soloist in , the song and dance troupe of the Naval Political Department of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

Every year, a large number of people are eager to work within the system.

However, in order to pursue music, she went from within the system to outside the system.

In 2009, Yao Beina decided to leave the army art troupe.

She wants to be a singer, go to a bigger stage and be recognized by more people.

But my mother’s opinion is particularly strong. Like many elders, she didn't understand why she had to leave her stable job and quit her job to pursue a fanciful dream.

father Yao Feng is actually very calm.

Like many fathers, Yao Feng has always doted on his daughter.

He silently supported: "I think my daughter is a very smart person, she will not mess around."

Since entering the industry, many people in the industry have given Yao Danbeina high praise, but she has never been able to wait for one. A chance to explode.

Before she became famous, she once talked to her friends about how much she envied those super female singers.

In 2013, this opportunity came.

6 years ago today. At 16:55 on January 2015, Yao Beina died of breast cancer recurrence at the age of 33. In order to report first-hand news, three crazy reporters disguised themselves as medical assistants and entered the morgue to take photos, causing an uproar. The Shenzhen Ev - DayDayNews

Yao Beina gained fame in the blind audition session of "The Voice of China" when she received four mentorships.

This classic "Maybe Tomorrow" can still be deeply shocking if you listen and watch it again today, 7 years later.

reached the point where the highest note erupted. She scratched her head and squatted down with excitement, baring her teeth and claws.

You can be infected by the excitement even through the screen.

6 years ago today. At 16:55 on January 2015, Yao Beina died of breast cancer recurrence at the age of 33. In order to report first-hand news, three crazy reporters disguised themselves as medical assistants and entered the morgue to take photos, causing an uproar. The Shenzhen Ev - DayDayNews

Prior to this, she was diagnosed with breast cancer, underwent mastectomy, and survived a desperate situation.

But starting from this performance,

Yao Beina's life began to count down.

6 years ago today. At 16:55 on January 2015, Yao Beina died of breast cancer recurrence at the age of 33. In order to report first-hand news, three crazy reporters disguised themselves as medical assistants and entered the morgue to take photos, causing an uproar. The Shenzhen Ev - DayDayNews

After the 2014 Spring Festival Gala, Yao Beina immediately devoted herself to commercial performances.

"The Voice of China" deputy director Zhang Li described it this way: She is addicted to singing.

Despite this, Yao Beina still needs to go to the hospital for regular check-ups.

Less than half a year after the Spring Festival Gala, the doctor once again reminded the busy woman, "It's time for you to come to the hospital for a review."

But Yao Beina's schedule was really busy, and she only took one day to go to the hospital.

For this purpose, the doctor specially coordinated various projects to ensure that all examinations could be completed within one day.

But it was during this inspection that bad news came out.

Even the doctor was surprised by the examination results. After the last examination, the cancer cells had metastasized seriously. Yao Beina's lungs and bones had problems.

's father Yao Feng learned the news and immediately flew from Shenzhen to Beijing.

A month ago, she and her daughter just completed the recording of CCTV "Art Life".

6 years ago today. At 16:55 on January 2015, Yao Beina died of breast cancer recurrence at the age of 33. In order to report first-hand news, three crazy reporters disguised themselves as medical assistants and entered the morgue to take photos, causing an uproar. The Shenzhen Ev - DayDayNews

In the program, Yao Feng also said: "Actually, I want to ask the company behind her to not make too many announcements and take more rest."

Yao Beina just smiled.

didn’t expect that something would really happen a month later.

The doctor explained the situation to Yao Feng and suggested that Yao Beina should be hospitalized immediately for chemotherapy.

Compared with the previous active cooperation in treatment, this time Yao Beina rejected the doctor's suggestion.

"She loves her career so much that she would rather sacrifice many other things."

Once the host Zhu Jun once asked:

"I heard that you also stayed up all night during the "The Voice of China" competition. If you stay up late at home (without paying attention to rest), you are not afraid that it will relapse?"

Yao Beina said frankly:

"I'm afraid, it's a lie, I'm afraid." Then she explained: "But it feels different, I feel happy." When

said this, Yao Beina was smiling.

When Zhu Jun said: "Stay up late but be happy,"

She nodded: "Yes."

Regarding the balance between music career and physical health, Yao Beina always showed no regrets.

6 years ago today. At 16:55 on January 2015, Yao Beina died of breast cancer recurrence at the age of 33. In order to report first-hand news, three crazy reporters disguised themselves as medical assistants and entered the morgue to take photos, causing an uproar. The Shenzhen Ev - DayDayNews

After being diagnosed with relapse, Yao Beina is still performing in various places. She can fly to two or three cities a day, not only singing, but also dancing.

The attending doctor Cao Yingming confessed:

"Because the cancer cells have metastasized to her liver and bones, she must not be tired. I reminded her not to dance, which can easily cause pathological fractures. I also reminded her to rest and not stay up late."

But Yao Beina worked until October.

I had such a great time performing at the School of Information of Shanxi Agricultural University in early October that I even took off my high heels on stage.

So many people felt that Yao Beina's death was too sudden, even though they were still listening to her singing 3 months ago.

's father Yao Feng said: "The freedom she wants is to sing the songs she wants to sing on stage and be recognized by more people."

6 years ago today. At 16:55 on January 2015, Yao Beina died of breast cancer recurrence at the age of 33. In order to report first-hand news, three crazy reporters disguised themselves as medical assistants and entered the morgue to take photos, causing an uproar. The Shenzhen Ev - DayDayNews

Although the management team has kept a low profile and canceled all subsequent performances, the outside world is still speculating. .

Until her last Weibo post before her death, she only said that she had a lung disease.

In fact, at this time, she had already started receiving cancer chemotherapy.

6 years ago today. At 16:55 on January 2015, Yao Beina died of breast cancer recurrence at the age of 33. In order to report first-hand news, three crazy reporters disguised themselves as medical assistants and entered the morgue to take photos, causing an uproar. The Shenzhen Ev - DayDayNews

When she was first diagnosed with breast cancer a few years ago, Yao Beina was in a dark period of her life.

left the art troupe and embarked on the road of idealism. She locked herself in her room all day long, immersed in creation, and looked decadent. During her depression, when flying, she would also imagine the plane crashing, and everything would be over...

Perhaps it was because she was at a low point During the period, Yao Beina seemed very calm after learning that she had breast cancer.

She didn't panic and broke down, but quickly accepted it.

She did not spend too much time wondering why she got cancer when she was only 29 years old.

had a mastectomy without hesitation.

In order to eliminate future troubles, she also accepted the doctor's suggestion and underwent chemotherapy again.

Recalling chemotherapy, Yao Beina once admitted on the show that it was very painful and she didn’t want to go through it again, and all her hair fell out.

As for the scars on her breasts, she said they were her medals.

After this operation, she received an invitation from teacher Liu Huan to sing in the episode of the TV series "The Legend of Zhen Huan".

6 years ago today. At 16:55 on January 2015, Yao Beina died of breast cancer recurrence at the age of 33. In order to report first-hand news, three crazy reporters disguised themselves as medical assistants and entered the morgue to take photos, causing an uproar. The Shenzhen Ev - DayDayNews

It turns out that teacher Liu Huan also watched the musical "Golden Sands" when Yao Beina debuted, and remembered the girl's voice.

This also indirectly promoted Yao Beina to go to "The Voice of China".

finally got through the trough period.

"According to Yao Beina's initial treatment status, the probability of recurrence is less than 5%, but such a low probability has become 100% in Yao Beina's case." Dr. Cao, who was the surgeon at that time, later expressed emotion.

There is a sentence in " The Beheaded Queen ": "All gifts given by fate have already been marked with a secret price."

It reminds us that life is like an exchange, everything is connected, and cause and effect are ultimately interdependent.

But when you care too much about cause and effect, you will find the unpredictability of fate.

In December 2014, two months after being admitted to the hospital with a recurrence of cancer, the cancer had spread to the most dangerous part of the brain.

After being transferred back to the hospital in her hometown of Shenzhen, Yao Beina was unwilling to undergo chemotherapy again.

6 years ago today. At 16:55 on January 2015, Yao Beina died of breast cancer recurrence at the age of 33. In order to report first-hand news, three crazy reporters disguised themselves as medical assistants and entered the morgue to take photos, causing an uproar. The Shenzhen Ev - DayDayNews

Father Yao Feng recalled that after being hospitalized, Yao Beina once said with a smile on the hospital bed: "Everything is life!"

This scene has a sense of drama that is too much, but also has the simple human flavor of a small person.

is really touching.

Yao Beina passed away at Peking University Shenzhen Hospital at 16:55 pm on January 16, 2015.

corneas were donated to people in need according to Yao Beina's wishes during her lifetime.

This girl who once fought tenaciously against the disease was finally defeated by the disease.

The Chinese music scene has lost a powerful singer who has been loved by the audience in recent years.

To this day, I look back on the past.

Uncle Le still admires Yao Beina for burning herself for music.

admire her for having the courage to bloom herself into an epiphyllum.

Because most of us may not be able to find such love in our lives throughout our lives.

recently discovered "Golden Thread Clothes", which Yao Beina first sang for "The Legend of Zhen Huan".

I remember that at the beginning of the year before last, Liu Huan sang this song with Yao Beina on the live stage of the finals of "Singer".

The only 4 lyrics of this song read:

I advise you not to cherish your gold-threaded clothes, and I advise you to cherish your youth.

When the flowers are in bloom, they need to be broken, but don’t wait until there are no flowers.

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