Recently, according to Longshi News, an 11-year-old girl Yuanyuan from Yangzhou unfortunately suffered from lung cancer, which was very surprising. Previously, Yuanyuan had no abnormality. Not long ago, she suddenly had a fever and cough, and antibiotics did not help. After a che

2024/05/2700:20:33 hotcomm 1257

Recently, according to Longshi News, an 11-year-old girl Yuanyuan from Yangzhou unfortunately suffered from lung cancer, which was very surprising.

Previously, Yuanyuan had no abnormality. Not long ago, she suddenly had a fever and cough, and antibiotics did not help. After going to the Affiliated Hospital of Yangzhou University for a check-up, the real culprit of the disease was discovered - lung cancer.

According to Guo Hong, deputy chief physician of the Thoracic Surgery Department of Yangzhou University Affiliated Hospital, the malignant tumor in Yuanyuan's lung was already 1.1 centimeters in size at that time, and surgery needed to be performed immediately. Because Yuanyuan was young and had a small chest, the operation was very difficult, several times as difficult as an adult operation. Fortunately, after consultation with experts, Yuanyuan successfully underwent the operation and has been discharged from the hospital.

Lung cancer is a disease that only middle-aged and elderly people can get in the eyes of many people. Why is it that Yuanyuan, who is only 11 years old, can still get lung cancer as a child? Guo Hong explained: "From current research, the younger age of lung cancer may be related to staying up late for a long time, lack of exercise, unhealthy diet, smoking family and other living habits, eating habits, mental stress, etc."

Cancer in children It is no longer an accident. Even as soon as the diagnosis is made, it is already a terminal cancer. Last year, a 12-year-old boy in Hunan was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer. In March this year, a 12-year-old boy in Wenzhou was also diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. It's really a pity in the late stage.

Recently, according to Longshi News, an 11-year-old girl Yuanyuan from Yangzhou unfortunately suffered from lung cancer, which was very surprising. Previously, Yuanyuan had no abnormality. Not long ago, she suddenly had a fever and cough, and antibiotics did not help. After a che - DayDayNews

1. More and more children are suffering from cancer, and most of them are in the late stage when they are discovered.

WHO cancer expert Andrei Ilbavi pointed out that about 400,000 children are diagnosed with cancer every year around the world.

Children suffering from cancer have a high cure rate if it can be detected and treated early. However, unfortunately, because childhood cancer is hidden, children are young and do not know how to express themselves, and parents are careless and can easily ignore their children's abnormalities. Many children are diagnosed at an advanced stage.

This directly puts childhood cancer in the second place on the list of deaths among children, second only to accidental death.

Most people have no idea about the causes of cancer in children, and they don’t even associate the words children with cancer.

2. Children who get cancer should be careful because of the following reasons

Recently, according to Longshi News, an 11-year-old girl Yuanyuan from Yangzhou unfortunately suffered from lung cancer, which was very surprising. Previously, Yuanyuan had no abnormality. Not long ago, she suddenly had a fever and cough, and antibiotics did not help. After a che - DayDayNews. Heredity

Children's cancer is mostly related to genetic factors. Some mutated genes are inherited in children's chromosomes. Some of these genes will mutate during growth and under external stimulation, and evolve into malignant tumors.

Recently, according to Longshi News, an 11-year-old girl Yuanyuan from Yangzhou unfortunately suffered from lung cancer, which was very surprising. Previously, Yuanyuan had no abnormality. Not long ago, she suddenly had a fever and cough, and antibiotics did not help. After a che - DayDayNews

. Pregnant women are exposed to harmful substances during pregnancy

Women who are exposed to some harmful substances during pregnancy, such as hormones, radiation or drugs, will cause embryonic cells to be adversely stimulated and mutate. In this case, embryonic malignant tumors are very likely to occur.

, virus infection

Common viral infections include eb virus , T-cell lymphopathy virus, etc. The former can induce lymphoma , and the latter can induce leukemia and malignant lymphoma.

, acquired environmental factors

long-term exposure to chemicals, formaldehyde in newly renovated houses, smoking secondhand smoke, and long-term intake of food containing pesticide residues will all lead to an increased risk of malignant tumors in children.

Early detection and early treatment of cancer can effectively improve the survival rate, so how to detect it early? Look down together.

3. Early detection is easier to treat. Parents should keep these symptoms in mind

Compared with adults, children are more sensitive to cancer treatments. Therefore, the cure rate of childhood cancer is very high, reaching 75~80%, while the cure rate of adult cancer is less than 50%.

However, childhood cancer develops very quickly. It only takes three months for many patients to develop from stage one to stage four. Therefore, detecting early symptoms plays a vital role in prolonging children's survival.

Professor Wang Xiuzhong from the Children's Hospital of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University pointed out that these symptoms are often seen in children in the early stages of cancer:

Recently, according to Longshi News, an 11-year-old girl Yuanyuan from Yangzhou unfortunately suffered from lung cancer, which was very surprising. Previously, Yuanyuan had no abnormality. Not long ago, she suddenly had a fever and cough, and antibiotics did not help. After a che - DayDayNews, fever

Unexplained fever, the fever cannot be reduced after taking antipyretics, and the fever lasts for 2 weeks, so you need to be highly vigilant.

. Mass

An abnormal mass appears on the skin or subcutaneously. The mass grows rapidly, has a fixed position, and is hard in texture. It may ulcerate on the surface.

Recently, according to Longshi News, an 11-year-old girl Yuanyuan from Yangzhou unfortunately suffered from lung cancer, which was very surprising. Previously, Yuanyuan had no abnormality. Not long ago, she suddenly had a fever and cough, and antibiotics did not help. After a che - DayDayNews

, Lymph node enlargement

Painless lymph node enlargement will often occur and will not return to normal within 2 to 3 months.

. Weight loss

Suffering from malignant tumors will cause children to suffer from cachexia such as weight loss and anemia.

. Nervous system abnormalities

Suffering from neurological tumors can cause neurological abnormalities such as personality changes, epileptic seizures, and unsteady walking.

Children's cancer will bring great physical and mental torture to the family. To prevent the occurrence of cancer, parents' behavior is crucial!

4. Say no to cancer, parents should do this

Recently, according to Longshi News, an 11-year-old girl Yuanyuan from Yangzhou unfortunately suffered from lung cancer, which was very surprising. Previously, Yuanyuan had no abnormality. Not long ago, she suddenly had a fever and cough, and antibiotics did not help. After a che - DayDayNews. Stop smoking before pregnancy, after pregnancy, and during breastfeeding

Parents need to absolutely quit smoking at these three points to avoid some harmful substances in smoke from affecting children.

. Create a smoke-free environment and ventilate frequently

In addition to women, other people in the home should also try to avoid smoking and make the home a smoke-free and healthy environment. In addition, you also need to pay attention to opening windows frequently for ventilation to maintain indoor air circulation. Especially for some newly renovated houses, they must be ventilated for at least three months before moving in.

Recently, according to Longshi News, an 11-year-old girl Yuanyuan from Yangzhou unfortunately suffered from lung cancer, which was very surprising. Previously, Yuanyuan had no abnormality. Not long ago, she suddenly had a fever and cough, and antibiotics did not help. After a che - DayDayNews

. Cultivate children’s healthy eating habits

Eating habits should be cultivated from an early age. Give children more pure natural foods. Daily intake of beans, milk, fruits and vegetables, grains, fish and appropriate amounts of meat products and pickled foods , fried food and moldy food, do not let children have too much contact with them.

. Urge children to live a regular life and not be addicted to electronic products.

Children should maintain adequate sleep time and run outdoors more often. Exercising more can effectively enhance children's physical fitness and reduce the time spent using electronic products.

. Regular physical examinations

For children, regular physical examinations are also required. Physical examination can promptly detect some problems in children's growth and development, and can also detect early tumors. Once the problems are discovered, they can be treated promptly.

From the above we can know that the main cause of children's cancer lies in their parents. Parents must avoid some risk factors in their lives that may induce cancer in children. #Healthy Star Plan# #Autumn Health is not closed#


[1] "About 400,000 children are diagnosed with cancer every year! Parents beware! Let children avoid these carcinogens". Fujian Health News. 2021.2.3

[2] "[Shouer e-Science Popularization] Why do children get tumors? 》. Capital Institute of Pediatrics. 2020.9.10

[3] "The incidence of childhood tumors is rising, and you should be alert to 6 suspicious symptoms of malignant tumors". Ersanli Information Xi'an. 2021.4.21

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