Today's real-time exchange rate of New Taiwan Dollar to Swiss Franc (updated at 2016-04-17 07:14): Currency conversion 1 New Taiwan Dollar = 0.0299 Swiss Franc 1 Swiss Franc = 33.4448 New Taiwan Dollar New Taiwan Dollar to Swiss Franc Exchange Rate Chart (One Week): 2016 On April

2024/05/2607:41:32 hotcomm 1379

New Taiwan dollar to Swiss franc today's exchange rate real-time quotes (2016-04-17 07:14 update):

currency exchange

1 New Taiwan dollar = 0.0299 Swiss franc

1 Swiss franc = 33.4448 New Taiwan dollar

New Taiwan dollar to Swiss franc exchange rate trend chart (One week):

Today's real-time exchange rate of New Taiwan Dollar to Swiss Franc (updated at 2016-04-17 07:14): Currency conversion 1 New Taiwan Dollar = 0.0299 Swiss Franc 1 Swiss Franc = 33.4448 New Taiwan Dollar New Taiwan Dollar to Swiss Franc Exchange Rate Chart (One Week): 2016 On April - DayDayNews

On April 17, 2016, the central parity rate of the Swiss franc in the inter-bank foreign exchange market was: 1 New Taiwan dollar to Swiss franc 0.0299 yuan, and 100 New Taiwan dollars to Swiss franc 2.99 yuan.

Sacha Tihanyi, senior emerging market strategist at TD Securities (TDS), said on Thursday (January 7) that although the institution is still bearish on the onshore RMB (6.6026, 0.048, 0.73%), the current onshore and offshore RMB The price difference is too large, which increases the possibility of temporary intervention in the onshore or offshore RMB in the future. The agency said: Due to the close economic and trade ties between mainland China and Taiwan, the impact of monetary policy on the New Taiwan dollar, and Taiwan's potential to expand monetary easing by adjusting currency or interest rates in the future, we are optimistic about both the New Taiwan dollar and the RMB in the future.

Bank of America believes that, If the yuan depreciates further, it may have a spillover effect on other Asian currencies. It is recommended to pay close attention to the Japanese yen, Korean won, New Taiwan dollar and Malaysian ringgit.

and above New Taiwan Dollar to Swiss Franc exchange rate Relevant information about today's market is provided by CICC Market Center for reference only. If you want to know more about the trend of New Taiwan Dollar to Swiss Franc exchange rate, you can pay attention to CICC Finance News Channel Daily Financial Report.

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