"밥을 안 먹어도 배가 불렀어요. 욕을 너무 많이 먹어서." "I'm full even if I don't eat. I've been scolded too much." MBC '궁' 출연 당시를 회상하며 그렇게 말했다.

2024/05/2509:24:33 hotcomm 1914

"밥을 안 먹어도 배가 불렀어요. 욕을 너무 많이 먹어서."

"I'm full even if I don't eat. I've been scolded too much."

지금 은 파배우 로 유명 한 주지훈은 주지훈은 주지훈은 데뷔작 데뷔작 데뷔작 데뷔작 궁 '를 회상하며 그렇게말 했다 했다 했다 했다 했다 했다. 대한진솔한생각을털어놓았다.

Ju Ji-hoon, a well-known acting actor now, said this when he recalled the scene when he appeared in MBC's "Palace" 14 years ago. In the tvN variety show "Yoo on the Street" aired on December 9, Ju Ji-hoon revealed the opportunity to transform from a model to an actor and his sincere thoughts on acting.

우연한기회로황인뢰감독앞에서인생연기를선보여'궁'에캐스팅됐다는주지훈. 개월정도아무것도모르니까현장을나가기가너무싫 었다. 메이크업하는순간 부터죽어있었다. 황을설명했다.

By chance, Zhu Zhixun showed off his acting skills in front of director Huang Renlei and was selected for "Palace" For the male protagonist, the nightmare started from the next day. He introduced the situation at that time and said: "I was really trained many times. I didn't know anything for about 8 months. I really didn't want to go to the scene. I was dead from the moment I put on makeup. How should I spend today? It’s scary when it’s going to end.”

하차요구까지하는대중의 싸늘한반응과감독의따끔한지적덕분이었는지'궁' 후반부 KBS 2TV '마왕'에서는오승하의이중적인 면모를탁월하게소화 하며연기력논란을종식했다.측은함섬뜩연기력논란을html 당시큰호평을받았다.

Perhaps it was the cold response from the public who asked Joo Ji-hoon to resign and the director’s harsh accusation that made Joo Ji-hoon's acting skills improved significantly in the second half of "Palace". In the next work KBS 2TV "The Devil", he perfectly interpreted Wu Seung-hye's dual side and ended the acting controversy. The acting that simultaneously evokes compassion and creepy expressions was well received at the time of the broadcast.

'마왕' 감독이첫촬영에서는"너무슨일이있었던거야? 왜이렇게늘었어"라며용돈을줄정도였다.

. When studying the script of "The Devil", director Park Chan-hong once criticized Ju Ji-hoon and said: "If you act like this on the set, something big will happen." When he was filming for the first time, he said, "What happened? Why have you improved so much?" I almost wanted to give him pocket money. Rather than flinching at his own accusations and calm evaluations, Ju Ji-hoon laid the foundation for development.

혹독한데뷔전치른후주지훈은영화와드라마를오가며다양한캐릭터를맡았고, 영화'암수 살인'에서는극악무도한연쇄살인범강태오로분해연기력을증명했다. 캐릭터특성탓에자유롭고즉흥적인연기 처럼보이지만손가락, 특히주지훈은 경상도사투리를구사하는캐릭터를실감나게연기 하기위해3개월동안8시간씩사투리연습을했다.

experienced a brutal After his debut, Ju Ji-hoon played various roles in movies and TV series. He played the vicious serial murderer Kang Tae-oh in the movie "The Secret Murder", proving his acting skills.Due to the characteristics of Kang Tae Oh's character who doesn't know where he will run, it looks like a free improvisational performance, but in fact every movement of his fingers and eyebrows is pre-set like a drama. In particular, Ju Ji-hoon practiced the dialect for eight hours a day for three months in order to play the role of Gyeongsang-do dialect.

올해주지훈은누구보다바쁜해를보냈다. SBS '에서대형로펌파트너변호사역을맡 아상대역김혜수와완벽한호흡을보여줬고, 지난3월넷플릭스에서공개된'킹덤' 시즌2도싱가포르 , 필리핀, 태국, 말레이시아, 베트남등세계여러국가넷플릭스주간차트5위내순위를기록하며대박을터뜨렸다. 현재는tvN 새드라마'지리산'과영화'사일런스' 촬영중이다.

Ju Ji-hoon has had a busier year than anyone else this year Year. In SBS's "Hyena", he plays a partner lawyer of a large law firm, and he plays a perfect opposite role with Kim Hye-soo. The second season of "Kingdom", which was released on Netflix in March this year, has also entered many countries around the world, including Singapore, the Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, and Vietnam. Top five on Netflix's weekly charts, a huge success. Currently filming tvN's new drama "Jirisan" and the movie "Silence".

짝눈이어서, 키가커서, 피부가까매서배우를할수없다는소리를들었다는주지훈. 그는누군 Asymmetrical eyes, tall person, Ju Ji-hoon, who was said not to be an actor because of his dark skin, turned what others called disadvantages into strengths and appeared in front of the public with a new look every time.

Key words

싸늘하다[adjective] cold, icy, cold, cold

따끔하다[adjective] sharp, severe, pressing

종식하다[verb] terminate, end

측은하다[adjective] hid, pitiful

섬뜩하 다【 Adjective] frightened, scared to the point of beating

Key grammar

1. -ㄹ/을정도(로)

is used when the degree of the action or state in the following sentence is basically equivalent to the state in the previous sentence. It can't actually be like that, but it's like that.

알아듣기 정도로 말이 빨라요.(=말이 너무 빨라서 알아듣기 어려울 정도예요)

is ugly Got it, I spoke too fast. (Speaking so fast that it is difficult to understand.)

머리가 아플 정도로 문제가 복잡해졌어요.(=문제가 복잡해서 머리가 아플 정 도예요.)

is a headache and the problem is too complicated. (The problem is so complex that it is a headache.)

2. -지만

means an opposite turn, which is equivalent to "although...but..." in Chinese. Following the predicate indicates the transition relationship between the preceding and following sentences. At this time, the previous sentence can be in any tense, and at the same time, the focus of the speaker's expression is on the latter sentence.

벌써 밤 12시이지만 아직 할 일이 많습니다.

Although it is already 12 o'clock in the evening, there are still many things to do.

김치찌개는 매웠지만 아주 맛있었어요.

Although the kimchi miso soup is very spicy, it is very delicious.

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