China Taiwan Net reported on July 23 that the Taiwan Travel Association held a second briefing session on the evening of the 22nd for the families of the victims of the Liaoning mainland tourist group. The family members actively requested that the meeting be open to media interv

2024/05/2304:46:33 hotcomm 1757

China Taiwan Net reported on July 23 that the Taiwan Travel Association held a second briefing session on the evening of the 22nd for the families of the victims of the Liaoning mainland tourist group. The family members actively requested that the meeting be open to media interv - DayDayNews

China Taiwan Network reported on July 23 that the Taiwan Travel Association held a second briefing meeting for the families of the victims of the Liaoning mainland tourists group on the evening of the 22nd. The family members actively requested that the meeting be open to media interviews and put all questions in front of the camera. According to the China Review News Agency, what the family is most concerned about is "why no one can escape?" He also questioned why the death certificate issued by Taiwan’s prosecutors said “accidental”.

The family members of the 49 victims of the accident arrived in Taiwan on a chartered flight on the 21st, and the identification of the bodies began yesterday (22nd) afternoon. On the evening of the 21st, the first briefing session was held at the hotel where the families of the deceased mainland tourists stayed. The Taiwan side did not allow the media to observe on the grounds of protecting family members from being disturbed, and only relayed the information after the meeting to participating officials. The families of the mainland victims were dissatisfied that their voices were not heard and demanded that the second briefing session on the evening of the 22nd be open to the public. Finally, the whole meeting last night was open to media interviews, and the family members' dissatisfaction was not hidden in front of the camera.

Some family members of the victims questioned why no one could deal with the 1.4 kilometers from the first impact when the tour bus lost control to the final parking place, from smoke to fire. "What happened in the critical minute?" the prosecutor said. He explained that the investigation found that the tour bus did not have a monitor, so it was impossible to know what happened in the bus during this critical minute.

’s family members expressed angrily that the tour bus rebounded after the collision. Why didn’t the driver brake urgently? Is there a fire extinguisher in the car? What was the tour guide doing at that time? Why didn't anyone escape?

"We Dalian people will shout loudly to stop the car when we see smoke!" The family members asked angrily, Is there a fire extinguisher in the car? Our family members who were killed in the car have ten years of firefighting expertise, so of course they can deal with it. Is there a breaker hammer in the car? If not, it means there are loopholes in the company's management. Whose responsibility is this? "Government" supervision is inadequate!

According to reports, the family members questioned the Taiwanese prosecutors, "Does this still require a defense? How many years and months will it take to collect evidence? "Your Taiwanese experts determined that the driver may have fainted." However, the family members said that they had driven millions of kilometers. If The driver really fainted. Who stepped on the accelerator? How could he run for 1.4 kilometers before stopping?

’s family members pointed out that these are the most basic common sense. We are not experts and can judge why the car bounced to the inside and the driver fainted. The brakes and steering wheel were not controlled? The cause of the accident was that there was a problem with the car's wires, but were the car wires fire-proof? Why did the car continue to drive when the smoke was coming out?

In addition, the victims' families also questioned whether should There is a hidden lock on the escape door of the tour bus. Is it the responsibility of the company? Is it inadequate supervision? The family members called on Taiwan not to shirk responsibility and announce the truth as soon as possible. At the same time, they said they did not accept the death certificate writing as "accidental" and disagreed that it was an "accident." ".

Faced with questions from family members, Taiwan prosecutors explained that when examining the autopsy certificate and checking whether the cause of death was natural or accidental, relevant evidence will be integrated. Accidental death does not mean that there is no responsibility. If there is criminal responsibility, The investigation will not be carried out just because the accident is checked (exemption from liability), and the accidental result will not affect the exercise of the right to compensation. In addition, in order to avoid outside interference in the judiciary, the island has a non-public investigation system, and

is not deliberately hiding this. Regarding the follow-up handling of major accidents involving Chinese tourists, Taichung Lanying boss and Dajia Zhenlan Palace chairman Yan Qingbiao pointed out in an interview that Taiwan authorities must show sincerity to resolve the matter and rely solely on travel agencies It is unacceptable for the family to follow the steps of the tour bus company. Everyone should come together to put forward their opinions and handle the accident properly as soon as possible. After all, the longer the matter drags on, the more dissatisfied the family will be. The Cai authorities must give mainland advice on this incident. A reasonable answer .

In addition, on the afternoon of the 22nd, when he went to the funeral hall of Zhongli funeral home to pay homage to the deceased mainland tourists, he also said that he was very regretful and ashamed that mainland tourists lost their precious lives while traveling on the island. "Our traffic safety performance is not ideal, and these precious lives have been lost in the treasure island of Taiwan."On the one hand, James Soong expressed his sincere apology to the family, and on the other hand, he reminded the Taiwan authorities to review public safety and make improvements within a deadline. He called on the Taiwan authorities to find out the true cause of the incident and give an explanation to the family. James Soong said that the People’s First Party will also assist in the aftermath and supervise the Taiwan authorities. (China Taiwan Net Wang Siyu)

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