A boy suddenly became popular in 2020. The reason was that he posted a prophetic video on a foreign video communication software in August 2019. The content of this video successfully predicted the arrival of the COVID-19 epidemic at the end of 2019, and that it would happen in M

2024/05/1920:55:34 hotcomm 1007

A boy suddenly became popular in 2020. The reason was that he posted a prophetic video on a foreign video communication software in August 2019. The content of this video successfully predicted the arrival of the new crown epidemic at the end of 2019, and that it would happen in March 2020. In addition to peaking around the month, he also pointed out that the automobile manufacturing industry will be greatly affected.

After the outbreak of the epidemic, his prediction video instantly had a click-through rate of over 10 million. In just a few days, this mysterious boy became popular all over the Internet, and his number of fans reached millions in just a few days. The success of 's prediction this time directly pushed him to the "altar". He is the Indian boy Anand, who is called the "child prodigy" by the locals.

This little boy, who is only a teenager, uses ancient Vedic astrology to make predictions through the stars, and is called a "prophet". So, what did Anand say? How amazing is it? Are his predictions credible? In this issue of , we will reveal the secret of the Indian boy Anand.

A boy suddenly became popular in 2020. The reason was that he posted a prophetic video on a foreign video communication software in August 2019. The content of this video successfully predicted the arrival of the COVID-19 epidemic at the end of 2019, and that it would happen in M - DayDayNews

Indian boy Anand

If you are interested in this video, you may wish to follow it so that you can review previous videos without missing new exciting content. Press and hold the like button for two seconds to support us. Your support is our greatest motivation. First of all, let me introduce to you this Indian child prodigy. His full name is Abhigya Anand and he was born in 2006.

Anand's life

He lives in a small village in southern India. He is only 16 years old this year. Although he is still a minor, he is indeed a professional astrologer. He started learning Sanskrit when he was 7 years old. From the age of 8, the first thing he did after getting up in the morning was to recite the Hindu classic "Bhagavad Gita".

He started learning astrology when he was 10 years old. At a young age, he was already proficient in English, Sanskrit, Tamil , Hindi and Kannada. According to his parents' description, Anand has been different from ordinary people since he was a child. He is very smart. When others are still playing, he is reading books by himself.

A boy suddenly became popular in 2020. The reason was that he posted a prophetic video on a foreign video communication software in August 2019. The content of this video successfully predicted the arrival of the COVID-19 epidemic at the end of 2019, and that it would happen in M - DayDayNews

Chinese translation of "Bhagavad Gita"

His learning talent is very amazing, especially for learning astrology , and these talents have allowed him to grow rapidly and win many awards in this area. In addition to being proficient in multiple languages ​​​​and astrology, 14-year-old Anand also received a postgraduate degree in Ayurvedic microbiology and is currently pursuing a PhD. He is known as a "child prodigy".

So in fact, regardless of whether his prediction is true or not, he is still worthy of the title of "child prodigy". Anand later found a way to increase his popularity, which was to use traditional Vedic astrology to perform divination and show the results of the divination to the public through videos. This was his method of prophecy.

Well, we know that India is actually a very superstitious country, especially a "prodigy" like Anand who has won major awards in the astrology industry and is somewhat famous. Therefore, as soon as Anand's prediction video was released, It has been recognized by many people. What really made Anand famous for was a video he published in August 2019.

A boy suddenly became popular in 2020. The reason was that he posted a prophetic video on a foreign video communication software in August 2019. The content of this video successfully predicted the arrival of the COVID-19 epidemic at the end of 2019, and that it would happen in M - DayDayNews

Indian style

According to information on the Internet, his prediction video mentioned that a major infectious disease may occur globally in 2020, and will reach its peak in March and April. By this time At that time, various industries across the country will be greatly affected.

Vedic Astrology Prophecy

It is the accurate prediction of this prophetic video that suddenly made Anand popular in various countries around the world, becoming one of the most popular prophets in the world . I don’t know how much everyone knows about astrology. Astrology actually refers to the skill of predicting the fate of various systems through the position and movement of celestial bodies.

The fundamental theory of astrology is that changes in celestial bodies are closely related to changes in our human lives, and what has the greatest impact on us is the movement of celestial bodies. So there is a causal relationship in astrology. We can see our destiny by looking at the movement of celestial bodies.

A boy suddenly became popular in 2020. The reason was that he posted a prophetic video on a foreign video communication software in August 2019. The content of this video successfully predicted the arrival of the COVID-19 epidemic at the end of 2019, and that it would happen in M - DayDayNews

Planetary motion

It has a very long history. The earliest record of its use is during the Sumerian civilization. Moreover, the earliest ancient civilizations in the world all had their own astrological systems, which divided many schools. The main ones are There are about a dozen genres. Anand uses ancient Indian astrology, called Vedic astrology.

This Vedic astrology has a history of more than 3,000 years. It mainly observes the positions and relationships between the sun, moon, earth, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn , Jupiter , almost no attention is paid to the other three planets among the nine planets of and .

The reason is very simple, because these three planets were discovered after the 19th century, and Vedic astrology has a long history. The ancients at that time did not know the existence of these three planets at all, so they Naturally, it was not included in the scope of observation.

A boy suddenly became popular in 2020. The reason was that he posted a prophetic video on a foreign video communication software in August 2019. The content of this video successfully predicted the arrival of the COVID-19 epidemic at the end of 2019, and that it would happen in M - DayDayNews

Astrology Compass

In addition, in Vedic astrology, there are two very important virtual stars, namely Jidu and Rahu. Anand, an Indian boy, mentioned in a video released in August 2019 that starting from November 2019, if observed from the earth, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn will be connected in a line.

And when they have this phenomenon, they will have a very strong impact on the earth. At this time, the moon will also move near Rahu and reach the ascending node. The moon represents water, and Rahu represents transmission, so Anand speculated that a disease spread by sneezing or saliva will occur on the earth.

In addition, Anand also specifically mentioned that humans will enter a very difficult time from November 2019 to March and April 2020. At this time, a disease will spread with lightning speed around the world. , affecting the entire world . The emergence of this disease will lead to economic recession, food shortages, falling stock prices, and the loss of countless lives.

A boy suddenly became popular in 2020. The reason was that he posted a prophetic video on a foreign video communication software in August 2019. The content of this video successfully predicted the arrival of the COVID-19 epidemic at the end of 2019, and that it would happen in M - DayDayNews

The COVID-19 epidemic affects life

Now, although we have all lived in 2022, everyone must still remember the sudden outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic from the end of 2019 to 2020, and the COVID-19 virus has still affected people's lives so far. There has been no way to eliminate it. So from here we can actually see that Anand's prediction of this epidemic is quite accurate.

In addition, Anand also proposed that a catastrophe will occur on the earth from December 20, 2020 to March 31, 2021. According to Anand, the main basis for his speculation is that There will be a very rare six-star celestial phenomenon on February 10, 2021.

Speaking of the Six Stars Lianzhu, maybe everyone is not so familiar with it as Seven Stars Lianzhu . The most recent record of the Seven Stars Lianzhu astrology was on May 20, 2000. In addition to Uranus and Neptune In addition, the remaining seven planets in the solar system are connected in a line, forming a seven-star constellation.

A boy suddenly became popular in 2020. The reason was that he posted a prophetic video on a foreign video communication software in August 2019. The content of this video successfully predicted the arrival of the COVID-19 epidemic at the end of 2019, and that it would happen in M - DayDayNews

Seven Stars in a row

However, the star phenomenon of planets in a row is not actually arranged in a straight line as everyone thinks, but is distributed within a limited range, which means that these planets are actually slightly tilted. So, will the planetary alignment really have an impact on the earth? We will reveal this to you below. Let’s first look at the content of the Indian boy’s prophecy.

In addition to the above, his prediction also mentioned that after December 14, 2021, a particularly large flood will occur in a certain place in the world, and Malaysia will happen in 2021 The most serious flood occurred in the next few days..There will be a high probability of a world war in the world in 2020.

Anand 2022 predicted that

and oil and gold prices will rise, and the world economy will be turbulent and on the verge of collapse . As for the predictions for 2022, Anand has already made predictions very early. The video he sent out is roughly divided into six aspects. The first is the epidemic. This is also a topic that we have always been concerned about. He said that the epidemic It won't disappear, it will always exist.

A boy suddenly became popular in 2020. The reason was that he posted a prophetic video on a foreign video communication software in August 2019. The content of this video successfully predicted the arrival of the COVID-19 epidemic at the end of 2019, and that it would happen in M - DayDayNews

Six Stars Lianzhu

But he also said that there is no need to worry too much, because the epidemic will improve in the second half of 2022, and we will be able to return to normal life in 2023. The second one is about famine . He said that there will be food shortages on the entire earth in 2022.

Especially in some very backward countries, due to the influence of extreme weather and other factors, food production will be reduced on a large scale, many people will starve as a result, and some people will die of starvation. The third one is about the prediction of extreme weather . He said that extreme weather will increase significantly in 2022, such as extreme cold, high temperature, earthquakes and other extreme weather.

The fourth is the economic issue . He said that in 2022, the global economy will enter a very turbulent stage. The economy will experience very large fluctuations, and the prices of many things may rise, and extremely Inflation from to may occur. The fifth one is that the supply chain will be interrupted . He said that in 2022, there will be problems in the supply chain of many things.

A boy suddenly became popular in 2020. The reason was that he posted a prophetic video on a foreign video communication software in August 2019. The content of this video successfully predicted the arrival of the COVID-19 epidemic at the end of 2019, and that it would happen in M - DayDayNews

Power outage

Such as chips, some raw materials, etc. The shortage of these things will directly affect the country's economic development. The sixth one is the shortage of energy. He said that there will be resource shortages in 2022, such as large-scale power outages, rising oil prices and insufficient supply, etc.

The above are some of the predictions made by the Indian boy Anand. Do you think what he said is true? If you have any views and opinions, you can leave a message in the comment area below. Let’s discuss together. After understanding the Vedic astrology he used and the content of his predictions, let’s analyze what the Anand predictions are. True or false .

reveals the truth

whether he is the predicted "prodigy" . First of all, I found out by checking the information that before Anand released the prophecy video, as early as 2012, the 7-year-old Anand had already released some videos. The only difference from now is that at the beginning, he was just talking to himself. sister performs chanting.

A boy suddenly became popular in 2020. The reason was that he posted a prophetic video on a foreign video communication software in August 2019. The content of this video successfully predicted the arrival of the COVID-19 epidemic at the end of 2019, and that it would happen in M - DayDayNews


His first video was all about them chanting a Hindu scripture. At this time, the playback volume of his video was not high, just a few hundred times, which can be said to be very bleak. Starting in 2015, the content of the videos suddenly became popular science videos introducing health and health care, mainly teaching others how to identify junk food.

then began the stage of public speaking. During this period, it was said that he signed a contract with a company to give a speech on the theme of anti-junk food. What we have to mention here is that refers to junk food. It’s not what we think of as puffed food.

According to his theory, milk is the most harmful junk food, and he publicly stated that eating animals will increase people's karma. It was during this period that Anand said a lot of remarks that made us laugh when we heard them, and output a lot of words that went against human wisdom.

A boy suddenly became popular in 2020. The reason was that he posted a prophetic video on a foreign video communication software in August 2019. The content of this video successfully predicted the arrival of the COVID-19 epidemic at the end of 2019, and that it would happen in M - DayDayNews

Anand’s speech

For example, he believes that vaccines are useless, and publicly proposed that polio vaccine, tetanus vaccine , etc. are useless and will have bad effects on the human body. Even in the later speech video, Anand became an environmental defender, calling on everyone to protect the environment, otherwise mankind will face very serious natural disasters.

However, after 2018, Anand’s video account has never uploaded videos about these speeches. Many people speculated that it was because the contract with the company had expired, and some speculated that the company felt his influence. If he is not good enough, he will give up on him and start admiring others.

After releasing the speech video, Anand returned to his previous daily style of chanting sutras with his sister, and Anand's video views also declined, with the highest number being only a few thousand views. After the video stopped updating for a while, he discovered a new direction. used Vedic astrology to publish prophetic videos, and then suddenly became popular.

A boy suddenly became popular in 2020. The reason was that he posted a prophetic video on a foreign video communication software in August 2019. The content of this video successfully predicted the arrival of the COVID-19 epidemic at the end of 2019, and that it would happen in M - DayDayNews

Children's vaccinations

Based on the development process of Anand's video content above, we have to wonder whether he made something up in order to make money, but this cannot directly determine the authenticity of his predictions. So, let's analyze Vedic astrology next. According to astrology, changes in the stars correspond to changes in the earth..

As we mentioned above, Anand had a prophecy that the emergence of the Six Stars Lianju would bring disaster to people, but according to common sense, the impact of the Seven Stars Lianju should be greater than that of the Six Stars Lianju. Bar? But I checked the information and found that the year Seven Stars occurred, that is, 2000, there was no global catastrophe .

So in other words, the observation of astrology is very likely to summarize the rules. Then, some people may say that Anand’s prophecy is that a catastrophe will occur on the earth from December 20, 2020 to March 31, 2021. If this disaster does not refer to the new crown epidemic, then At this stage, there should be no global catastrophe.

A boy suddenly became popular in 2020. The reason was that he posted a prophetic video on a foreign video communication software in August 2019. The content of this video successfully predicted the arrival of the COVID-19 epidemic at the end of 2019, and that it would happen in M - DayDayNews

COVID-19 vaccination

Some people on the Internet have analyzed that the six-star event that Anand refers to is the mutated strain of the new coronavirus discovered in the UK. This statement is not unreasonable, but as long as we calm down and think about it If you look at it, you will find that the mutation of the new coronavirus is inevitable.

viruses actually have certain rules. Only two of the three types of viruses, infectivity, fatality rate and mutation rate, can exist at the same time. For example, the new coronavirus had a high fatality rate and strong contagion at the beginning, but it has not yet occurred. Mutation, after it mutates, it becomes more contagious but less lethal.

And human immunity can be strong or weak. In this case, the virus will adopt different methods, so it will change. The outbreak of the new coronavirus is the first time it has appeared in the human body. , and has never been eliminated, so it is completely expected that it will mutate.

A boy suddenly became popular in 2020. The reason was that he posted a prophetic video on a foreign video communication software in August 2019. The content of this video successfully predicted the arrival of the COVID-19 epidemic at the end of 2019, and that it would happen in M - DayDayNews


From a scientific perspective, we analyze the movement of celestial bodies and the probability of occurrence of earth events. The gravity from the planets will act on various celestial bodies, no matter how the arrangement of the planets changes. In fact, it will not bring about any changes that we can detect.

Although the connection of planets may increase their tidal force on the earth, this change can be said to be very small compared with the influence of the moon and the sun on the earth. Of course, we humans have actually had legends about planetary changes since ancient times.

For example, "Tengu eats the moon", " Blood Moon ", etc. are all described Changes in astrology may be a bad omen, and bad events are very likely to happen , so we do not rule out that it is us Incomprehensible possibility. Regarding Anand’s statement that he successfully predicted the floods in Malaysia in 2021, I actually disagree.

A boy suddenly became popular in 2020. The reason was that he posted a prophetic video on a foreign video communication software in August 2019. The content of this video successfully predicted the arrival of the COVID-19 epidemic at the end of 2019, and that it would happen in M - DayDayNews


Because Anand’s prediction is that after the 14th of December 2021, a major flood will occur in a certain area of ​​the world . In this certain area, the net can be cast wider to catch more fish. It made sense, after all, he didn't point out the specific place, nor did he have a general direction.

There are so many areas in the world. As long as there is a flood in one place during this period, is his prediction successful? I think it's a bit mechanical. In addition, he also predicted that World War III may occur in 2020, and that the price of oil and gold will rise. The price of gold will rise to the point where ordinary people cannot afford a gram, and the world economy is on the verge of collapse. .

Our current time has arrived in 2022. So far, the Third World War has not occurred, and anyone who has studied a little economics will understand. As long as a war breaks out, the rise in gold and oil prices will be an inevitable trend, and will further affect the global economic situation.

A boy suddenly became popular in 2020. The reason was that he posted a prophetic video on a foreign video communication software in August 2019. The content of this video successfully predicted the arrival of the COVID-19 epidemic at the end of 2019, and that it would happen in M - DayDayNews

Oil mining

But unfortunately, not only did there not be a world war in 2020, but the price of oil also fell sharply. Although the price of gold has risen, based on past gold prices, The price of gold in 2020 The rise is an inevitable trend, and it is far from reaching the point where one gram cannot be purchased. This does not mean anything.

In addition, Anand has many predictions about the world, but the accuracy is not very high. They are all mentioned things that will happen with a high probability, such as: earthquakes, tsunamis, fires, etc. If prophets predict what disasters will occur in a certain period of time, what is the difference between them and the charlatans we usually see?

The end of the epidemic is an inevitable trend

Let me ask, so many disasters occur on the earth every year, what else can happen besides these disasters? This means that benevolence sees benevolence and wisdom sees wisdom. As for Anand's prediction for 2022, we have already described its content before. Regarding the new crown epidemic, he proposed that it will end in the second half of the year, and normal life will return to 2023.

A boy suddenly became popular in 2020. The reason was that he posted a prophetic video on a foreign video communication software in August 2019. The content of this video successfully predicted the arrival of the COVID-19 epidemic at the end of 2019, and that it would happen in M - DayDayNews

Gold Bars

First of all, regardless of whether his prediction is accurate or not, we all hope that he is true. From the sudden outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic at the end of 2019 to now, it has been affecting our lives. Under the raging epidemic, our lives have been seriously affected, economic development has slowed down, and many people have lost their lives in this epidemic.

So all of us sincerely hope that the epidemic can end soon or be controlled early . However, it is an inevitable trend for the epidemic to be controlled and eliminated. Although we were caught off guard when the epidemic suddenly appeared, we controlled the epidemic at a speed that surprised foreigners.

and a vaccine was developed in less than half a year, These should be attributed to the scientific researchers and medical staff working on the front line. It is their efforts that protect us from the virus. Regarding the famine, economic turmoil, shortage of raw materials and other issues predicted by Anand, in fact, if we analyze based on the international situation, we can find clues.

A boy suddenly became popular in 2020. The reason was that he posted a prophetic video on a foreign video communication software in August 2019. The content of this video successfully predicted the arrival of the COVID-19 epidemic at the end of 2019, and that it would happen in M - DayDayNews

Lovely medical worker

Before Anand posted this prophetic video, the Russia-Ukraine war had already begun. The beginning of the war would inevitably cause economic turmoil, coupled with the raging epidemic in recent years. The famine is because both sides of the war are major food exporters. The start of the war will directly affect the export of food, and those countries that rely on imported food to survive will be greatly affected.

Problems with grain exports will inevitably lead to price increases. The climate has changed greatly in recent years, which may cause natural disasters in some areas, resulting in reduced grain production and famine. The start of the war will also affect the transportation of raw materials in various raw material exporting countries, which will have a chain reaction.

Regarding the climate issues mentioned by Anand, the term global warming has been filled with our lives in recent years. It refers to the fact that the global average temperature is rising, and rising temperatures will cause glaciers to melt and sea levels to rise. Rising , The rise in temperature will directly affect climate change, and extreme weather will increase. This is what has been happening to the earth in recent years.

A boy suddenly became popular in 2020. The reason was that he posted a prophetic video on a foreign video communication software in August 2019. The content of this video successfully predicted the arrival of the COVID-19 epidemic at the end of 2019, and that it would happen in M - DayDayNews

Melting glaciers

Since the industrial age, humans have begun to exploit ore energy for development. This energy is non-renewable and will have an irreversible impact on the earth's ecological environment. The shortage of resources is inevitable. Fortunately, humans have realized this and began to look for other alternative energy sources.

But oil is irreplaceable, and war will also affect energy transportation. Regarding the predictions for 2022 mentioned by Anand, most of them are conclusions that ordinary people can draw after careful analysis. As for its authenticity, we have no way to make a one-sided conclusion.


The purpose of writing this is not to create panic or take advantage of public opinion, but I hope that everyone can have their own rational judgment ability when facing the overwhelming information in today's society, and learn from some content that is useful to them. knowledge. In fact, we don’t care whether Anand’s prediction is true or false, except for his anti-intellectual remarks.

A boy suddenly became popular in 2020. The reason was that he posted a prophetic video on a foreign video communication software in August 2019. The content of this video successfully predicted the arrival of the COVID-19 epidemic at the end of 2019, and that it would happen in M - DayDayNews

Industrial waste gas emissions

Some of his ideas still have merit. For example, Anand once called on people to care for the environment and coexist peacefully with nature. sincerely hopes that the epidemic will end soon and everyone can coexist peacefully with nature. So, what do you think of the prophecy of the Indian boy Anand? The content of this issue ends here. Everyone is welcome to leave a message in the comment area below the video. Don’t forget to like, follow and support. See you next time.

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