A new round of oil price control window is about to open on October 19, and oil prices are expected to usher in a "fourth consecutive rise"! The price of No. 92 gasoline will be increased by 0.15 yuan per liter, and gasoline in parts of North China, South China, and Southwest Chi

2024/05/1904:37:33 hotcomm 1542

A new round of oil price control window is about to open on October 19, and oil prices are expected to usher in a

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A new round of oil price control window is about to open on October 19, and oil prices are expected to usher in a "fourth consecutive rise"!

html No. 092 gasoline will increase by 0.15 yuan per liter, and gasoline in parts of North China, South China, and Southwest China will enter the "8 yuan" era again after five years.

Gasoline will enter the "8 yuan" era

The domestic reference crude oil change rate at the closing of the seventh working day on October 15 was 4.42%, corresponding to an increase of 192 yuan/ton for gasoline and diesel, and the price adjustment window is 24:00 on October 19.

is converted into an increase in price, with 92# gasoline and 0# diesel increasing by 0.15 yuan and 0.16 yuan per liter. This round of retail price limits for refined oil products has been “increased for the fourth consecutive time”.

A new round of oil price control window is about to open on October 19, and oil prices are expected to usher in a

Today's highest retail price of gasoline and diesel in Guangdong Province on October 18

At that time, 92# gasoline in parts of North China, South China, and Southwest China will exceed 8 yuan/liter. After five years, the retail gasoline price will once again enter the "8 yuan" era. .

Oil prices have risen for the fourth consecutive time, and filling a tank is about 30 yuan more expensive

Based on the increase of 192 yuan/ton, gasoline has increased by 0.59 yuan per liter during the "four consecutive rises" period. Consumers will spend more to fill a tank of 92# gasoline. Nearly 30 yuan.

International oil prices are expected to continue to rise

According to statistics from China Petroleum Network, international oil prices have risen by about 20% since the beginning of this year, and are expected to rise further. Here's why:

  • US oil sanctions on Iran are coming. Once Iranian oil is sanctioned, global crude oil supply will decrease and oil prices will rise.
  • The recent "disappearance" incident of Saudi reporter will also push up the oil price to US$100 per barrel if it is not effectively resolved.

In the view of Cao Xinchuan, an analyst at the Research and Development Department of Huaxin Securities, we should be wary of the impact of rising oil prices on overall prices. Since the beginning of this year, international crude oil prices have risen significantly. The sharp rise in crude oil prices has also driven up the prices of midstream and downstream chemicals and refined oil products, which in turn has pushed up the growth rate of PPI. Judging from the current situation in the Gulf, international oil prices are likely to rise further.

A new round of oil price control window is about to open on October 19, and oil prices are expected to usher in a

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