Disguised as a pilot, a doctor, and a lawyer, and relying on these identities and his superb skills in forging checks, he defrauded banks of millions of dollars. Can you believe it?

2024/05/1806:23:33 hotcomm 1956

If I told you that there were people all over the country who pretended to be pilots, doctors, and lawyers, and used these identities and their superb check forging skills to defraud banks of millions of dollars, would you believe it?

Disguised as a pilot, a doctor, and a lawyer, and relying on these identities and his superb skills in forging checks, he defrauded banks of millions of dollars. Can you believe it? - DayDayNews

16-year-old Frank is the protagonist of this story.

He had a seemingly happy family, a successful father, and an elegant and beautiful mother, but all of them disappeared in an accident.

Disguised as a pilot, a doctor, and a lawyer, and relying on these identities and his superb skills in forging checks, he defrauded banks of millions of dollars. Can you believe it? - DayDayNews

His father was discovered to have evaded taxes, and his mother betrayed his father and had another man. When he returned home, he saw his parents signing a divorce agreement. Little Frank couldn't accept it for a while and ran away from home.

Disguised as a pilot, a doctor, and a lawyer, and relying on these identities and his superb skills in forging checks, he defrauded banks of millions of dollars. Can you believe it? - DayDayNews

At night, little Frank, who was about to find a hotel to stay, was told that the check could no longer be used. At this time, he remembered what his father once told him: "The reason why the New York Yankees always win is not because of Mikey. Mantle, but the striped uniform they couldn't ignore." (Appearances are always more likely to deceive people than strength)

Disguised as a pilot, a doctor, and a lawyer, and relying on these identities and his superb skills in forging checks, he defrauded banks of millions of dollars. Can you believe it? - DayDayNews

So the next day he pretended to be a newspaper student and went to Pan Am to get information about the pilots, and then used the phone. Contacted the purchasing department and obtained a pilot uniform using someone else's number.

Disguised as a pilot, a doctor, and a lawyer, and relying on these identities and his superb skills in forging checks, he defrauded banks of millions of dollars. Can you believe it? - DayDayNews

Little Frank, wearing a pilot uniform, came to the bank with his head held high, and for the first time used a fake check with his number and name changed in exchange for cash.

Disguised as a pilot, a doctor, and a lawyer, and relying on these identities and his superb skills in forging checks, he defrauded banks of millions of dollars. Can you believe it? - DayDayNews

Slowly, little Frank not only used this method to exchange for more and more cash, but also successfully used his identity as a pilot to fly around the country for free. But his approach also attracted the attention of American FBl.

Disguised as a pilot, a doctor, and a lawyer, and relying on these identities and his superb skills in forging checks, he defrauded banks of millions of dollars. Can you believe it? - DayDayNews

During the period, FBL investigator Carl, who was responsible for pursuing the case, almost caught Frank twice, but in the end he escaped by Frank's superb deception.

Disguised as a pilot, a doctor, and a lawyer, and relying on these identities and his superb skills in forging checks, he defrauded banks of millions of dollars. Can you believe it? - DayDayNews

Soon after, Frank became interested in a female nurse. In order to be with the beautiful woman, he forged a Harvard medical degree certificate and successfully became the chief physician of the hospital through his witty responses.

Disguised as a pilot, a doctor, and a lawyer, and relying on these identities and his superb skills in forging checks, he defrauded banks of millions of dollars. Can you believe it? - DayDayNews

Soon, the two people came together, and the female nurse took Frank back to her home. Frank once again used his language talent to win the favor of the female nurse's father.

Disguised as a pilot, a doctor, and a lawyer, and relying on these identities and his superb skills in forging checks, he defrauded banks of millions of dollars. Can you believe it? - DayDayNews

With the help of his father, a female nurse, and his own talented efforts, Frank took the exam in just two weeks to obtain his lawyer's certificate, which is his only real identity.

At this time, Frank actually had plans to stop. Until FBl suddenly arrived at his engagement party with a female nurse, Frank had to leave the United States and continue to live his original life of no fixed abode.

Disguised as a pilot, a doctor, and a lawyer, and relying on these identities and his superb skills in forging checks, he defrauded banks of millions of dollars. Can you believe it? - DayDayNews

He came to the French town of Mancha, where his parents once fell in love. Over the course of seven months, Frank's forged checks became more and more real, but they also attracted the attention of the French government. Frank, who was eventually found in an abandoned factory in a small French town, was imprisoned.

Disguised as a pilot, a doctor, and a lawyer, and relying on these identities and his superb skills in forging checks, he defrauded banks of millions of dollars. Can you believe it? - DayDayNews

Frank, who had been in a French prison for four years, was extradited by Carl and brought back to the United States. On the plane, Carl told Frank that his father had passed away a few years ago. Frank, who was overly sad, rushed into the bathroom and cried bitterly. He suddenly thought that if he Now that he is taken back to a US prison, it will be difficult to see his mother.

Disguised as a pilot, a doctor, and a lawyer, and relying on these identities and his superb skills in forging checks, he defrauded banks of millions of dollars. Can you believe it? - DayDayNews

Frank, who had learned pilot-related knowledge before and was familiar with the structure of aircraft, used the toilet in the bathroom to escape back to his former home when the plane landed.

Disguised as a pilot, a doctor, and a lawyer, and relying on these identities and his superb skills in forging checks, he defrauded banks of millions of dollars. Can you believe it? - DayDayNews

Through the glass at home, Frank saw a man and a little girl beside his mother. It was Christmas Eve, and a family of three was preparing dinner under the soft yellow light.

Disguised as a pilot, a doctor, and a lawyer, and relying on these identities and his superb skills in forging checks, he defrauded banks of millions of dollars. Can you believe it? - DayDayNews

Behind Frank outside the glass, the sound of a police car sounded at the same time. Frank looked at his mother, tears flashing in his eyes, and Frank slowly raised his hands.

Disguised as a pilot, a doctor, and a lawyer, and relying on these identities and his superb skills in forging checks, he defrauded banks of millions of dollars. Can you believe it? - DayDayNews

This time he had no intention of resisting at all, because he knew that he had nowhere to go.

Carl did not let Frank stay in prison. He understood Frank's talent for deception, so he applied for Frank's bail and transferred him to the Economic Crimes Division. During

Disguised as a pilot, a doctor, and a lawyer, and relying on these identities and his superb skills in forging checks, he defrauded banks of millions of dollars. Can you believe it? - DayDayNews

, he helped FBl capture many cunning check forgers and designed safe checks for banks and large consortiums. His ability created millions of wealth for him on the right path.

Disguised as a pilot, a doctor, and a lawyer, and relying on these identities and his superb skills in forging checks, he defrauded banks of millions of dollars. Can you believe it? - DayDayNews

" Cat and Mouse Game " is a 2002 crime film directed by Steven Spielberg, Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hanks starring, the English name is "Catch Me If" You Can (If you have the guts, you can catch me)", also known as "How to Get Away with Murder".

Disguised as a pilot, a doctor, and a lawyer, and relying on these identities and his superb skills in forging checks, he defrauded banks of millions of dollars. Can you believe it? - DayDayNews

The entire film is interspersed with two timelines. The plot has thousands of twists and turns, giving people a sense of pleasure. The audience will never know what will happen in the next second. It is high-energy almost throughout and can be called a classic of police movies.

Disguised as a pilot, a doctor, and a lawyer, and relying on these identities and his superb skills in forging checks, he defrauded banks of millions of dollars. Can you believe it? - DayDayNews

The casting of the two leading actors seems to be extremely luxurious now. Needless to say, Tom Hanks, who plays Carl, has established his unshakable position in the film industry with the movie "Forrest Gump".

Disguised as a pilot, a doctor, and a lawyer, and relying on these identities and his superb skills in forging checks, he defrauded banks of millions of dollars. Can you believe it? - DayDayNews

Here I want to talk about Leonardo, the actor of Frank. At that time, Li Zizi was still young, and his handsome young face and smart and cunning eyes made the young genius come to life.

Disguised as a pilot, a doctor, and a lawyer, and relying on these identities and his superb skills in forging checks, he defrauded banks of millions of dollars. Can you believe it? - DayDayNews

acted opposite Tom Hanks, who had already achieved great success at that time, and he didn't have any stage fright. Some parts were even more exciting. He really deserves to be the future actor.

Disguised as a pilot, a doctor, and a lawyer, and relying on these identities and his superb skills in forging checks, he defrauded banks of millions of dollars. Can you believe it? - DayDayNews

The selection of the story is also a highlight. If the film did not mention at the end that it was adapted from a real person, I believe no one would dare to believe that this actually happened.

The protagonist, Frank Abagnale, is known as "the most extraordinary liar of the twentieth century."

Because of his extraordinary mind and courage, at the age of less than 21, he used his uniform and fake documents to pretend to be a pilot for six years, a doctor for one year, a lawyer for nine months, and a university professor for three months. and FBI agents. At the same time, he used his forged checks to defraud the bank of $2.5 million. He was listed as the FBI's youngest most wanted criminal, although he was eventually arrested. But after serving his five-year sentence, Abagnale became a security adviser to the federal government in the field of combating economic crime.

Disguised as a pilot, a doctor, and a lawyer, and relying on these identities and his superb skills in forging checks, he defrauded banks of millions of dollars. Can you believe it? - DayDayNews

Now 62 years old, he already has a happy family and earns one million per year. He has written a book about his experiences that has been circulated by people, and has even been made into a movie that is famous all over the world. It truly is a scene where reality is far more absurd than the movie.

It is also worth mentioning that Abagnale also stars in this film. The police officer who captured Frank from the French factory into the police car was the real Abagnale.

Disguised as a pilot, a doctor, and a lawyer, and relying on these identities and his superb skills in forging checks, he defrauded banks of millions of dollars. Can you believe it? - DayDayNews

In terms of plot definition, Douban labeled this film a crime film. But I prefer to understand it as an educational film. Because his father instilled wrong values ​​​​in young Frank, young Frank regarded "taking shortcuts" as a habitual way of dealing with things. Only then will they ignore the legal provisions and make mistakes again and again.

Disguised as a pilot, a doctor, and a lawyer, and relying on these identities and his superb skills in forging checks, he defrauded banks of millions of dollars. Can you believe it? - DayDayNews

Because the once beautiful family fell apart with his father's bankruptcy, little Frank thought that as long as he made enough money, he could return the family to its original happy state. Little did he know that this was just wishful thinking of his young self.

Disguised as a pilot, a doctor, and a lawyer, and relying on these identities and his superb skills in forging checks, he defrauded banks of millions of dollars. Can you believe it? - DayDayNews

Fortunately, he met Karl, a lonely man who also lacked family ties because of a failed marriage.

Frank would call Karl, who was still chasing him, on Christmas Eve, and would call Karl when he was preparing to get married. Almost everything Frank said in life was a lie, but he would only say to Karl The truth.

Disguised as a pilot, a doctor, and a lawyer, and relying on these identities and his superb skills in forging checks, he defrauded banks of millions of dollars. Can you believe it? - DayDayNews

Carl will also lead Frank back on track when he escapes again and again, telling him: "Living in lies is always easier than living in reality. But you have to think clearly, what you will get is endless wandering, Police chase, French prison."

Disguised as a pilot, a doctor, and a lawyer, and relying on these identities and his superb skills in forging checks, he defrauded banks of millions of dollars. Can you believe it? - DayDayNews

A new relationship is maintained between two equally lonely souls.

Disguised as a pilot, a doctor, and a lawyer, and relying on these identities and his superb skills in forging checks, he defrauded banks of millions of dollars. Can you believe it? - DayDayNews

Finally, it ends with a passage said by Frank in real life: "This movie shows the harm of divorce: the divorce of parents destroys an originally innocent person. The innocent child gradually led him onto the path of crime. It is very educational - no matter how capable you are, as long as you commit a crime, you will always fall into the law. Also, it doesn’t mean that you have to keep your head down for the rest of your life if you make a mistake. You can also change your ways and make a great career. ”

Let’s encourage you together.

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