Hedges are very common in private villa gardens. It is not only a beautiful landscape, but also plays a greening role, and is often used to divide areas in the garden. In more official terms, a hedge is a regular planting form in which shrubs or small trees are closely spaced and

Hedges are very common in private villa gardens. It is not only a beautiful landscape, but also plays a greening role, and is often used to divide areas in the garden. In more official terms, hedges are shrubs or small trees densely planted with close plant-to-row spacing, planted into single or double rows, and closely integrated in a regular planting form. It’s okay if you don’t quite understand it, just look at the picture below.

Garden hedges can be divided into many categories from different aspects, and the commonly used plants are also different. However, the editor of Creative Landscape introduces the most common plants commonly used for garden hedges.

Euonymus: Euonymus is a deciduous shrub. Euonymus's branchlets are straight and slanting, and it has 2-4 corky broad wings. The young leaves of Euonymus in early spring and the leaves in autumn are purple-red, which is very beautiful. In terms of maintenance, euonymus does not require particularly meticulous care. It has strong adaptability, is drought- and barren-tolerant, and has no requirements on soil.

Begonia truncatula : It is also a deciduous shrub. In early spring, Begonia truncatula blooms before its leaves and clusters among the branches. The flowers are bright, beautiful and charming. In autumn, the fruits of Begonia truncatula will mature and emit fragrance, making it a very good hedge plant . The stemmed crabapple likes light and fertile soil with good drainage, but it is not suitable for planting in low-lying waterlogged areas.

Golden Leaf Ligustrum : In the garden of a private villa, a golden leafed Ligustrum hedge landscape is planted. From a distance, the eyes are full of gold, which is very dazzling and highly ornamental. Golden-leaf ligustrum is also very adaptable. It likes a warm and humid environment, is cold-tolerant, and has strong resistance to poisonous gases. Planting it in the garden can also purify the air.

Hibiscus : Hibiscus is also a deciduous shrub. The crown of hibiscus is oblong, flexible in texture, and leafy. Hibiscus colors include white, lavender, blue and purple, etc., with a long flowering period. If friends from Nanjing use hibiscus flowers to create a hedge landscape, they can enjoy both leaf and flower viewing, killing two birds with one stone. The habits of hibiscus are light-loving, drought-tolerant, barren-tolerant, moisture-tolerant and cold-tolerant.

Boxwood : Boxwood is evergreen all year round, with luxuriant branches and leaves, and is very ornamental. Buxus macrophylla has very strong germination and adaptability, grows relatively slowly, and is relatively cold-resistant.

Platycladus orientalis : Platycladus orientalis is an evergreen tree plant. Arborvitae has various elegant and beautiful tree shapes, can adapt to various climates, and is also resistant to barrenness and cold. If you have a high demand for garden greening, you might as well choose Platycladus arborvitae.

Boxwood : Boxwood is also a kind of evergreen shrub with dense branches and leaves. The leaves show different colors in four seasons, tender green in spring, dark green in summer and autumn, and reddish brown in winter, which are very beautiful.

Purple-leaf barberry : Purple-leaf barberry has many branches, purple-red leaves alternate, rhombus or obovate, umbel-shaped inflorescences, and yellow-white flowers. The berries are oblong in shape and turn red when ripe. Likes warm and humid environment. It is relatively cold-resistant, but avoids excessive moisture and is resistant to pruning. Suitable for large color block layout in villa gardens.

These commonly used plants for villa garden hedge landscapes have their own characteristics, and you can choose the one that suits you according to your own needs.