Nowadays, air conditioners have become an indispensable home appliance in the summer, but we often encounter various problems. How to solve them? For example, if the air conditioner indicator light does not light up, please read the instructions below. Let’s take a look. . The ai

Nowadays, air conditioners have become an indispensable home appliance in the summer, but we often encounter various problems. How to solve them, for example, what if the air conditioner indicator light does not light up? Please read the instructions below, let's work together look.

The air conditioner indicator light does not light up

According to the analysis of the phenomenon, this fault is generally caused by the inability to communicate between the indoor and outdoor units.

The main reasons and maintenance methods are as follows:

(1) Check whether the indoor and outdoor connection lines are correct according to the wiring diagram;

(2) Replace the outdoor unit electrical control board. If the fault still exists, check whether the indoor unit wiring is correct;

(3 ) Replace the indoor unit electrical control board.

If communication failure occurs due to replacement of the indoor unit (or outdoor unit) transformer, just interchange the two lines of the primary winding of the transformer.

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This machine has been inspected to have a defective indoor electromechanical control board. After replacing the electronic control board, the machine fault was eliminated. There is a reminder function, that is, when the air conditioner is not used for a long time, many users forget to unplug the socket. At this time, the light will flash to remind the user.

The wind speed of the internal unit is sometimes fast and sometimes slow, and the wind noise is loud. Why? First ask the user whether the filter has not been cleaned for a long time. If not, give the user instructions on how to clean it, because a dirty filter will affect the air intake volume and lead to uneven air speed. If it still doesn't work after cleaning, maintenance personnel need to be sent to check.

There is no response when pressing the remote control. What should I do? First check whether the air conditioner is powered on (for example, whether the running light is on). If the running light is not on, first check whether the next socket has power, or use a mobile socket to test whether the indoor unit will supply air; if the running light is on , it is recommended to replace the battery with a new one; if it still doesn't work, send maintenance personnel to your home.

Why does the newly installed machine make noise when it is turned? Because the newly installed swing shaft is too wrinkled just after use and needs a period of running-in, you can add a little lubricant to it.

The above-mentioned malfunctions about the air conditioner indicator light not lighting up are relatively professional problems. If this situation has occurred, it is best to find professional maintenance personnel to repair it. Do not rush to repair it yourself.