Most of us grow flowers as a hobby, or to adjust the rhythm of life. Growing flowers also nourishes our own temperament. Most flowers have good meanings and are non-toxic. However, some flowers are not very auspicious just by their names and are not suitable to be kept at home. O

2024/06/2913:02:32 home 1090

Most of us grow flowers out of hobbies or to adjust the rhythm of life. Growing flowers also nourishes our own temperament. Most flowers have good meanings and are non-toxic. However, some flowers are not very auspicious just by their names and are not suitable to be kept at home. Over time, it will inevitably form psychological hints and have a bad impact on yourself.

1. Biganhua

Biganhua, its flowers are as red as blood. Because when the flowers are in full bloom, there are only flowers, and when the leaves grow, there are no flowers. The flowers and leaves never meet, so it is also called hell flower . This means separation, and it likes moist places. It often grows in patches under the shade of trees or in damp places, which makes many people taboo and unwilling to raise them. In Japan and South Korea, this kind of flowery language is not very auspicious.

Most of us grow flowers as a hobby, or to adjust the rhythm of life. Growing flowers also nourishes our own temperament. Most flowers have good meanings and are non-toxic. However, some flowers are not very auspicious just by their names and are not suitable to be kept at home. O - DayDayNews

Most of us grow flowers as a hobby, or to adjust the rhythm of life. Growing flowers also nourishes our own temperament. Most flowers have good meanings and are non-toxic. However, some flowers are not very auspicious just by their names and are not suitable to be kept at home. O - DayDayNews


Wanlian actually refers to a kind of lotus. The flowers are also very beautiful, because the name of Wanlian is similar to the elegiac couplet. Many family members, especially the elderly, do not like this plant very much. If someone gives this to Most friends or relatives are considered not very emotionally intelligent and not very sensible. The bowl lotus is different from the other side flower. It likes light, and it is difficult to bloom if there is insufficient light. A good flower is defeated by a name.

Most of us grow flowers as a hobby, or to adjust the rhythm of life. Growing flowers also nourishes our own temperament. Most flowers have good meanings and are non-toxic. However, some flowers are not very auspicious just by their names and are not suitable to be kept at home. O - DayDayNews

Most of us grow flowers as a hobby, or to adjust the rhythm of life. Growing flowers also nourishes our own temperament. Most flowers have good meanings and are non-toxic. However, some flowers are not very auspicious just by their names and are not suitable to be kept at home. O - DayDayNews

3. Smiling flowers

Smiling flowers are milky white and fragrant. They are often used in gardens. However, it is relatively rare in home gardening. Like Wanlian, Hanxiao is ignored because of its name. Hanxiao is easily associated with the meaning of Hanxiao Jiuquan. Because the two words overlap and have a bad connotation, even though its flowers are fragrant and the flowers are white and elegant, few families will grow it.

Most of us grow flowers as a hobby, or to adjust the rhythm of life. Growing flowers also nourishes our own temperament. Most flowers have good meanings and are non-toxic. However, some flowers are not very auspicious just by their names and are not suitable to be kept at home. O - DayDayNews

Most of us grow flowers as a hobby, or to adjust the rhythm of life. Growing flowers also nourishes our own temperament. Most flowers have good meanings and are non-toxic. However, some flowers are not very auspicious just by their names and are not suitable to be kept at home. O - DayDayNews

4. Fusang

Fusang is a common flower plant in the south. The flowers come in many colors, are large, and bloom for a long time. But it has also been ignored by people. Like the two above, it is related to its name. Fusang and mourning have the same pronunciation. Its scientific name is hibiscus . Nowadays, there are few merchants in the flower market who call it hibiscus. They are all called hibiscus. In Guangdong, it is generally called hibiscus for more auspiciousness. The name of hibiscus is much more festive.

Most of us grow flowers as a hobby, or to adjust the rhythm of life. Growing flowers also nourishes our own temperament. Most flowers have good meanings and are non-toxic. However, some flowers are not very auspicious just by their names and are not suitable to be kept at home. O - DayDayNews

Most of us grow flowers as a hobby, or to adjust the rhythm of life. Growing flowers also nourishes our own temperament. Most flowers have good meanings and are non-toxic. However, some flowers are not very auspicious just by their names and are not suitable to be kept at home. O - DayDayNews

5. Oleander

The flowers of Oleander are very beautiful, including pink, yellow, white, etc. It is different from the above flowers. It is not because of its bad name, but because it is highly toxic. The sap and leaves are very toxic and can easily lead to death if ingested. Even if they are planted in gardens, they are planted on expressways or along rivers, in areas far away from people. It is more difficult for families to maintain this kind of plants, especially those with children.

Most of us grow flowers as a hobby, or to adjust the rhythm of life. Growing flowers also nourishes our own temperament. Most flowers have good meanings and are non-toxic. However, some flowers are not very auspicious just by their names and are not suitable to be kept at home. O - DayDayNews

Most of us grow flowers as a hobby, or to adjust the rhythm of life. Growing flowers also nourishes our own temperament. Most flowers have good meanings and are non-toxic. However, some flowers are not very auspicious just by their names and are not suitable to be kept at home. O - DayDayNews

6. Tiger thorn plum

Tiger thorn plum is raised by some families. It does not have the same pronunciation as the names above, and it does not seem to be as toxic as oleander. But don’t take it too lightly. Although it has small red flowers, luxuriant branches and leaves, it has a long flowering period. In fact, it is not only poisonous, but pay attention to its trunk, which is densely covered with small long thorns. It is easy to be stung. The white latex in its stems is irritating to human skin and mucous membranes. If eaten by mistake, it can cause nausea, vomiting, dizziness, etc. If you have children at home, try not to plant it.

Most of us grow flowers as a hobby, or to adjust the rhythm of life. Growing flowers also nourishes our own temperament. Most flowers have good meanings and are non-toxic. However, some flowers are not very auspicious just by their names and are not suitable to be kept at home. O - DayDayNews

Most of us grow flowers as a hobby, or to adjust the rhythm of life. Growing flowers also nourishes our own temperament. Most flowers have good meanings and are non-toxic. However, some flowers are not very auspicious just by their names and are not suitable to be kept at home. O - DayDayNews

In addition to the above plants with bad meanings or poisonous plants, there are also Alocasia , Datura , Poppy , etc. which are not easy to grow at home.

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