Chapter 269 "One Hundred Years of Solitude" Judging from the conditions inside the two houses, one house has been lived in and some daily necessities have been added, while the other house has been basically untouched and has remained as it was when the house was closed. The obvi

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Chapter 269

Chapter 269 " One Hundred Years of Solitude "

Judging from the conditions inside the two houses, one house has been lived in and some daily necessities have been purchased, while the other house has basically not been touched and has maintained the closing time. as is. The obvious difference lies in the two kitchens. One kitchen was equipped with a full set of cooking utensils, while the other kitchen had nothing at all, and the cupboards were empty inside and out.

Since the houses in the community are based on Spanish bungalow drawings, the rest of the room is not visible, only the kitchen has an obvious "foreign flavor".

The characteristic of Chinese buildings is that they have many cabinets, including wall cabinets , floor cabinets, wall cabinets... People store everything in cabinets. There are basically no cabinets in the kitchen of foreigners, and they may like things to be placed in front of them, so that they are more convenient to use. However, foreigners may not have many kitchen utensils in the kitchen, because their diet is relatively simple, unlike the Chinese who have to fry and fry even for breakfast.

Maybe it's because foreigners are tall. The kitchen countertop is relatively high, almost reaching a person's waist. There is also a large space below the countertop from the floor, and several doors are installed as enclosures. The door in the middle opened, and there was a drum-type washing machine inside. Because the washing machine was placed inside, there were no gaps around it. It seemed that it was uniformly configured by the developer.

After seeing this house that someone had been to, Dongmei walked through the garden to look at another room. She found that apart from the original hardcover configuration, there was almost nothing else inside. It seemed like an empty house that no one had ever visited. . In the kitchen of this apartment, she accidentally opened the door where the washing machine was placed. Because the light was not very good, she saw it was dark inside and thought it was a drum-type washing machine just like that apartment. But the moment she closed the door, she suddenly felt something was wrong, because the "washing machine" inside did not have a round glass cover to put clothes. When she pulled it up and took a closer look, it was a large iron safe. The reason why I say "big" is because it is not only taller than the average safe, but also wider. Safes of this shape are rare, and it seems that it is customized to fit this space.

Dongmei felt nervous at that time. She stood up and walked out of the kitchen. From the window, she saw Jiuzhou concentrating on pulling weeds. He grew up in the countryside, so he may have done this kind of work, so he is very skilled in his movements.

Dongmei tried her best to calm down her emotions, then walked into the kitchen, locked the door inside, pulled the door a few times, and turned the door handle a few times to see if the lock was strong...

She did this, It was to prevent Jiuzhou from coming in. She didn't know what was in the safe, and she didn't want Jiuzhou to know the secret.

After she thought everything was OK, she reopened the cabinet door, squatted down in front of the dark green safe, and took out a card from her bag.

This is a new idea safe with operating procedures written on the card. She followed the procedure and first pressed the "#" key to start the computer program and the LCD screen lit up. Then entering the password on the button, she knew that her father had said that there was only one password he used, which was her birthday date. After entering the password, she pressed the "#" key to confirm. The LCD displayed "OPEN", indicating that the password was correct and the lock was unlocked. She pulled the recessed cabinet door handle with her hand, and the door was slowly opened.

At this time, even though she was mentally prepared in advance, she was shocked by what she saw.

Like many safes, there are two levels of space inside, with a drawer at the bottom. Neatly stacked banknotes were stacked on the upper and lower floors. There were a few loose stacks, most of which were brand new and unopened. There were 10,000 yuan in a stack and 100,000 yuan in a bundle. She pulled out the upper stack and saw that it was RMB, and she pulled out the lower stack and saw that it was US dollars. Open the bottom drawer, there are a lot of gold bars inside, and a brown notebook on top.

She picked up the notebook and looked through it. It was the diary of her father Zhang Chengzhi. Although she had no time to read the content, she could feel that what was written in the diary was definitely related to the money, or to his accident.

At this time, she felt that her heart and liver were trembling, her whole body was shaking, sweating kept coming out.She didn't know how much money there was here, but she knew it was definitely a lot, because the whole safe was full, including U.S. dollars. She thought to herself that it was no wonder her father couldn't get out after he went in. It turned out that all the money was hidden here. And if people can't find the money, they won't let him go easily...

When she was thinking wildly and didn't know what to do, she heard someone talking to Jiuzhou outside. She was frightened and quickly closed the safe and the desk. Close the wooden door below, then stand up and walk out. Just as he was about to open the kitchen door , he suddenly remembered something, turned around and squatted down, opened the safe again, took out his father Zhang Chengzhi's diary, and put it in his bag.

After that, her heart was pounding. She leaned her head on the safe door and thought for a moment. Then she gritted her teeth and pulled out three bundles of RMB from the cabinet. She knew that one bundle was unopened, worth 100,000 yuan.

Then, she closed the safe and tidied up the kitchen to eliminate any trace of anyone's presence.

When she came, she made a calculation. Since her father said he would get it here if he needed money, there would definitely be money here, so she prepared a bag in advance. She put the money in her bag, looked in the bathroom mirror to see if there was anything unusual on her face, and then walked out of the room calmly with her bag.

After coming out, she saw a man in a suit in the garden, pulling weeds with Jiuzhou. It turned out that Jiuzhou was pulling weeds in the garden, and was discovered by the community management through the camera, and an employee was immediately sent to help. According to the property. They were supposed to clear the garden of weeds, but they couldn't get in because they didn't have the key to the house.

When he came back, Jiuzhou didn't mind that Dongmei had an extra bag in her hand, thinking that she had taken some things she needed from her house. But I found that her mood was not high, her face was not good, and she became silent, so I asked her what was wrong.

Dongmei said it was okay, but she was a little sleepy after getting up too early.

Jiuzhou said that he should go to the back seat and take a nap. After saying that, he stopped the car and asked her to lie down in the back seat. He also found a piece of clothing that she would wear when driving at night and put it on her body.

Dongmei lay on the back seat, leaning on the bag containing money, and fell asleep in a daze. After a while, she had a dream. She dreamed that her father, Zhang Chengzhi, came to her and said that the money was reserved for you. Come and get it if you need it. She asked why don't you deposit the money? How convenient would it be to give me a card? He said that now all deposits are made under real-name systems, and at any rate, they will be found out once checked. She felt very scared and asked what she would do if someone found out that there was so much cash in the future. He said that he was also in trouble, otherwise you should handle it. She asked what to do? He thought for a while and said: Just find a pressure cooker, boil the money, turn it into pulp, pour it into the toilet, and flush it away with water.

She felt that what he said was reasonable, so she found a pressure cooker, went to the house, filled it with money and water, and then used gas to cook it together. While they were cooking, there was a sudden loud noise. She ran over to take a look and saw that the pressure cooker burst open, and the money and paper pulp inside collapsed all over the wall...

Dongmei was frightened and woke up, and she was at a loss what to do. Yelling, Jiuzhou was startled and quickly stopped the car, but the back seat picked her up and asked what happened?

She opened her eyes and looked at him blankly, and asked: "Where are we?"

"Didn't we go to Beidaihe ?"

Dongmei finally regained her composure, and she still had lingering fears when she thought of the dream just now. , fell into his arms and cried sadly.

Jiuzhou hugged her and sighed and said, "Maybe your house has been unoccupied for a long time, and you bumped into something dirty inside. According to our rural saying, a house must be inhabited by people, and if it is not inhabited by people, other things must be inhabited." "Go in."

Dongmei felt frightened after hearing this, and shook his arm to stop him from talking...

There is a sentence in "One Hundred Years of Solitude": All the brilliance and splendor in life will be repaid with loneliness.

Now Dongmei has exactly this feeling in her heart. She was once proud and inspired by her father, and was envied and praised by others, but now she is left with endless loneliness and sadness.She still doesn't understand her father. Since you have chosen a glorious path, why do you do those disgraceful things? If I had known this, why did I do it in the first place? At this moment, she felt that she was really miserable, simply miserable. She felt that life was really difficult, really difficult, very difficult...

(To be continued)

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