Text | Slow Chronicle Hardcore Editor | Slow Chronicle Hardcore says that Chinese toilets are round, but why are American toilets U-shaped? Many Chinese people in the United States were confused when they saw their toilets in the United States. Americans "like to be unique" and h

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Text | Slow Chronicle Hardcore Editor | Slow Chronicle Hardcore says that Chinese toilets are round, but why are American toilets U-shaped? Many Chinese people in the United States were confused when they saw their toilets in the United States. Americans

text | Slow and hard core says

edit | Slow and hard core says

Chinese toilets are round, American toilets Why is a U-shaped version of ?

Many Chinese were confused when they saw their toilets in the United States. Americans "like uniqueness" . There was a gap in the front of the toilet seat. All of a sudden, they were like other countries. no the same.

Text | Slow Chronicle Hardcore Editor | Slow Chronicle Hardcore says that Chinese toilets are round, but why are American toilets U-shaped? Many Chinese people in the United States were confused when they saw their toilets in the United States. Americans

Some people guess that this design is for some convenience , and some people think that this is purely a useless "innovation" of the old beauty of .

This kind of toilet, which is completely opposite to China, is installed in the United States in both male and female toilets . It seems that is not a gender bonus . It seems that is "short of weight" U-shaped toilet. Why on earth was produced Woolen cloth?

Text | Slow Chronicle Hardcore Editor | Slow Chronicle Hardcore says that Chinese toilets are round, but why are American toilets U-shaped? Many Chinese people in the United States were confused when they saw their toilets in the United States. Americans

01 America's unique U-shaped toilet

toilet is a daily necessities that solves people's physiological excretion needs . Most people have formed a consensus about its shape .

That is Most toilet mouths are round .

includes toilet seats and toilet lids. The shape such as

Text | Slow Chronicle Hardcore Editor | Slow Chronicle Hardcore says that Chinese toilets are round, but why are American toilets U-shaped? Many Chinese people in the United States were confused when they saw their toilets in the United States. Americans

seems to have become the logo of the toilet.

The bathrooms in some public places will have our common round toilets, and the toilets installed by many people in their homes are also of this type.

However, in many other places in the world, the toilet will be somewhat different from the design of .

Text | Slow Chronicle Hardcore Editor | Slow Chronicle Hardcore says that Chinese toilets are round, but why are American toilets U-shaped? Many Chinese people in the United States were confused when they saw their toilets in the United States. Americans

In the United States, many overseas Chinese will be surprised when they go to the toilet there for the first time.

Because they will find that there will be a gap in the front end of on the toilet in the United States.

is also . Every toilet is like , it is not an isolated phenomenon.

Text | Slow Chronicle Hardcore Editor | Slow Chronicle Hardcore says that Chinese toilets are round, but why are American toilets U-shaped? Many Chinese people in the United States were confused when they saw their toilets in the United States. Americans

The location where appears is sometimes different from to .

Most of the time in , the gap in the American toilet is on the toilet seat part.

However, and very few s will have a piece of missing from the front of the entire toilet's .

Text | Slow Chronicle Hardcore Editor | Slow Chronicle Hardcore says that Chinese toilets are round, but why are American toilets U-shaped? Many Chinese people in the United States were confused when they saw their toilets in the United States. Americans

No matter what kind of gap design, American toilets look like showing a "U" shape from the outside.

Many people can't understand this . Aren't toilets around the world supposed to be the same ?

Text | Slow Chronicle Hardcore Editor | Slow Chronicle Hardcore says that Chinese toilets are round, but why are American toilets U-shaped? Many Chinese people in the United States were confused when they saw their toilets in the United States. Americans

As a , it is not something developed in China. The design of the toilet is . Many Chinese people think that should be exactly the same as foreign .

But I didn’t expect that , a small toilet , would actually create the “uniqueness” of countries .

Text | Slow Chronicle Hardcore Editor | Slow Chronicle Hardcore says that Chinese toilets are round, but why are American toilets U-shaped? Many Chinese people in the United States were confused when they saw their toilets in the United States. Americans

What is ? What makes so different from the American toilet ? ?

In fact, many people don't know that the emergence of , a U-shaped toilet, , , is not the new .

02 U-shaped toilet has an early prototype

toilet is different from China's squat toilet. Since was introduced into our country, toilet has often been controversial. .

Text | Slow Chronicle Hardcore Editor | Slow Chronicle Hardcore says that Chinese toilets are round, but why are American toilets U-shaped? Many Chinese people in the United States were confused when they saw their toilets in the United States. Americans

The toilet habit in my country is generally squatting, while in foreign countries, it is sitting, and the skin will be in contact with the toilet.

When more people use a toilet, there are more bacteria going back and forth, making it easier to harm the human body.

Many Chinese people cannot understand . How come foreigners are so "stupid" about ? doesn’t learn from us, but instead, is at odds with the toilet?

Text | Slow Chronicle Hardcore Editor | Slow Chronicle Hardcore says that Chinese toilets are round, but why are American toilets U-shaped? Many Chinese people in the United States were confused when they saw their toilets in the United States. Americans

But this is actually related to the custom of foreign since ancient times .

Before the Middle Ages , Western most parts of Europe and the United States used to sit down to go to the toilet .

At that time, people generally only had "public toilets", and rarely had private toilets.

Text | Slow Chronicle Hardcore Editor | Slow Chronicle Hardcore says that Chinese toilets are round, but why are American toilets U-shaped? Many Chinese people in the United States were confused when they saw their toilets in the United States. Americans

Their toilet is equivalent to a row of seats with several pits in a row, and people sit on the pits to complete daily "big things".

There will be a water channel under this public marble seat , and the dirt will flow out along the channel.

It can be seen from some records that the appearance of these seats is similar to the U-shaped toilets in the United States today.

Text | Slow Chronicle Hardcore Editor | Slow Chronicle Hardcore says that Chinese toilets are round, but why are American toilets U-shaped? Many Chinese people in the United States were confused when they saw their toilets in the United States. Americans

all have on the front and some notch .

Many people speculate that the design inspiration of the current U-shaped toilet in the United States may have some inspiring connection with the ancient development history of the previous toilet .

Text | Slow Chronicle Hardcore Editor | Slow Chronicle Hardcore says that Chinese toilets are round, but why are American toilets U-shaped? Many Chinese people in the United States were confused when they saw their toilets in the United States. Americans

However, these ancient public toilets were popular during the Roman Empire period.

After the time of , , the governance and development of Western countries has obviously not been well maintained.

In the medieval period , many Western European countries did not have a good way to deal with going to the toilet.

Text | Slow Chronicle Hardcore Editor | Slow Chronicle Hardcore says that Chinese toilets are round, but why are American toilets U-shaped? Many Chinese people in the United States were confused when they saw their toilets in the United States. Americans

At that time, class divisions were serious. Many ordinary people were not as good as the upper-class nobles. They had better living conditions, and at the same time, they did not receive a good education.

Many poor people at the bottom will people's excrement be poured directly out of the window for the sake of convenience.

Text | Slow Chronicle Hardcore Editor | Slow Chronicle Hardcore says that Chinese toilets are round, but why are American toilets U-shaped? Many Chinese people in the United States were confused when they saw their toilets in the United States. Americans

This can harm innocent people passing by, and also affects the appearance of the city.

Since human excrement is not well centralized and processed , feces and other things are piled up on the streets , and the stench is overwhelming.

If things go on like this, at that time many people went out and , and they had to and be careful if they were near their residence.

Text | Slow Chronicle Hardcore Editor | Slow Chronicle Hardcore says that Chinese toilets are round, but why are American toilets U-shaped? Many Chinese people in the United States were confused when they saw their toilets in the United States. Americans

Otherwise, if is not careful, may be sprinkled with a bucket of "irritating substances" falling from the sky.

later even developed into: government administrators were required to specifically issue relevant regulations, strictly prohibiting everyone from dumping excrement out of the window at will, prohibiting "throwing feces from high altitudes" .

Text | Slow Chronicle Hardcore Editor | Slow Chronicle Hardcore says that Chinese toilets are round, but why are American toilets U-shaped? Many Chinese people in the United States were confused when they saw their toilets in the United States. Americans

But only verbally bans . It is definitely because cannot solve the problem of . After all, the fundamental reason is that the hardware facilities cannot keep up.

After this, the messy phenomenon of and in Western countries still cannot be contained.

Text | Slow Chronicle Hardcore Editor | Slow Chronicle Hardcore says that Chinese toilets are round, but why are American toilets U-shaped? Many Chinese people in the United States were confused when they saw their toilets in the United States. Americans

In the end, the government really couldn't control , and simply changed the ban to: is allowed to be thrown, but before throwing it, must shout three times , downstairs to make people pay attention and avoid it.

, this is equivalent to . The administrator also runs on the same line as the bottom person station .

Text | Slow Chronicle Hardcore Editor | Slow Chronicle Hardcore says that Chinese toilets are round, but why are American toilets U-shaped? Many Chinese people in the United States were confused when they saw their toilets in the United States. Americans

And this phenomenon was particularly serious in France. It is said that France's famous perfume and high heels also came from this.

It may be The stench and feces in the streets are too difficult to live in. Finally, some people in Western countries can no longer stand .

In 1596, an English knight invented the toilet.

Text | Slow Chronicle Hardcore Editor | Slow Chronicle Hardcore says that Chinese toilets are round, but why are American toilets U-shaped? Many Chinese people in the United States were confused when they saw their toilets in the United States. Americans

This kind of toilet is somewhat different from the one in the Roman Empire. The toilet is no longer a public toilet, connected in a row, but a flush toilet used by a single person.

The toilet at this time is very similar to modern toilet design .

Text | Slow Chronicle Hardcore Editor | Slow Chronicle Hardcore says that Chinese toilets are round, but why are American toilets U-shaped? Many Chinese people in the United States were confused when they saw their toilets in the United States. Americans

is just that is very crude and has many usage defects.

The most outstanding thing is that the water pressure of this kind of flushing toilet is small, the noise is high, and the subsequent treatment of excrement is not taken into consideration. As a result, there is often a strong fecal odor that permeates the house.

Text | Slow Chronicle Hardcore Editor | Slow Chronicle Hardcore says that Chinese toilets are round, but why are American toilets U-shaped? Many Chinese people in the United States were confused when they saw their toilets in the United States. Americans

Regarding the current complex toilet design and structure, the toilet invented by this knight is obviously just a "conceptual test product" .

And the shape of this "test product" is actually the round toilet shape that we Asians are used to, and it is not U-shaped.

Taking into account the shortcomings of this toilet , someone soon started to transform it based on .

Text | Slow Chronicle Hardcore Editor | Slow Chronicle Hardcore says that Chinese toilets are round, but why are American toilets U-shaped? Many Chinese people in the United States were confused when they saw their toilets in the United States. Americans

In the 18th century, another British inventor, Joseph Brame, "optimized" the previous toilet and finally formed a flush toilet.

flush toilet began to be vigorously promoted, and continued to be popular in various Western countries.

Text | Slow Chronicle Hardcore Editor | Slow Chronicle Hardcore says that Chinese toilets are round, but why are American toilets U-shaped? Many Chinese people in the United States were confused when they saw their toilets in the United States. Americans

Although the toilet went through a lot of modifications in and later, they were all about the same. It was just a supplementary adjustment of to . The shape of the toilet was basically determined.

However, by in the mid-20th century, the United States suddenly issued related regulations and made some changes to the toilet design .

Text | Slow Chronicle Hardcore Editor | Slow Chronicle Hardcore says that Chinese toilets are round, but why are American toilets U-shaped? Many Chinese people in the United States were confused when they saw their toilets in the United States. Americans

They specified that the toilet seat on the toilet needs to adopt the U-shaped mouth design .

At the same time, it also stipulates some requirements for toilet seat material . The toilet seat must be skin-friendly and comfortable.

It can be seen that the -related rectification of the toilet seat in the United States is most likely to make it more comfortable when used.

Text | Slow Chronicle Hardcore Editor | Slow Chronicle Hardcore says that Chinese toilets are round, but why are American toilets U-shaped? Many Chinese people in the United States were confused when they saw their toilets in the United States. Americans

Since then, American toilets have begun to have great changes in seat cushion design.

U-shaped seat toilet gradually dominates the American market .

Text | Slow Chronicle Hardcore Editor | Slow Chronicle Hardcore says that Chinese toilets are round, but why are American toilets U-shaped? Many Chinese people in the United States were confused when they saw their toilets in the United States. Americans

Many people in the United States have shown high adaptability to this kind of toilet, , but many Asians who go to travel or study abroad may not feel it.

After experiencing the American toilet in , many Asians feel that is not as strange as , and it is not even easy to use.

Text | Slow Chronicle Hardcore Editor | Slow Chronicle Hardcore says that Chinese toilets are round, but why are American toilets U-shaped? Many Chinese people in the United States were confused when they saw their toilets in the United States. Americans

Could it be said that the American toilet is only designed for Americans ? Why is designed as U-shaped ?

03 Opening a "back door" for American characteristics

In fact, U-shaped toilet seats are more often more convenient for Americans .

For example, at the beginning of , when toilets were used in Western countries, they were for men and women. had the same toilet design .

Text | Slow Chronicle Hardcore Editor | Slow Chronicle Hardcore says that Chinese toilets are round, but why are American toilets U-shaped? Many Chinese people in the United States were confused when they saw their toilets in the United States. Americans

This means that there is no difference in size when men go to the toilet . All use round toilets .

However, men and women have different physiological structures . Many times, men tend to soil the toilet seat when they go to the small toilet.

Text | Slow Chronicle Hardcore Editor | Slow Chronicle Hardcore says that Chinese toilets are round, but why are American toilets U-shaped? Many Chinese people in the United States were confused when they saw their toilets in the United States. Americans

It is naturally very unhygienic when someone goes to the large toilet . If someone needs to take special care of the public toilet, it will be very difficult to clean it up in time.

Text | Slow Chronicle Hardcore Editor | Slow Chronicle Hardcore says that Chinese toilets are round, but why are American toilets U-shaped? Many Chinese people in the United States were confused when they saw their toilets in the United States. Americans

At that time, there was no dedicated male urinal, and Western countries did not have a squatting design like our country, so it became very inconvenient for men to go to the toilet.

Text | Slow Chronicle Hardcore Editor | Slow Chronicle Hardcore says that Chinese toilets are round, but why are American toilets U-shaped? Many Chinese people in the United States were confused when they saw their toilets in the United States. Americans

But the U-shaped ring is different, because the seat is missing a hole at the front end of the seat. Even if there is excrement staining the bottom toilet, subsequent people can still sit on the raised toilet seat. Move on to “life events.”

Text | Slow Chronicle Hardcore Editor | Slow Chronicle Hardcore says that Chinese toilets are round, but why are American toilets U-shaped? Many Chinese people in the United States were confused when they saw their toilets in the United States. Americans

Although urinals were later born , it is obvious that the United States still chose to retain the U-shaped ring design with .

in our country is squat toilet, circular toilet, urinal and other forms multi-pronged approach.

However, many people have seen various news about Europeans and Americans cannot " Asian squatting " . I am afraid it is not feasible to want them to adapt to squatting .

Text | Slow Chronicle Hardcore Editor | Slow Chronicle Hardcore says that Chinese toilets are round, but why are American toilets U-shaped? Many Chinese people in the United States were confused when they saw their toilets in the United States. Americans

In fact, the United States does not only consider men when it comes to using U-type toilets.

When women go to the toilet , the U-shaped toilet can make it easier for them to clean from the front.

Text | Slow Chronicle Hardcore Editor | Slow Chronicle Hardcore says that Chinese toilets are round, but why are American toilets U-shaped? Many Chinese people in the United States were confused when they saw their toilets in the United States. Americans

Due to different physiological structures, women can only urinate while sitting. The common round toilet is somewhat inconvenient for women.

In addition, the advantages of U-shaped toilets are also reflected in some of the physical characteristics of Americans.

Text | Slow Chronicle Hardcore Editor | Slow Chronicle Hardcore says that Chinese toilets are round, but why are American toilets U-shaped? Many Chinese people in the United States were confused when they saw their toilets in the United States. Americans

In the United States, many people are overweight, and obese people also account for a high proportion.

When using a round toilet, the round seat is closed, plus water pressure can easily form a reverse suction air pressure space.

Text | Slow Chronicle Hardcore Editor | Slow Chronicle Hardcore says that Chinese toilets are round, but why are American toilets U-shaped? Many Chinese people in the United States were confused when they saw their toilets in the United States. Americans

There have been many cases where the buttocks got stuck on the toilet mouth when they used too much force or took too long to go to the toilet.

For many overweight or obese people , this is undoubtedly a huge burden Text | Slow Chronicle Hardcore Editor | Slow Chronicle Hardcore says that Chinese toilets are round, but why are American toilets U-shaped? Many Chinese people in the United States were confused when they saw their toilets in the United States. Americans .

Text | Slow Chronicle Hardcore Editor | Slow Chronicle Hardcore says that Chinese toilets are round, but why are American toilets U-shaped? Many Chinese people in the United States were confused when they saw their toilets in the United States. Americans

The design of U-shaped toilet can effectively avoid this. Although odor is easily diffused out, this sacrifice is nothing compared with ensuring the safety of going to the toilet.

Speaking of this, I have to mention the squat toilet invented in our country. It is really convenient, clean, and practical .

Text | Slow Chronicle Hardcore Editor | Slow Chronicle Hardcore says that Chinese toilets are round, but why are American toilets U-shaped? Many Chinese people in the United States were confused when they saw their toilets in the United States. Americans

Presumably the reason why round toilets are not popular in my country and does not need to be modified is probably because of the existence of , which is a better alternative to , such as squat toilet .

Especially in public places , squatting in the toilet can solve the huge hidden health hazards .

Text | Slow Chronicle Hardcore Editor | Slow Chronicle Hardcore says that Chinese toilets are round, but why are American toilets U-shaped? Many Chinese people in the United States were confused when they saw their toilets in the United States. Americans

When many people decorate their own private houses, they often build an extra squat toilet for convenience in different scenarios.

04 Summary

Toilet is now a toilet tool that most countries around the world will use.

Text | Slow Chronicle Hardcore Editor | Slow Chronicle Hardcore says that Chinese toilets are round, but why are American toilets U-shaped? Many Chinese people in the United States were confused when they saw their toilets in the United States. Americans

Regardless of round toilet or U-shaped toilet , in the final analysis, they are all changes made to conform to the human structure and usage habits of a certain region.

Text | Slow Chronicle Hardcore Editor | Slow Chronicle Hardcore says that Chinese toilets are round, but why are American toilets U-shaped? Many Chinese people in the United States were confused when they saw their toilets in the United States. Americans

However, no matter how good U-type toilets are in the United States, most Asians still prefer squat toilets this more hygienic toilet tool.

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