This was the scene when Feng Faction warlord Zhang Zuolin ignored all diplomatic conventions and international public laws and suddenly attacked the Soviet Embassy. His criminal purpose was to arrest Comrade Li Dazhao who lived here and strangle the northern revolution.

In the early morning of April 6, 1927, sharp gunshots suddenly rang out in the quiet Soviet Embassy in Dongjiaomin Lane, Beijing. Then, amid the chaos and noise, a rough roar came: "Don't let anyone go!" This is Feng Faction warlord Zhang Zuolin ignored all diplomatic conventions and international law and suddenly attacked the Soviet Embassy. His criminal purpose was to arrest Comrade Li Dazhao who lived here and strangle the northern revolution.

The famous Communist Party leader Li Dazhao fell into the clutches of the enemy.

In prison, in front of the enemy, Li Dazhao was unyielding and upright, showing extremely noble revolutionary integrity. As Comrade Chen Yi later said in a recall article, Dazhao was "tireless in learning, tireless in teaching, a revolutionary pioneer, and never dishonored in important matters."

The brutal enemies tortured Li Dazhao, driving bamboo sticks into the gaps between his nails, and finally peeled off the nails on his hands. But he did not make a "confession" that was detrimental to the party's honor and the interests of the revolution. According to the later recollection of the jailer at the time: "The execution officials were ordered by the superiors to use various methods to 'induced' Mr. to confess the deeds of his comrades. In the end, Mr. never said anything, only that I, Li Dazhao, was a member of the Communist Party and the traces of other comrades. "The enemy also organized court trials many times in an attempt to suppress and humiliate Li Dazhao mentally. However, Li Dazhao stood tall and solemn with a cold eyebrow. The records of some bourgeois newspapers and people at that time also have to admit: "When Li Dazhao was tried, his attitude was extremely calm and not panicked." "Wearing a gray cotton robe and a green cloth jacket, he looked like a leader of the Communist Party." " He claims to have always believed in communism, and his eloquent talk is worthy of his true nature as a revolutionary. "The enemy failed to intimidate, and then used inducements. Zhang Zuolin's chief of staff, the famous "Little Zhuge" Yang Yuting, personally took action to establish a relationship with Li Dazhao, a fellow villager, and bribed him with high-ranking officials and generous salaries. Li Dazhao replied generously: "When a man is born in the world, he would rather use coarse cloth to keep out the cold, eat as meat at night, and use it as a carriage when walking." Even if his head is bleeding, he must maintain the integrity of the nation; he must not do it for the sake of fine clothing and food. Go beg for scraps from the traitorous warlords and become a shameless accomplice and slave!" Yang Yuting left in embarrassment.

During the interrogation, Li Dazhao also insisted on personally reviewing and revising his "confession". Because most of the "confession" recorded by the enemy when interrogating him was inconsistent with his original intention, and he had to prevent his words from being distorted and tampered by the enemy. In his "confession", he assumed all responsibilities and tried his best to protect the young comrades who were arrested together. He also used his public identity in the Kuomintang to cleverly conceal the party's secrets.

On April 28, 1927, the evil Feng clique warlord carried out a vicious attack and strangled twenty revolutionaries including Li Dazhao. Li Dazhao was the first to step onto the execution platform. Under the gallows, he was calm, calm, and without changing his expression, and made his last brief but passionate speech. He said: "Just because you hang me, you cannot hang the great communism! We have cultivated many comrades, like the seeds of red flowers, sown everywhere! We firmly believe that communism will inevitably grow in the world and in China." To get a glorious victory

Reference from:

"Memories of Li Dazhao", People's Publishing House

"The Biography of Li Dazhao", People's Publishing House