It is worth mentioning that Wang Dongxing not only gained the full trust and respect of Chairman Mao when he was young, but also later became the Vice Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and was deeply admired and loved by the masses.

As we all know, Chairman Mao has never lacked capable people with lofty ideals. Today I want to focus on a Jiangxi general named Wang Dongxing. This person is very unusual.

He often accompanied Chairman Mao in the party organization where all the elites gathered, and protected Chairman Mao for 30 years. He not only carefully protected Chairman Mao's personal safety, but also often solved Chairman Mao's problems and handled many important affairs.

It is worth mentioning that Wang Dongxing not only gained the full trust and respect of Chairman Mao when he was young, but also later became the Vice Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and was deeply admired and loved by the masses. His life can be summarized in three words "all-round", namely "all-round, all-out, and all-in".

"All-round elite" Wang Dongxing

Wang Dongxing is an all-rounder. He was born in 1916 and joined the Communist Youth League as secretary when he was a teenager.

After joining the Communist Party of China at the age of 15, Wang Dongxing participated in revolution and counter-encirclement and suppression campaigns, went through the Long March, fought guerrillas, and organized countless political activities to promote advanced ideas.

He has experienced all the positions he is capable of, and he does the work quickly and beautifully.

Such an experienced and young and promising warrior not only maximized his advantages in the subsequent war, he also continued to learn during the struggle and maximized his skill value again - During the Anti-Japanese War, Wang Dongxing He successively served as the deputy director of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region Hospital, the deputy director of the Eighth Route Army Military Hospital, and the political commissar of Bethune International Peace Hospital to improve his experience and knowledge in medical treatment.

During the War of Liberation, Wang Dongxing officially entered the Guard Hall and used his talents and skills to be responsible for the security and daily life services of important leaders.

In 1947, Wang Dongxing officially became Chairman Mao's director of the Security Department. Chairman Mao was very satisfied when he saw that he was alert and courageous. On one occasion, Wang Dongxing was appointed by Chairman Mao to lead a company to garrison the Wangjiawan to distract the enemy.

Faced with this somewhat risky task, Wang Dongxing said with confidence: We don’t need a company, just one reinforced platoon is enough!

In the end, he not only completed the task well and greatly interfered with the enemy's army, but also helped the people harvest wheat along the way. It has to be said that if it were not for the "all-round elite", it would not be possible to be so outstanding.

Serving the Party and the People Wholeheartedly

For Wang Dongxing, being able to contribute by Chairman Mao's side is a supreme honor, and it is also a rare opportunity to learn. During this period, he deeply realized what dedication is and what greatness is, and his patriotism and love for the people surged again and again.

In 1966, the "Gang of Four" rebelled, and Wang Dongxing was severely persecuted. However, he still used great perseverance and loyalty to secretly protect the safety of important leaders and made great contributions to the later eradication of the rebel gang.

After the death of Chairman Mao, Wang Dongxing successively served as Party Secretary, Vice President of the Party School, and Vice Chairman of the Central Committee. With the important policy of "rectifying chaos", he actively restored production and life in all walks of life across the country.

In 1980, 64-year-old Wang Dongxing took the initiative to submit his resignation and resigned from all positions. He said that he was old and had done all he could do, so he could no longer occupy a seat and should leave the opportunity to the new generation. His attitude of not being greedy for credit and not being arrogant won unanimous praise from everyone.

After retirement, Wang Dongxing's life was very simple. He only cared about three things: the country, the people, and Chairman Mao. Wang Dongxing's room hangs two calligraphy and paintings given to him by Chairman Mao all year round. Every time it is Chairman Mao's birthday, he will make a bowl of longevity noodles for the whole family.

On weekdays, Wang Dongxing refuses all kinds of interviews and visits, but when the folks come to visit him for business, he will definitely receive them seriously. He always immersed himself in reading books and newspapers. Whenever he saw new developments and achievements in the country, he would smile and feel refreshed all day long.

In addition, Wang Dongxing attaches great importance to the work of historiography. Whenever a new manuscript comes out, he must put on his glasses and proofread it carefully, striving for accuracy and perfection.

In 2015, Wang Dongxing died of illness at the age of 100. He dedicated himself to the country and finally achieved what can be called a perfect life.