In recent years, the cases of historical villains have been reversed, and positive figures have been smeared repeatedly. Recently, I actually saw someone saying that Wen Tianxiang was loyal to the feudal dynasty of the Song Dynasty, so he was foolishly loyal.

has overturned the verdict of historical villains in recent years, and has repeatedly smeared positive figures. Recently, I saw someone saying that Wen Tianxiang was loyal to the Song Dynasty feudal dynasty, so he was foolishly loyal. This eye-catching statement was not worth refuting at first, but the number of reads of the article reached 100,000. In order to clear up Wen Tianxiang's grievances, I had to explain what Wen Tianxiang was loyal to.

The Yuan Dynasty government persuaded Wen Tianxiang to surrender six times.

The person who first persuaded Wen Tianxiang to surrender was Liumengyan, who was originally the prime minister of the Southern Song Dynasty. After he was demoted to the Yuan Dynasty, he was entrusted with important responsibilities and finally became the prime minister. Kublai Khan sent him here simply because he wanted to tell Wen Tianxiang, you see the coward surrendering and I treat him as a guest of honor, please be wise and surrender quickly.

As a result, Liu Mengyan was so refuted by Wen Tianxiang that he hid his face and never dared to see him again.

is second, Zhao Xian, Song Gongdi . After Liu Mengyan failed to persuade him to surrender, Kublai Khan realized that Wen Tianxiang was different from those Song ministers who surrendered, so he immediately changed his strategy. I asked you, the emperor of the Southern Song Dynasty, to persuade you to surrender. You have nothing to say. I will give you a step. You also give me some face.

As a result, Zhao Xian's original Song Dynasty Emperor did not work.

The third and fourth places are Ahema, and Polo. These two were important ministers of the Yuan Dynasty, so I won’t go into details about what they did. After experiencing Zhao Xian's failure, Kublai Khan knew that the superficial approach was useless to Wen Tianxiang, but he was ready to reason again, so he sent these two men one after another to persuade Wen Tianxiang to surrender. Needless to say, the process was nothing more than becoming a king. Debates such as defeating the invaders and being loyal to the emperor and loving the people.

As a result, both Ahema and Polo lost.

When we got here, it obviously showed that Wen Tianxiang did not take soft things, and Kublai Khan was ready to do something hard. He directly found Wen Tianxiang's two concubines and two daughters. At that time, they were all slaves in Yuangong, hoping to use family affection To impress Wen Tianxiang, it is true that he wants to die, but he must consider his family no matter what.

The result is still useless, Wen Tianxiang refuses to take hard or soft advice!

At this point, Wen Tianxiang refused to surrender five times, and Kublai Khan was really at his wits' end. So Kublai Khan himself came on stage.

results, even Kublai Khan can’t do it!

Six times of persuasion to surrender correspond to reality, imperial power, orthodoxy, family affection and power. Did Wen Tianxiang surrender? No, this shows that he is loyal to other things. So what is he loyal to?

He is loyal to the nation! It is ideal! It's faith! It's the awe-inspiring righteousness in his chest that can defeat seven with one!

Is Wen Tianxiang really "foolishly loyal"? Everyone is warmly welcome to speak freely, express their opinions, discuss and exchange...