The Yunnan Provincial Party Committee was established to enhance intra-party unity. Comrade Chen Geng spoke at the welcome meeting. He said: The liberation of Yunnan was due to the wise leadership of the Communist Party of China, the Central People's Government and Chairman Mao,

The Yunnan Provincial Party Committee was established to enhance unity within the party

After all the preparatory work was generally completed, we entered Yunnan on February 14, and passed the already liberated Luoping, Shizong, Luliang, and Yiliang on the 20th. When we arrived in Kunming, the masses welcomed and expressed their condolences along the way, and the mood was very warm. On the day

entered Kunming, 150,000 people were welcomed. A welcome meeting was held on the 22nd, with more than 100,000 people present, which fully demonstrated the love of the broad masses for our party and army. Comrade Chen Geng spoke at the welcome meeting. He said: The liberation of Yunnan was due to the wise leadership of the Communist Party of China, the Central People's Government and Chairman Mao, the great victory of the People's Liberation Army across the country, the people's revolution led by the Yunnan people and the Yunnan Local Party of the Communist Party of China. The long-term armed struggle and the uprising of General Lu Han and his subordinates led to today's victory. Today we celebrate the liberation of the people of Yunnan and pay tribute to the Communist Party of China, the Central People's Government and Chairman Mao! Salute to Commander-in-Chief Zhu and the People’s Liberation Army! Pay tribute to the hard-working Yunnan local party and the Yunnan-Guangxi-Guizhou border column! Salute to General Lu Han and all the patriotic officers and soldiers of the uprising! Finally, he said that we must defend the southwestern border of the motherland, defend the fruits of the people's revolutionary victory, and build a new Yunnan with all the people of Yunnan.

On February 24, a meeting of cadres at prefectural, division and above levels was held throughout the province, announcing the formal establishment of the Yunnan Provincial Committee. Approved by the Southwest Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, the Yunnan Provincial Committee consists of 9 members. I serve as the first secretary and Chen Geng serves as the second secretary. , the other seven committee members are Zhou Baozhong, Li Ming (Lin Liming), Zheng Burke, Liu Linyuan (an underground party member who joined the party during the Great Revolution, chairman of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions), Guo Tianmin, Zhuang Tian (commander of the Yunnan-Guangxi-Guizhou Border Column, member of the Standing Committee of the Border Region Party Committee), Niu Shucai (Comrade Shucai was working in southern Anhui at that time, but because Rao Shushi refused to let him go, he did not take up his post). At the same time, the party committee of the Yunnan-Guangxi-Guizhou Border Region was announced to have ended. Prior to this, the Party Committee of the Border Region specially issued the "Reunion Instructions", calling for "learning from the valuable experience of cadres who went south, understanding and mastering of policies, purity and magnanimity of ideological style, and standardization of various systems to make up for their own shortcomings and transform and improve yourself”. "Every possible effort should be made to mobilize all human, financial and material resources to help and cooperate with the army, so that wherever the army passes, everyone can understand the situation and receive provide the army with the convenience of marching and fighting." He also stated that when arranging positions, cadres in the border "can serve as deputy positions."

When I met with Comrade Zheng Burke in Panxian County, Guizhou Province in January, Comrade Burke expressed a warm welcome to the troops and cadres going south on behalf of the local party, and said that he would cooperate fully with comrades going south and do his best to do a good job in internal meetings and various tasks. . The Yunnan-Guangxi-Guizhou Border Column and the local party, which fought hard and made important contributions to the liberation of Yunnan, showed strict self-discipline and a high-level attitude of taking the overall situation into consideration on the issue of the alliance, which greatly educated the comrades who went south and taught the troops and cadres who went south. is important support. In the future work, we cooperated very well with the comrades of the former underground party and the former frontier censors.

On April 4th, a meeting of more than 2,000 party members and cadres from all walks of life was held. At these two meetings, Comrades Chen Geng, myself, Zhou Baozhong, Li Ming, Zheng Burke, Zhuang Tian, ​​and Liu Linyuan all spoke. The meeting believed that the tasks we face are very arduous and complex. At present, we must focus on united front work and first improve the unity within the party and the unity of external cadres and local cadres. It was emphasized that foreign cadres and local cadres should help each other, learn from each other's strengths with an open mind, and strive to overcome their own shortcomings. The meeting also pointed out that the financial situation is severe and ethnic issues are complex.

requires everyone to unify their thoughts on the basis of Mao Zedong Thought, conscientiously implement a series of instructions from the Central Committee, and under the leadership of the Provincial Party Committee, overcome difficulties, work hard, and contribute to defending the border and building Yunnan. Since everyone has a high degree of faith in the Party Central Committee and Chairman Mao, leading cadres from all walks of life have kept a clear mind and achieved ideological unity. Through everyone's joint efforts, Yunnan's internal reunion has been relatively successful.